Takes a look at the newer developments in London such as RosehaughStanhope′s Ludgate, and gives background information about thearchitects, builders and developers. Describes the…
Takes a look at the newer developments in London such as Rosehaugh Stanhope′s Ludgate, and gives background information about the architects, builders and developers. Describes the facilities in detail and offers advice about future uses.
Examines the potential for adapting offices of the pre‐IT period tothe business needs of the 1990s in a pilot study of space policy, takingin aspects of IT and the concept of the…
Examines the potential for adapting offices of the pre‐IT period to the business needs of the 1990s in a pilot study of space policy, taking in aspects of IT and the concept of the waking (as opposed to the working) week, where productivity is, unconventionally, tied to neither space nor time. This involves reversal of hierarchy, short lines of communication and near‐elimination of “churn” through the interchangeability of staff, the whole producing a considerable saving in costs. Points up the value of recognizing the fundamental mechanics which relate available space to business operation.
Looks at the developments at Canary Wharf and its aims to meet thediverse needs of potential office tenants. Investigates differences indesign and observes the ability to attract…
Looks at the developments at Canary Wharf and its aims to meet the diverse needs of potential office tenants. Investigates differences in design and observes the ability to attract potential tenants. Suggests that developers look at this kind of urban renewal and its possibilities for environmental good.
Discusses the possibilities that relocation brings to facilitiesmanagement. Looks at the relationship between relocation and businessprocess engineering by discussing three cases…
Discusses the possibilities that relocation brings to facilities management. Looks at the relationship between relocation and business process engineering by discussing three cases of business relocation. Shows, in each case, the extent and way in which facilities management used the opportunity to restructure, for example, in choosing the location and structure of the offices and designing the interior and the intended effect of this on working relationships.
Reports on the aims of the Office of the Year competition.Describes the offices of the 1991 winners of the facilities managementaward, and those of the Class I, II and III…
Reports on the aims of the Office of the Year competition. Describes the offices of the 1991 winners of the facilities management award, and those of the Class I, II and III categories of the Office of the Year award, focusing on the winning features of each.
Discusses how the emergence of FM in managing part of the physicalenvironment suggests a wider role, in conjunction with other managerialtechniques, in the changing urban realm…
Discusses how the emergence of FM in managing part of the physical environment suggests a wider role, in conjunction with other managerial techniques, in the changing urban realm. Describes London′s Canary Wharf as an example of the type of urban development in which FM could play a part.
Discusses how the Central Support Services (CSS) department of onefirm, Ernst & Young, analysed all their operations as a series ofbusiness processes. Describes how this exercise…
Discusses how the Central Support Services (CSS) department of one firm, Ernst & Young, analysed all their operations as a series of business processes. Describes how this exercise contributed to a “cultural change” throughout the organization, initiated by senior management. This, in turn, led the CSS department to refine its initial analysis, reducing the original list of 91 separate processes to seven generic processes.
Questions how, from a practising designer′s point of view, designcan make a useful contribution to effective management. Looks at thepart work tasks play in creating satisfaction…
Questions how, from a practising designer′s point of view, design can make a useful contribution to effective management. Looks at the part work tasks play in creating satisfaction for employees, and discusses ways to avoid dissatisfaction.
Looks at the varying, modern uses of so‐called “HotDesks” – workstations with multi‐use and multi‐userfacilities. Discusses some case histories from around the world andshows that…
Looks at the varying, modern uses of so‐called “Hot Desks” – workstations with multi‐use and multi‐user facilities. Discusses some case histories from around the world and shows that in modern‐day work areas this concept is already being put into varied, successful use.
Looks at design, its process and importance as a management tool.Concentrates on service design and the choice of options available.Focuses on the various service skills and…
Looks at design, its process and importance as a management tool. Concentrates on service design and the choice of options available. Focuses on the various service skills and includes examples of models also to aid in design skills.