Business faces formidable challenges in the 1990s. With thesechallenges will come greater requirements for relevant marketinformation, quality offerings, increased productivity…
Business faces formidable challenges in the 1990s. With these challenges will come greater requirements for relevant market information, quality offerings, increased productivity, leadership, and consumer orientation. As new technology and computers are designed to help meet the ever‐increasing information needs of society, personal, professional, and industrial consumers will search for better ways to identify the computers and related high‐tech products which will enable them to meet their individual and organizational needs. In this search, consumers will look for traditional brand name recognition of new products, user friendliness, functionability, and product positioning that meets their individual expectations. Examines the emergence of brands in the marketing of computers and related high‐tech products so as to explore the trends of developments in this vital area.
Offers nine theorems to executives for evaluating and improvingtheir company′s customer responsiveness. Unless senior managementdelivers on its commitment to provide reliable…
Offers nine theorems to executives for evaluating and improving their company′s customer responsiveness. Unless senior management delivers on its commitment to provide reliable, timely, quality service to its VIP customers, many business opportunities will be lost. Instead of trying to be all things to all people, firms excel by providing offerings to customers they are best able to serve. Whom should we serve; and what offerings should we provide? are key questions underlying the strategic formulation process. Other cornerstone questions are presented to executives seeking to know and serve their customers better.
Jay J. Zajas and Jann R. Mitchener Zajas
Accelerating technology and market changes are creating many newemployment opportunities and career challenges. With such changes,viable career development strategies are needed…
Accelerating technology and market changes are creating many new employment opportunities and career challenges. With such changes, viable career development strategies are needed. Through a review of the goal setting and need assessment process, and numerous executive development practices, presents a model for management and career development known as the Total Career and Life Portfolio (TCLP). Developed by the authors for use in career counselling, managerial consulting, training and development, and strategic planning, the TCLP has been found to be a helpful planning process for executives.
Jay J. Zajas and Jann R. Mitchener Zajas
Accelerating technology and market changes are creating many newemployment opportunities and career challenges. With such changes,viable career development strategies are needed…
Accelerating technology and market changes are creating many new employment opportunities and career challenges. With such changes, viable career development strategies are needed. Through a review of the goal setting and need assessment process, and numerous executive development practices, presents a model for management and career development known as the total career and life portfolio (TCLP). Developed by the authors for use in career counselling, managerial consulting, training and development, and strategic planning, the TCLP has been found to be a helpful planning process for executives.
Change is occurring at a dizzying rate for enterprises andmanagers. Partly owing to technology, competition, and changingdemographics, adjusting to change is becoming an essential…
Change is occurring at a dizzying rate for enterprises and managers. Partly owing to technology, competition, and changing demographics, adjusting to change is becoming an essential part of a manager′s life. Without the ability to grow, meet the demands of a changing job market, overcome negative attitudes, and procure the resources needed to perform their jobs, executives may fall short of attaining personal and career success. Explores the major obstacles to career success and offers practical advice to managers facing traumatic change. Through creative and positive thinking, an ability to expect, prepare for, and manage change, a clear vision of what really counts at work and at home, and a strategic career plan to set meaningful, progressive goals in life, executives can overcome whatever obstacles they face on the “road of life”.
Business faces formidable challenges in the 1990s. Increasingcompetition, technology, changing market structures, and fluctuatingeconomic cycles are making it increasingly…
Business faces formidable challenges in the 1990s. Increasing competition, technology, changing market structures, and fluctuating economic cycles are making it increasingly difficult for executives to gain long‐term security within their organizations. To be competitive in the dynamic workforce, executives must strategically know and exploit key opportunities based on their unique strengths, limitations, and business orientation. Without the ability to target key opportunities, executives are destined to fall short of their most important objective: executive and personal success. Explores some of the most common career development myths and offers suggestions for advancing the frontiers of one′s career and personal success.
Jay J. Zajas and Earl W. Brewster
There are many interactive forces at work in our global economythat make it increasingly challenging for executives today to plan andprepare accurately for many dynamic business…
There are many interactive forces at work in our global economy that make it increasingly challenging for executives today to plan and prepare accurately for many dynamic business careers. Changes in demographics, economic cycles, technology, and social or political structures accentuate the challenge. To survive in a highly competitive job market, executives do well to set and achieve progressive goals in a variety of career, financial and life areas. Yet goal setting alone is not enough. Examines key interpersonal factors that contribute significantly to an executive′s career success. Provides examples of managers who have done well in their careers and who offer valuable advice to prospective career seekers. Offers concepts, suggestions, and examples to help executives to enhance their self‐marketing skills, and thus their competitive edge.
Francesca Spinelli Souza and Jay J. Zajas
Explores the dimensions of recruiting executives from anorganizational and conceptual perspective. Discusses several key topicssuch as selecting team players, internal and…
Explores the dimensions of recruiting executives from an organizational and conceptual perspective. Discusses several key topics such as selecting team players, internal and external recruitment and identifying career requirements. Also deals with identifying and fostering organization values, and the selection interview.
In the business world, adversities come in all shapes, colours andsizes. An example of such adversity is referred to as“rightsizing”, which is another term for…
In the business world, adversities come in all shapes, colours and sizes. An example of such adversity is referred to as “rightsizing”, which is another term for corporate downsizing. In the 1990s, more white collar employees are being laid off, retired early, or otherwise terminated so that firms can reduce labour costs, downsize, and become “leaner”. With such changes taking place in the workforce, the need for effective training and outplacement is paramount. Discusses how a strategic career marketing plan can be developed by an executive so as to target strengths and weaknesses or minimize threats in the job market. Offers suggestions to job seekers on overcoming the trauma of career or job changes, on establishing a strategic marketing plan for their career, and on reaching out for assistance via the development of a network and support system.
Provides a case study of a group process experience for personalgrowth and career development. A small group of adults meets under thesupervision of their leader and co‐leader for…
Provides a case study of a group process experience for personal growth and career development. A small group of adults meets under the supervision of their leader and co‐leader for the purpose of improving their interpersonal communication, personal growth, and career development perspective. This personal growth adult group completes several structured readiness, interviewing, and learning activities to assist its members to achieve their individual contract goals. Members prepare a detailed autobiography to target their original life scripts and themes. Scripts are then revised using a number of self‐assessment and group psychotherapy interventions. In a non‐threatening, open atmosphere, each member is encouraged to reach for greater personal growth or career development. Presents evaluative comments and format suggestions from an outside observer′s perspective.