Jenni Bacon, Helen Lockett and Miles Rinaldi
What does it mean to say there's an evidence base for supported employment? One approach, known as Individual placement and support or IPS for short, has been extensively…
What does it mean to say there's an evidence base for supported employment? One approach, known as Individual placement and support or IPS for short, has been extensively evaluated and proven to help high numbers of people with severe mental health problems into work. But there is still little evidence of this approach being put into practice here in the UK. This article recalls a visit this year to the UK by Professor Bob Drake and colleagues from Dartmouth, New Hampshire, USA where the approach was developed, and explains the principles of supported employment and what it can mean for service users, staff, families and employers.
Miss Jenny Bacon has been appointed Controller of the Training Services Branch of the Manpower Services Commission's Training Services Division (TSBMSCTSD for short). Commenting…
Miss Jenny Bacon has been appointed Controller of the Training Services Branch of the Manpower Services Commission's Training Services Division (TSBMSCTSD for short). Commenting on her appointment, she said:
The link between training and industrial competitiveness was emphasised in earlier articles by Geoffrey Holland and Jenny Bacon in this journal. This is also the message which…
The link between training and industrial competitiveness was emphasised in earlier articles by Geoffrey Holland and Jenny Bacon in this journal. This is also the message which underlies current developments on youth training in Britain. From next April the Youth Training Scheme — introduced in 1983 to provide foundation training for school leavers — will be extended to give all 16 and 17 year olds entering the labour market the opportunity to obtain a vocational qualification.
The adult training schemes being introduced by the MSC in line with the New Training Initiative can only be a small part of the effort required to make adult training (and…
The adult training schemes being introduced by the MSC in line with the New Training Initiative can only be a small part of the effort required to make adult training (and retraining) a force for economic improvement. The success or failure of this strategy and its implications for the country depend on how employers, individuals and organisations concerned with training act on the messages underlying the strategy.
This index covers all issues between February 2005 (Volume 9, Issue 1) and November 2008 (Volume 12, Issue 4). Numbers in bold refer to yolume, numbers in brackets refer to issue…
This index covers all issues between February 2005 (Volume 9, Issue 1) and November 2008 (Volume 12, Issue 4). Numbers in bold refer to yolume, numbers in brackets refer to issue, with subsequent numbers to pages.