Douglas Polley, Jay Vora and P.N. SubbaNarasimha
Despite the intrinsic human benefit and potential organizational benefit of spirituality, we suggest that there are limits to the effectiveness of spirituality in the workplace…
Despite the intrinsic human benefit and potential organizational benefit of spirituality, we suggest that there are limits to the effectiveness of spirituality in the workplace. Spirituality in the workplace is subject to dilemmas, costs and outright negative effects. Successful implementation of spirituality in the workplace requires organizations to pay attention to six issues: (1) net economic cost of implementation, (2) potential for worker exploitation, (3) replacing or substituting community's function or role in spirituality, (4) inappropriate practice of spirituality in the workplace, (5) potential for competitive disadvantage, and (6) increased groupthink. We conclude by discussing research opportunities and practical suggestions.
Davina Vora, Jay Vora and Douglas Polley
The purpose of this study is twofold. First, the authors aim to investigate the applicability of the five (EO) dimensions of autonomy, innovativeness, risk taking, proactiveness…
The purpose of this study is twofold. First, the authors aim to investigate the applicability of the five (EO) dimensions of autonomy, innovativeness, risk taking, proactiveness, and competitive aggressiveness to a medium‐sized firm. Second, the research seeks to explore firm processes leading to the development of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) in a medium‐sized domestic US firm. Thus, it endeavours to examine the applicability of EO dimensions as well as the processes by which EO arose in the focal company.
The authors use a multi‐method approach entailing analysis of archival data as well as semi‐structured interviews of executives to examine the applicability of EO dimensions as well as the processes associated with the development of EO to a medium sized firm competing in a Midwestern US market. Such an in‐depth analysis of one firm provides rich data, enabling the exploration of EO using qualitative methods.
While the medium‐sized domestic US business had high levels of autonomy and proactiveness, it exhibited moderate levels of innovativeness and risk‐taking, and only a low level of competitive aggressiveness. Furthermore, the analysis suggests that organizational artifacts facilitate the development of EO and support organizational culture. Specifically, the organizational artifacts of having an ESOP, a flat hierarchy, inter‐unit coordination, and customer communication facilitated EO, and reinforced the organizational culture aspects of empowerment, openness, teamwork, quality services, customer satisfaction, and adaptability.
This study is among the first to examine all five EO dimensions as well as to use qualitative methods to do so. It also illustrates how EO applies to medium‐sized firms, and identifies processes by which these dimensions develop.
This chapter analyzes the market response to ticker symbol change of stocks with non-conventional voting structures (or multiple class shares, MCS). I find a significant drop…
This chapter analyzes the market response to ticker symbol change of stocks with non-conventional voting structures (or multiple class shares, MCS). I find a significant drop (increase) in prices and liquidity (short-sale activity) of MCS stocks, with the most severe decrease being reported for the lower-voting class. This evidence suggests that investors revised downward the assessment of MCS stocks. Regression analysis shows that a significant part of the cross-sectional variation of the event-results is explained by firm's agency costs. Overall, the chapter stresses the importance of enhanced market transparency in curbing private benefits.
Jonelle Feikis, Avery McHugh and Samuel Lane
The purpose of this paper is to examine the similarities and differences in the ethics and values seen within the USA, Brazil, Canada and the United Kingdom. By comparing these…
The purpose of this paper is to examine the similarities and differences in the ethics and values seen within the USA, Brazil, Canada and the United Kingdom. By comparing these three countries to the USA, we can conclude the appropriate means in which to conduct business and research with any of the corresponding countries. This, in turn, will serve as a major asset to global business alike and prove to be monumental in the ways it breaks down cultural barriers to promote the sanctity of business worldwide.
The USA, Brazil, Canada and the United Kingdom were examined extensively on each of their ethics and values to fully grasp what the literature of previous empirical research stated. Throughout the literary research, data and surveys can be found to further emphasize the value and reliability of empirical research. Through the collaboration of thoughts and the literature that was discovered, we can draw conclusions about the similarities and differences between the USA, Brazil, Canada and the United Kingdom. It is clear that among the different countries ethics, values and cultural norms come into play when partaking in business.
There were many similarities and differences that lied between the different countries. Of those similarities, it was especially noticeable between the USA, Canada and the United Kingdom. This is due to the fact that these three countries have similar forms of common law governmental systems that are established and help form moral guidelines and parameters for doing business. Despite the fact that both the United Kingdom and Canada are under the rule of a Constitutional Monarchy, it is apparent that because the USA, United Kingdom and Canada have a free market economy all three operate at a similar capacity in terms of business.
This paper is original and provides value by taking a unique review of literature and reviewing previous research on the topic. Specific suggestions for future research are offered at the end of this paper.