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Publication date: 8 July 2019

Annette Kluge, Arnulf Sebastian Schüffler, Christof Thim, Jennifer Haase and Norbert Gronau

Insight has grown that for an organization to learn and change successfully, forgetting and unlearning are required. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the relevant…




Insight has grown that for an organization to learn and change successfully, forgetting and unlearning are required. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the relevant existing body of empirical research on forgetting and unlearning, to encourage research using a greater variety of methods and to contribute to a more complementary body of empirical work by using designs and instruments with a stronger reference to previous studies.


As the number of theoretical papers clearly exceeds the number of empirical papers, the present paper deals with the main insights based on the empirical state of research on unlearning and forgetting. So far, these empirical results have shown relationships between unlearning and other organizational outcomes such as innovation on an organizational level, but many of the other proposed relationships have not been investigated. The authors presents suggestion to apply a larger variety of qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods in organizational research.


Unlearning and forgetting research can benefit both from more diverse theoretical questions addressed in research and from a more complementary body of empirical work that applies methods, designs and instruments that refer to previous research designs and results. To understand and manage unlearning and forgetting, empirical work should relate to and expand upon previous empirical work to form a more coherent understanding of empirical results.


The paper presents a variety of research designs and methods that can be applied within the research context of understanding the nature of organizational forgetting and unlearning. Additionally, it illustrates the potential for different methods, such as experience sampling methods, which capture the temporal aspects of forgetting and unlearning.

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Publication date: 14 October 2022

Petra Nordqvist and Leah Gilman



Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-80043-564-3

Content available
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Publication date: 27 November 2018



Networks, Hacking, and Media – CITA MS@30: Now and Then and Tomorrow
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-78769-666-2

Publication date: 19 September 2019

Iris Xie and Jennifer A. Stevenson

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the types of roles that Twitter played in digital libraries (DLs) and their relationships in building DL online communities.




The purpose of this paper is to investigate the types of roles that Twitter played in digital libraries (DLs) and their relationships in building DL online communities.


A mixed method analysis of DLs’ tweets was conducted to identify the usage, roles of Twitter in DL communities and relationships among the roles. Twitter data from 15 different DLs for one year were extracted, and an open coding analysis was performed to identify types of Twitter roles. Pearson correlation coefficient was applied to examine the relationships among the roles based on word similarities.


The results present 15 types of Twitter roles representing five main categories identified from DL tweets, including information, promotion, related resources, social identity and social connection. Moreover, word similarities analysis identifies more strong relationships among the roles in four main categories (promotion, related resources, social identity and social connection) but less with roles in information.

Research limitations/implications

Characteristics of DL online communities are discussed and compared with physical library communities. Suggestions are proposed for how tweets can be improved to play more effective roles. To build a strong community, it is critical for digital librarians to engage with followers.


This study is a pioneering work that not only analyzes Twitter roles and their relationships in building DL online communities but also offers recommendations in terms of how to build a strong online community and improve Twitter use in DLs.


Online Information Review, vol. 43 no. 7
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1468-4527


Publication date: 15 November 2022

Mark R. Gleim, Jennifer L. Stevens and Catherine M. Johnson

This research paper aims to provide conceptual clarity for marketplaces within the lateral exchange market framework. The advances in digital technologies have been critical to…



This research paper aims to provide conceptual clarity for marketplaces within the lateral exchange market framework. The advances in digital technologies have been critical to the growth of new marketplaces and forms of exchange. While there are many different names and manifestations of these marketplaces, the common thread is they all require digital platform intermediation. These marketplaces are referred to by a variety of names and characteristics, and a clear consensus has yet to be achieved.


This research uses a conceptual approach rooted in the marketing literature.


This study differentiates and defines the sharing economy, collaborative consumption and access-based consumption, as well as introduces the concept of liquid ownership – all under the LEM framework. Defining characteristics for each marketplace are noted to present a consistent classification of the focal concepts for the advancement of research and theory.

Research limitations/implications

As the number and types of lateral exchange marketplaces continue to grow, researchers need to have a clear delineation of the concepts. This research seeks to provide clarity on the disparate literature streams and introduces the concept of liquid ownership to allow for the advancement of research and theory surrounding these forms of consumption.

Practical implications

Understanding existing marketplaces is vital for online platforms as they develop new offerings and differentiate themselves in the marketplace. Additionally, opportunities for traditional businesses abound as they pursue new market opportunities and adapt to changing technologies. Thus, research questions concerning consumers and platform managers are presented.


This research contributes conceptual clarity on elements commonly associated with the sharing economy while expanding it to include elements found in LEMs. The concept of liquid ownership is also presented to reflect the evolving consumption landscape. Research opportunities and questions are provided to guide future scholarly work.

Content available
Book part
Publication date: 30 November 2018



The M in CITAMS@30
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-78769-669-3

Content available
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Publication date: 22 December 2017



Social Movements and Media
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-78743-098-3

Content available
Book part
Publication date: 12 November 2018



Media and Power in International Contexts: Perspectives on Agency and Identity
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-78769-455-2

Content available
Book part
Publication date: 25 March 2021



Theorizing Criminality and Policing in the Digital Media Age
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-83909-112-4

Book part
Publication date: 16 September 2024

Natalie Le Clue

The breadth of research and study on the topic of fairy tales is rich and abundant. However, there exists a gap in the research of the genre where it pertains to the meticulous…


The breadth of research and study on the topic of fairy tales is rich and abundant. However, there exists a gap in the research of the genre where it pertains to the meticulous study of male fairy tale.

The character Hook has enjoyed some status in film including the notable portrayal by Dustin Hoffman in the 1991 film (Spielberg, 1991), this character relied heavily on traditional fairy tale tropes and depicted little in the way of character evolution or progression. Nevertheless, a more progressive and complex version of Hook was depicted in the Once Upon A Time series (2011–2018). This version of the character enjoys not only an extended and complex narrative journey but comprises several layers of nuanced character construction that implores a contemporary exploration thereof.

While Vladimir Propp's dramatis personae stands as, likely, the most prominent model for the study of fairy tales, its comprehensiveness can be called into question when applied to contemporary fairy tale characters. For example, whereas previously the female fairy tale character was confined to the role of damsel in distress, contemporary versions display substantial development in this area. And as illustrated through the complexity of Once Upon A Time's Captain Hook this is not, in contemporary times, confined only to the female character. Consequently, this chapter adapts the Looking Glass paradigm and utilises what the author has termed the Looking Glass Masculinity Matrix as an evaluative tool to unpack the contemporary representation, in line with current societal ideals and/or values.


Gender and the Male Character in 21st Century Fairy Tale Narratives
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-83753-789-1


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