Rosemarye Taylor and Jessie Shields Strickland
Ethical leadership has been called into question as a result of the great pressure to raise test scores and to be accountable for student achievement in very challenging times…
Ethical leadership has been called into question as a result of the great pressure to raise test scores and to be accountable for student achievement in very challenging times. The survey research conducted in both Florida and Georgia (USA) lead to conclusions that both teachers and administrators value ethical decision making. Teachers report that they have not changed their decision making, although their daily work has been restricted. The former group perceives that accountability has impacted decision making of the latter group. However, administrators report that they have not changed their decision making to a great extent
The management of children′s literature is a search for value andsuitability. Effective policies in library and educational work arebased firmly on knowledge of materials, and on…
The management of children′s literature is a search for value and suitability. Effective policies in library and educational work are based firmly on knowledge of materials, and on the bibliographical and critical frame within which the materials appear and might best be selected. Boundaries, like those between quality and popular books, and between children′s and adult materials, present important challenges for selection, and implicit in this process are professional acumen and judgement. Yet also there are attitudes and systems of values, which can powerfully influence selection on grounds of morality and good taste. To guard against undue subjectivity, the knowledge frame should acknowledge the relevance of social and experiential context for all reading materials, how readers think as well as how they read, and what explicit and implicit agendas the authors have. The good professional takes all these factors on board.