This research explores the standard language ideology in Chinese foreign language education policies. The most substantial in relation to language policy and management in regard…
This research explores the standard language ideology in Chinese foreign language education policies. The most substantial in relation to language policy and management in regard to language ideology are beliefs associated with the values on the named language and its varieties (Spolsky, 2009). In the standard language ideology, the standard is treated as being valuable linguistic capital and possessing prestige as well as authority. Mandarin is the most well-accepted standard Chinese, and similarly, UK English or US English is the most popular and Standard English (SE) in China.
The theoretical framework in this research is critical discourse analysis (CDA) and discourse-historical approach (DHA) to guide the data collection and data analysis. This research will review recent and seminal literature obtained from the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) on language policy in China in relation to standard language ideology. The literature also investigates Chinese state's English language ideologies using official language education policies (FLEPs).
The results show that standard language ideology is a common mindset found within official state policies in regard to SE. The authors argue that the Chinese trust on the ideology of standard language appears to not be aligned to recent worldwide trends such as globalization and multilingualism.
This research can provide insights into future language planning and language policy in China and shows that the future research could do more on language planning in China.
This article focuses on “born globals” (Knight and Cavusgil 1996) and interfirm resources to explain international entrepreneurship. The theory posed here challenges the…
This article focuses on “born globals” (Knight and Cavusgil 1996) and interfirm resources to explain international entrepreneurship. The theory posed here challenges the traditional image of international business as a long, gradual process not occurring until later in the life cycle, and applying only to large multinational corporations (MNCs). Increasingly, new ventures must expand their operations internationally early in their history in order to be competitive (Oviatt and McDougall 1994), and require infrastructure (Van de Ven 1993), or interfirm resources, for success. Specifically, firms may rely on three factors to expand internationally: cost factors, unique global resources, and networks.
Mrs Genevieve N. Bond‐Mendel and Antonis C. Simintiras
This paper studies the role of personal selling and the salesforce as an information source and the impact potential information gaps in a downstream business chain can have. It…
This paper studies the role of personal selling and the salesforce as an information source and the impact potential information gaps in a downstream business chain can have. It offers a conceptual model of information gaps in an on‐licence wine business channel and suggests areas necessitating further research.
Sascha Fuerst and Peter Zettinig
This paper aims to examine the dynamic process of knowledge creation of the international new venture (INV) through the interaction with network partners. The process of how INVs…
This paper aims to examine the dynamic process of knowledge creation of the international new venture (INV) through the interaction with network partners. The process of how INVs make use of external sources for the acquisition of international market knowledge is not well-understood.
To uncover the dynamics of the knowledge creation process, the authors applied event-driven process research by following the internationalization process of four INVs in real time. More specifically, they adopted qualitative diary research combined with periodic follow-up interviews as the main data collection method. A visual mapping strategy was used for the analysis of the process data.
The analysis shows that different pathways of knowledge acquisition through congenital learning, searching, vicarious learning and grafting interact with each other. Grafting and experiential learning alongside the partner lead to the acquisition of internationalization knowledge in particular. Knowledge sources for international market knowledge are proactively created by the entrepreneurs. The wider effectual stakeholder network constitutes an important source for international market knowledge.
Research limitations/implications
The authors followed the early internationalization process of the case firm in real time over a 10-month period. This provides a limited window of observation. Future research might extend the observation period to examine further the evolutionary nature of the different learning types throughout the growth of the INV. The case firms operate in Internet-enabled businesses and are all located in the same country and city (i.e. Colombia and the city of Medellin). Future studies might focus on firms operating in different industries and geographical areas.
Practical implications
Congenital technological knowledge is a prerequisite for internationalization. The entrepreneur, however, does not need to rely on congenital international market knowledge. Such knowledge can be developed through network partners. Foreign business and institutional knowledge can be obtained vicariously, also from professional advisors. Internationalization knowledge, however, needs to be developed in close interaction with an international cooperation partner, where a strong relationship commitment prevails.
The authors use effectuation theory combined with process research methods to gain insights into the dynamics of knowledge creation within the INV. Thereby, they are able to shed light on the dynamics of the process that is difficult to capture through cross-sectional research designs. Research on the internationalization process of young ventures in the context of Latin America is scarce. Therefore, the paper contributes new knowledge about the development of these firms in that particular region.
Nicola Mendleson and Michael Jay Polonsky
Manufacturers of consumer goods face various problems when theyattempt to integrate environmental attributes into their marketing mix.In many cases the inclusion of environmental…
Manufacturers of consumer goods face various problems when they attempt to integrate environmental attributes into their marketing mix. In many cases the inclusion of environmental issues in the marketing mix is largely motivated by the organization′s desire to address consumers′ increasing level of environmental awareness. However, producers face three problems when they attempt to utilize environmental marketing: a lack of credibility; consumer cynicism; consumer confusion over claims. Strategic alliances with environmental groups can assist manufacturers of consumer goods to overcome these problems, as well as provide other advantages. These other advantages are: increased consumer reliability in green products and their claims; increased access to environmental information; increased access to new markets; publicity and reduced public criticism; and education of consumers about key environmental issues relating to a firm′s product. To achieve these benefits, producers need to follow a careful selection process when choosing an environmental strategic alliance partner. This selection process includes: determine alliance objectives; specify outcomes desired; and determine the fit between the organization, environmental group, and target market.
Mansour Javidan and Mary B. Teagarden
The Global Mindset Inventory® has been developed through a very rigorous theoretical and empirical process. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis indicated three…
The Global Mindset Inventory® has been developed through a very rigorous theoretical and empirical process. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis indicated three components: (a) intellectual capital, (b) social capital, and (c) psychological capital. Each component had good internal reliability. Each component showed evidence for discriminant and convergent validity. The instrument development followed a multiphase, multimethod research methodology, and has robust psychometric properties as evidenced by its strong reliability scores and its multidimensional validity properties.
Keith J. Perks, Stephen P. Hogan and Paurav Shukla
Whilst earlier studies of market entry success factors have mostly focused on large emerging markets such as China or India, limited attention has been given to smaller emerging…
Whilst earlier studies of market entry success factors have mostly focused on large emerging markets such as China or India, limited attention has been given to smaller emerging markets. The purpose of this paper is to identify the effects of firm-level (i.e. entry mode and firm size), country-level (i.e. market potential, country risk and openness) and cultural distance on successful market entry strategies of multinational enterprises (MNEs) in a smaller emerging country (Thailand).
Using archival data from 1996-2008 and a survey of 139 firms, the results reveal significant influence of both market potential and cultural distance on successful market entry.
Overall, the findings demonstrate a cautionary approach when generalizing the results of studies focusing on large emerging markets to smaller emerging markets. Smaller emerging markets such as Thailand offer very different market-space than large emerging markets and therefore the overall determinants of success may differ substantially.
Practical implications
Market potential appears to be the most significant variable in entering the Thai market. The findings also suggest a negative and significant relationship between cultural distance and market success in Thailand. This reveals that foreign firms that enter small emerging markets which are culturally close to their home countries can enjoy a greater possibility of success.
This study is a first step towards sensitizing corporations and policy makers in understanding the differences in market entry success factors between larger and smaller emerging markets and strategizing accordingly.