Santosh Vijaykumar, Jemma McCready, Pamela Louise Graham and Daniel Morris
The authors sought to unpack the paradox between increasing demand for probiotics products against inconclusive scientific evidence about the effectiveness. This paper…
The authors sought to unpack the paradox between increasing demand for probiotics products against inconclusive scientific evidence about the effectiveness. This paper investigated public understanding of the composition and benefits of probiotic products, measured trust in news media and scientists as sources of information about probiotic products and informational and attitudinal predictors of consumer trust in the news media and scientists.
A cross-sectional survey was conducted amongst a representative sample of 2000 UK consumers. Participants responded to multiple-choice questions and psychometric scales capturing probiotics knowledge, consumption, information seeking behaviour, attitudes to and confidence in the news media and probiotics scientists. Descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA and hierarchical regression modelling were performed.
Information exposure to probiotics content was highest from traditional media followed by online channels. Levels of confidence in probiotics scientists were higher than in the news media, even though these levels were highest amongst current consumers and lowest amongst non-consumers. Conflicting information, health consciousness and trust in nutrition stakeholders were identified as important predictors of trust in news media and scientists.
This study provides a large-scale nationally representative overview of public attitudes and sentiments related to probiotic products with a focus on attitudes towards the news media and the scientific establishment. The findings suggest a need for better consumer awareness about the state of science around probiotic products, interventions that could enable consumers to discern conflicting evidence or news reports, and critical skills that can render them more resilient to online misinformation.
Jayne Finlay and Jessica Bates
This chapter offers an insight into library provision and user engagement at a Secure College in Northern Ireland. It draws on findings from doctoral research carried out by…
This chapter offers an insight into library provision and user engagement at a Secure College in Northern Ireland. It draws on findings from doctoral research carried out by Finlay (2020) which examined the role of the library in the learning experiences of people in prison. The case study described in this chapter took a multi-method qualitative approach to exploring engagement with the space, resources and informal learning programmes offered by the library. Acknowledging the many roles and functions of a prison library, this chapter focuses particularly on its relationship to formal and informal prisoner education. The strong educational ethos of Hydebank Wood College made it an ideal setting to explore the transformative educational possibilities of a well-managed and well-funded library. Following a description of the library and its services, the chapter will consider first steps into learning, informal and self-directed learning opportunities, library services in a divided society, and the importance of interpersonal relationships.
Since the completion of this doctoral research, a newly renovated Learning and Skills Centre has opened at Hydebank Wood College. This chapter includes findings from recent interviews with staff members which reveal the impetus for these changes and how the redesign of the library space has impacted upon the learning experiences of both the women and young men held at Hydebank. Taken alongside the doctoral findings, this discussion helps to show how the library space is valued within the institution and the significant role played by the library and library staff in the lives of incarcerated individuals.