John Newton and Jo Hunt
The changes brought about by the new professional contract (1990) and the NHS reforms of 1991 are creating larger general practices which increasingly are seen as ‐ and see…
The changes brought about by the new professional contract (1990) and the NHS reforms of 1991 are creating larger general practices which increasingly are seen as ‐ and see themselves as ‐ small businesses. As such the performance of practices will depend in part on their being able to manage employment relations effectively. Explores the nature of the employment relationship in general practice and reports the findings of a national survey of staff management procedures. While size is shown to have an important influence on structural arrangements, concludes that the future pattern of employment relations will crucially depend on the development of the management role in general practice and its articulation with established interests inside and outside the practices.
Raja Masadeh, Nesreen Alsharman, Ahmad Sharieh, Basel A. Mahafzah and Arafat Abdulrahman
Sea Lion Optimization (SLnO) algorithm involves the ability of exploration and exploitation phases, and it is able to solve combinatorial optimization problems. For these reasons…
Sea Lion Optimization (SLnO) algorithm involves the ability of exploration and exploitation phases, and it is able to solve combinatorial optimization problems. For these reasons, it is considered a global optimizer. The scheduling operation is completed by imitating the hunting behavior of sea lions.
Cloud computing (CC) is a type of distributed computing, contributory in a massive number of available resources and demands, and its goal is sharing the resources as services over the internet. Because of the optimal using of these services is everlasting challenge, the issue of task scheduling in CC is significant. In this paper, a task scheduling technique for CC based on SLnO and multiple-objective model are proposed. It enables decreasing in overall completion time, cost and power consumption; and maximizes the resources utilization. The simulation results on the tested data illustrated that the SLnO scheduler performed better performance than other state-of-the-art schedulers in terms of makespan, cost, energy consumption, resources utilization and degree of imbalance.
The performance of the SLnO, Vocalization of Whale Optimization Algorithm (VWOA), Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA), Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO) and Round Robin (RR) algorithms for 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 independent cloud tasks on 8, 16 and 32 VMs was evaluated. The results show that SLnO algorithm has better performance than VWOA, WOA, GWO and RR in terms of makespan and imbalance degree. In addition, SLnO exhausts less power than VWOA, WOA, GWO and RR. More precisely, SLnO conserves 5.6, 21.96, 22.7 and 73.98% energy compared to VWOA, WOA, GWO and RR mechanisms, respectively. On the other hand, SLnO algorithm shows better performance than the VWOA and other algorithms. The SLnO algorithm's overall execution cost of scheduling the cloud tasks is minimized by 20.62, 39.9, 42.44 and 46.9% compared with VWOA, WOA, GWO and RR algorithms, respectively. Finally, the SLnO algorithm's average resource utilization is increased by 6, 10, 11.8 and 31.8% compared with those of VWOA, WOA, GWO and RR mechanisms, respectively.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this work is original and has not been published elsewhere, nor is it currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
As Lorna Jowett and Stacey Abbott have pointed out, the US TV serial Supernatural owes much of its success to the way it combines horror with family drama, strengthening the…
As Lorna Jowett and Stacey Abbott have pointed out, the US TV serial Supernatural owes much of its success to the way it combines horror with family drama, strengthening the affective involvement of viewers in the lives of its protagonists, the monster-hunting Winchester brothers. The notion of home – presented variously as a domestic, feminine space from which the Winchesters and their compatriots are excluded; a mobile and contingent space of masculine bonding; and a hybrid space which allows for self-expression outside prescribed gender norms, but which also holds the potential for danger – is central.
Heather L. Duda has pointed to the ways monster hunters are excluded from the normative institutions of their societies, and this is certainly true of the Winchesters, who live in their family car and are unable to maintain ‘normal’ homes. Later seasons give them a home in the form of an underground bunker, not designed as a domestic space, but nonetheless a place where their hypermasculine behaviours can be relaxed. This chapter examines the tensions that emerge in this apparent move from a traditional narrative of the home as feminine space under threat to something more ambivalent, where masculine identity itself may be in danger.
Outlines the main issues arising from debt, and explains oneapproach to helping people cope. Examines the effects of debt at homeand work. Considers the causes of the amount of…
Outlines the main issues arising from debt, and explains one approach to helping people cope. Examines the effects of debt at home and work. Considers the causes of the amount of debt in the UK to be: loss of income, marital breakdown, over‐commitment, financial mismanagement and poverty. Highlights help available from debt counselling through a case example.
Amy Wong and Amrik Sohal
Attempts to examine the concepts of trust and commitment, on two levels of retail relationships: the salesperson level as well as the store level, and test their impact on…
Attempts to examine the concepts of trust and commitment, on two levels of retail relationships: the salesperson level as well as the store level, and test their impact on relationship quality. Based on a review of the literature, a conceptual model has been developed that links trust and commitment to relationship quality. A number of research hypotheses have been formulated to examine the relationships proposed. The paper presents the model developed and discusses some empirical findings from a survey of 1,261 shoppers in a departmental store setting in Victoria, Australia. In particular, the two levels of relationships (salesperson and store level) are examined from the customer’s perspective, using structural equation modelling (LISREL VIII). Concludes with a discussion of the implications of the study and provides directions for future research.
Greta Cummings and Carole A. Estabrooks
The study purpose was to assess the evidence on the effects of hospital restructuring that included layoffs, on nurses who remained employed, using a systematic review of the…
The study purpose was to assess the evidence on the effects of hospital restructuring that included layoffs, on nurses who remained employed, using a systematic review of the research literature to contribute to policy formation. Papers addressing research, hospital restructuring resulting in layoffs, effects on nurses, and a stated relationship between the independent and dependent variables were included. Data were extracted and the quality of each study was assessed. The final group of included studies had 22 empirical papers. The main effects were significant decreases in job satisfaction, professional efficacy, ability to provide quality care, physical and emotional health, and increases in turnover, and disruption to healthcare team relationships. Nurses with fewer years of experience or who experienced multiple episodes of restructuring experienced greater effects. Other findings remain inconclusive. Further research is required to determine if these effects are temporal or can be mitigated by individual or organizational strategies.
This paper synthesizes the extant feedback literature, focusing on how feedback affects an auditor’s learning, performance, and motivation. Performance feedback is an important…
This paper synthesizes the extant feedback literature, focusing on how feedback affects an auditor’s learning, performance, and motivation. Performance feedback is an important component in the auditing environment for ensuring quality control and for developing and coaching staff auditors. However, the literature on feedback in the audit environment is fragmented and limited making it difficult to assess its behavioral effects on auditors. This paper has three main objectives. The first is to review some of the influential research in psychology and management to identify key variables and issues that appear to be critical in the study of behavioral consequences of feedback in organizational settings. The second is to review performance feedback research specifically in auditing to identify the areas previously examined and synthesize the findings. The third is to suggest a variety of future research opportunities that may assist in developing an understanding and knowledge of the behavioral effects of feedback on auditors. The literature analysis has significant implications for audit research and practice. In particular, the analysis provides important insights into understanding who, how, and when performance feedback should be given to improve its effectiveness in the audit environment.
Shelley T. Price, Christopher M. Hartt, Mitzi Wall, Megan Baker and Tammy Williams
Lijun (Gillian) Lei, Yutao Li and Yan Luo
The emergence of social media as a corporate disclosure channel has caused significant changes in the production and dissemination of corporate information. This review identifies…
The emergence of social media as a corporate disclosure channel has caused significant changes in the production and dissemination of corporate information. This review identifies important themes in recent research on the impact of social media on the corporate information environment and provides suggestions for further explorations of this new but fast-growing area of research. Specifically, we first review the evolution of Internet-based corporate disclosure and related regulations, and then focus on three recent streams of research: 1) companies’ use of social media; 2) information produced by non-corporate users and its impact on capital markets; and 3) the credibility of corporate information on social media platforms.
Amalesh Sharma, Sourav Bikash Borah, Anirban Adhikary and Tanjum Haque
The extant literature provides much-needed support to understand marketing accountability and how marketing actions are related to financial performance (FP). However, we have…
The extant literature provides much-needed support to understand marketing accountability and how marketing actions are related to financial performance (FP). However, we have limited understanding of the relationships between marketing actions and firms' social performance (SP) and environmental performance (EP). Understanding these links is critical to enhancing sustainable FP, SP, and EP. Moreover, the literature provides limited understanding of the measures by which SP and EP may be operationalized, or the data necessary to reach a conclusion. This study bridges these gaps by extensively reviewing the extant literature to offer a set of measures and data sources to operationalize SP and EP, and empirically show their relationships with marketing actions. We find that greenhouse gas (GHG) emission, environmental disclosure score, waste reduction, energy consumption, and recycling are prominent measures of EP, and that social disclosure score, philanthropy or community spending, and diversity of gender and race are prominent measures of SP. The KLD, ASSET4, and Bloomberg are prominent sources of data that can be used to operationalize SP, to which CDP may be added for EP. We also show that marketing actions positively affect EP and SP. This study contributes to the extant literature on SP and EP by identifying measures and data sources and linking marketing actions to both performance types. It contributes to policy development by identifying the importance of EP and SP and how marketing actions can help achieve such performance.