Xinyan Bian, Xiaoguang Han, Jiamei Luo, Chengdi Li and Mingxing Hao
The purpose of this study is to prolong the service life of the Al–Si alloy cylinder and achieve the objective of energy saving and emission reduction by the composite treatments.
The purpose of this study is to prolong the service life of the Al–Si alloy cylinder and achieve the objective of energy saving and emission reduction by the composite treatments.
Chemical etching + laser texturing + filled MoS2 composite treatment was applied to the friction surface of aluminum–silicon (Al–Si) alloy cylinder. The friction coefficient and wear loss were measured to characterize the tribology property of cylinders.
The composite-treated Al–Si alloy cylinder had the lowest friction coefficient and weight loss. The friction coefficient and weight loss of the composite treatment were approximately 27.08% and 54.17% lower than those of the untreated sample, respectively. The laser micro-textures control the release of solid lubricant to the interface of friction pairs slowly, which prolongs the service life of cylinders.
The synergistic effect of the chemical etching + laser texturing + filled MoS2 modified the tribology properties of Al–Si alloy cylinder. The chemical etching raised the silicon particles to bear the load, and laser micro-textures control the release of solid lubricant to improve the lubrication property.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of deformation-induced martensite on electrochemical corrosion behaviors of 304 austenitic stainless steel in a simulated…
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of deformation-induced martensite on electrochemical corrosion behaviors of 304 austenitic stainless steel in a simulated primary water environment of a pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant with boric acid and lithium hydroxide contaminated with chloride by potentiodynamic polarization, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), Mott–Schotty curves and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).
The effects of deformation-induced martensite transformation on electrochemical corrosion behaviors of 304 austenitic stainless steel was investigated in a simulated primary water environment of a pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant with boric acid and lithium hydroxide contaminated with 0.1 M Cl− by potentiodynamic polarization, EIS, Mott–Schotty curves and XPS in this paper.
The results revealed that the martensitic phase contents increased with the level of cold deformation. The general corrosion current density and the corrosion potential increased and decreased, respectively, with the increase of cold deformation degree. However, the pitting potential decreased as the cold deformation increased up to 20 per cent, then a slight increase was observed at 35 per cent cold working. It was found from Mott–Schottky curves and XPS analysis that as the cold deformation degree increased from 0 to 35 per cent, the doping concentrations of the oxide films increased; however, the film thickness decreased, which indicates that both density and integrity of the films are degraded significantly as the deformation degree increases, and this ultimately contributes to the significant increment of the general corrosion rate and reduction of the pitting corrosion resistance.
The effects of deformation-induced martensite transformation on electrochemical corrosion behaviors of 304 austenitic stainless steel was investigated in a simulated primary water environment of a pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant with boric acid and lithium hydroxide contaminated with 0.1 M Cl− by potentiodynamic polarization, EIS, Mott–Schotty curves and XPS in this paper.
Drawing upon new institutional economics and contracting theory, this chapter extends the concept of headquarter (HQ)–subsidiary relationships to capture unconventional types of…
Drawing upon new institutional economics and contracting theory, this chapter extends the concept of headquarter (HQ)–subsidiary relationships to capture unconventional types of subsidiary organizations in transition economies. A conceptual framework is first developed to examine how the interplay between institutions and subsidiaries shapes HQ–subsidiary relations in rapidly changing institutional environments. It is then applied to study contractual joint ventures in China, an important, yet often misunderstood, form of multinational subsidiary operation. The research sheds new light on how parent firms design contract provisions, credible commitments, and contract renegotiation mechanisms for the effective management of joint venture subsidiaries. These findings have important implications for future inquiry into the interplay between institutions and organizations in safeguarding subsidiary operations in transition economies.