Following the recent scandals that erupted at the end of the economic bubble, the Sarbanes‐Oxley Act was passed as a regulatory “cure.” However, regulation is only part of the…
Following the recent scandals that erupted at the end of the economic bubble, the Sarbanes‐Oxley Act was passed as a regulatory “cure.” However, regulation is only part of the cure. The reason fraud happens in the first place often stems from performance deterioration. Corporate governance is still the best cure to fix the system. The board’s role is to use business judgment to identify issues that could cause problems and to insist on timely action to solve those problems. The board must understand upstream indicators such as people performance, operating performance, and financial performance. It must create a culture of open discussion and understand the drivers of performance.
Mary Weir and Jim Hughes
Introduction Consider a hi‐fi loudspeaker manufacturing company acquired on the brink of insolvency by an American multinational. The new owners discover with growing concern that…
Introduction Consider a hi‐fi loudspeaker manufacturing company acquired on the brink of insolvency by an American multinational. The new owners discover with growing concern that the product range is obsolete, that manufacturing facilities are totally inadequate and that there is a complete absence of any real management substance or structure. They decide on the need to relocate urgently so as to provide continuity of supply at the very high — a market about to shrink at a rate unprecedented in its history.
In the last four years, since Volume I of this Bibliography first appeared, there has been an explosion of literature in all the main functional areas of business. This wealth of…
In the last four years, since Volume I of this Bibliography first appeared, there has been an explosion of literature in all the main functional areas of business. This wealth of material poses problems for the researcher in management studies — and, of course, for the librarian: uncovering what has been written in any one area is not an easy task. This volume aims to help the librarian and the researcher overcome some of the immediate problems of identification of material. It is an annotated bibliography of management, drawing on the wide variety of literature produced by MCB University Press. Over the last four years, MCB University Press has produced an extensive range of books and serial publications covering most of the established and many of the developing areas of management. This volume, in conjunction with Volume I, provides a guide to all the material published so far.
Peter L. Wright and David S. Taylor
A review of the relevant literature and case study analysis draws the conclusion that a skills approach to leadership makes it possible to describe and provide training in the…
A review of the relevant literature and case study analysis draws the conclusion that a skills approach to leadership makes it possible to describe and provide training in the core skills required in a wide variety of managerial situations. Such skills are most effectively acquired through practice, with feedback and guidance provided by skilled interpersonal skilled tutors. The latter skills are also best learned via feedback and guidance; unless there is a growth in effective interpersonal skills training there will ultimately be a shortage of tutors to pass on the skills learned.
This chapter works to provide a space beyond the predictable discourses of early childhood education in order to interrogate the social practices of teachers and children. What is…
This chapter works to provide a space beyond the predictable discourses of early childhood education in order to interrogate the social practices of teachers and children. What is presented in this chapter is not a collection of dispassionately observed facts but one person's reconstruction of some important language ‘moments’, in the lived experience of a few Year One children. Through the use of pastiche and collage as the medium for ‘displaying’ the data, this work of interrogation involves pulling apart the tried and true, established mechanisms for reading the classroom. The result is a much untidier picture of the lived experience of Year One children than the traditional educational discourses have allowed.
Presents a three‐level model to enable the design and conduct of an audit of training and development developed from the authors’ consultancy experience working with training and…
Presents a three‐level model to enable the design and conduct of an audit of training and development developed from the authors’ consultancy experience working with training and development managers and specialists from diverse medium and large organizations. Describes three levels ‐ event/programme, function and organization levels. Considerably extends the framework first described by one of the authors in an earlier article. This extended model permits the benchmarking of training and development against established best practice. Use of the model enables the identification of where an organization’s training and development can be considered successful and where challenges and opportunities for improvement exist.
This chapter explores the emergence, growth, and current status of the sociology of sport in Canada. Such an endeavour includes acknowledging the work and efforts of Canadian…
This chapter explores the emergence, growth, and current status of the sociology of sport in Canada. Such an endeavour includes acknowledging the work and efforts of Canadian scholars – whether Canadian by birth or naturalization or just as a result of their geographic location – who have contributed to the vibrant and robust academic discipline that is the sociology of sport in Canadian institutions coast-to-coast, and who have advanced the socio-cultural study of sport globally in substantial ways. This chapter does not provide an exhaustive description and analysis of the past and present states of the sociology of sport in Canada; in fact, it is important to note that an in-depth, critical and comprehensive analysis of our field in Canada is sorely lacking. Rather, this chapter aims to highlight the major historical drivers (both in terms of people and trends) of the field in Canada; provide a snapshot of the sociology of sport in Canada currently; and put forth some ideas as to future opportunities and challenges for the field in Canada.
Describes how, when things started to go wrong, EMI turned to its already loyal and committed workforce to help turn things around. By teaching the principles of TQM, the company…
Describes how, when things started to go wrong, EMI turned to its already loyal and committed workforce to help turn things around. By teaching the principles of TQM, the company increased both its productivity and profitability and, when the vinyl record industry started to decline, knowledge of TQM helped those who were made redundant to find alternative employment. Asserts that the key concept of TQM is the involvement of “everyone”. Concludes that the company has had a number of quality improvement groups, solving various problems, and they have discovered that making a simple improvement or adjustment can make a big difference to efficiency and lower costs.