The promotion of pedagogic use of quality digital images through improved metadata is the aim of the JISC‐funded FILTER project. Having funded many content creation projects, the…
The promotion of pedagogic use of quality digital images through improved metadata is the aim of the JISC‐funded FILTER project. Having funded many content creation projects, the JISC seeks to boost the take‐up of digital images in teaching and learning, in order to enhance the learning experience and improve outcomes. Discovery of appropriate images will be facilitated through a metadata schema developed in the project, and the definition of a range of image types to aid selection.
Michele Shoebridge, Marie‐Pierre Détraz and Jill Evans
The purpose of this article is to summarise the outcomes of the one‐year Monograph Interlending Project jointly funded by CURL and the British Library in 2004‐2005.
The purpose of this article is to summarise the outcomes of the one‐year Monograph Interlending Project jointly funded by CURL and the British Library in 2004‐2005.
The article presents the main features of the BookNow model – a blueprint for a consortial monograph inter‐lending service, as developed by the Project, and discusses the issues it has brought to the fore.
The BookNow model, which was developed with a view to testing the viability of the BLDSC‐Plus option recommended by the 2003 consultancy report, Monograph Interlending for the Higher Education Research Community, is a radical and innovative customer‐focused system for the delivery of inter‐library loans (ILL) across the UK. However, initial business planning indicated a very high cost to both the British Library and higher education libraries, were the service to be developed. In addition it is unclear whether this level of investment is necessary within the context of more recent initiatives which are fundamentally transforming the library and information landscape, in particular, the Google digitisation programme and the potential for developing services based on revealing content through Amazoogle strategies. The Project has nevertheless highlighted a number of areas where CURL and the British Library could usefully work together and in cooperation with other partners within the library and information community to improve current ILL practices for the immediate future.
This is an original piece of research identifying ways of improving the delivery of ILL across the UK.
The prevalence of anti-EU integration and anti-immigration rhetoric across the continent, the increased presence of Eurosceptic parties in the European Parliament, and most…
The prevalence of anti-EU integration and anti-immigration rhetoric across the continent, the increased presence of Eurosceptic parties in the European Parliament, and most importantly Brexit suggest that the European Union is having an existential crisis. This chapter debates the role of the EU citizenship regime on this crisis, by resting its central thesis that there is a fundamental mismatch between the way that EU citizenship is at present derived from Member State citizenship, and the transnational affinity of the EU citizenry that is invited by the internal market and migration. As a remedy, the chapter projects a supranational EU citizenship regime that coexists with the current EU citizenship regime. Focussing on the social and political imperatives, the chapter brings forward tangible policy recommendations for the proposed EU citizenship regime and expounds how it can be an effective policy instrument for the EU’s internal and external struggles.
J. David Spiceland, Jerry E. Trapnell, Michael L. Behrens and Abdel Kablan
This article reports the results of tests used to detect shifts in the systematic risk of multinational corporations concurrent with regulations mandating new financial reporting…
This article reports the results of tests used to detect shifts in the systematic risk of multinational corporations concurrent with regulations mandating new financial reporting requirements for foreign currency translations. Results indicate significant beta shifts, suggesting that management undertook specific suboptimal actions to counteract the effects of the regulations and that those actions were responded to by the marketplace in the form of a reassessment of systematic risk. It is further indicated that the market reaction varies according to both the location and magnitude of firms' foreign investments.
Looks at the themed issue articles and the areas they cover relating to digital imaging issues. Lists the sources of support and introduces the various contributors.
Looks at the themed issue articles and the areas they cover relating to digital imaging issues. Lists the sources of support and introduces the various contributors.
To provide a review of the most recent literature concerning document supply and related matters.
To provide a review of the most recent literature concerning document supply and related matters.
The reading of over 140 published works, including journals, monographs, reports and web sites.
Demonstrates the continuing conflict over Open Access; that generally document supply continues to decline and that usage studies of e‐journals are beginning to show that about half of journals in “Big Deals” are very little used, showing the need for more such studies. (And, dare one say, the more judicious use of document supply?)
A useful source of information for librarians and others interested in document supply and related matters.