Mr Samuel Antonelli, the appellant, was a property agent, who accepted that he was conducting an estate agent's business in the UK until 1985. Earlier in his life he had worked in…
Mr Samuel Antonelli, the appellant, was a property agent, who accepted that he was conducting an estate agent's business in the UK until 1985. Earlier in his life he had worked in the realty business in Detroit. There in the recorder's court he was convicted in 1973 of the crime of burning real estate other than a dwelling house between 1st and 8th December, 1971, an offence contrary to Ch. 750, s. 73 of the Michigan Criminal Law Act. On 12th June he was ordered to serve between 2.5 and ten years' imprisonment for that offence. He did not serve the sentence but left for Israel and from there came to the UK. He did not return to serve his sentence.
‘It must be remembered there is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to manage than the creation of a new system. For the initiator has the…
‘It must be remembered there is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to manage than the creation of a new system. For the initiator has the enmity of all who will profit by the preservation of the old institutions and merely lukewarm defenders in those who would gain by the new one.’ Machiavelli.
Jason Haines and Peter Johnstone
The transnational criminal certainly feels comfort faced with almost limitless option buttons, when surfing the ‘global cyber candy shop’ from the comfort of his cyber cafe…
The transnational criminal certainly feels comfort faced with almost limitless option buttons, when surfing the ‘global cyber candy shop’ from the comfort of his cyber cafe armchair. The physical marketplace is rapidly transforming itself into a global electronic arena, where the multicultural consumer and its market‐driven society merge and execute limitless electronic transactions at the touch of a trader's dealing screen, electronic transfers, credit and debit cards, smart cards, and so on. These are just some of the mediums which are now exploited by the money launderer without leaving paper/audit trails for law enforcement agencies and compliance communities. Advances in communications, information systems and cyber electronic innovations increasingly dispel the myth that crime stops at the border.
Shane Blackman and Robert McPherson
This study examines the connections between subculture theory, symbolic interaction and the work of David Matza with a special focus on exploring alcohol consumption by young…
This study examines the connections between subculture theory, symbolic interaction and the work of David Matza with a special focus on exploring alcohol consumption by young adults in the UK. We apply Matza ideas of the “techniques of neutralization,” “subterranean values,” and “drift” within an ethnographic study on alcohol to suggest that young people's “calculated hedonism” can be understood as a strategy of agency in the context of a subcultural setting. This article adds to the literature of symbolic interaction, subculture and the discipline of sociology by critically focusing on the work of David Matza from its reception in the 1960s to today as a central element of the new paradigm of cultural criminology. For us the sociological imagination is “alive and well” through Matza's advocacy of naturalism whereby he sought to integrate the work Chicago School under Park and Burgess with his assessment of the so-called Neo-Chicago School. In the literature Matza's work is often defined as symbolic interactionist we see his ambition in a wider sense of wanting sociology to recover human struggle and the active creation of meaning. Our approach is to understand the calculated hedonism of young adult use of alcohol through their humanity.
Young people are widely known to have poorer outcomes, social status and political representation than older adults. These disadvantages, which have come to be largely normalized…
Young people are widely known to have poorer outcomes, social status and political representation than older adults. These disadvantages, which have come to be largely normalized in the contemporary context, can be further compounded by other factors, however, and are particularly amplified by coming from a lower social class background. An additional challenge for young people is associated with place, with youth who live in more remote and less urban areas at a higher risk of being socially excluded (Alston & Kent, 2009; Shucksmith, 2004) and/or to face complex and multiple barriers to employment and education than their urban-dwelling peers (Cartmel & Furlong, 2000). Drawing upon interviews and focus groups in a qualitative project with 16 young people and five practitioners, and using Nancy Fraser’s tripartite theory of social justice, this paper highlights the various and interlocking disadvantages experienced by working-class young people moving into and through adulthood in Clackmannanshire, mainland Scotland’s smallest council area.
Peter Johnstone and Jason Haines
The Treaty of Amsterdam was signed on 2nd October 1997. Under Title IV the provisions of the Treaty on European Union are considerably modified and issues relating to freedom of…
The Treaty of Amsterdam was signed on 2nd October 1997. Under Title IV the provisions of the Treaty on European Union are considerably modified and issues relating to freedom of movement, security and justice are subject to considerable new developments. One MP has questioned exactly what these new provisions amount to ‘… a 3,000 mile service for a car from hell’ or is it ‘… a fundamental reconstruction of the Union?’ It is arguably closer to the latter, as the proposals form the basis of a provision which provides the basis for an enlarged community.
Hayley Cocker, Maria Piacentini and Emma Banister
This paper aims to understand how young people manage the dramaturgical dilemmas related to drinking alcohol and performing multiple identities.
This paper aims to understand how young people manage the dramaturgical dilemmas related to drinking alcohol and performing multiple identities.
Drawing on qualitative data collected with 16-18-year olds, the authors adopt Goffman’s dramaturgical perspective to examine youth alcohol consumption in relation to multiple identities.
Young people continuously and skilfully juggle multiple identities across multiple contexts, where identities overflow and audiences and interactions overlap. Techniques of audience segregation, mystification and misrepresentation and justification are used to perform and manage multiple identities in a risky health behaviour context.
Research limitations/implications
The approach may facilitate some over- and under-claiming. Future studies could observe young people’s performances of self across multiple contexts, paying particular attention to how alcohol features in these performances.
Practical implications
Social marketing campaigns should demonstrate an understanding of how alcohol relates to the contexts of youth lives beyond the “night out” and engage more directly with young peoples’ navigation between different identities, contexts and audiences. Campaigns could tap into the secretive nature of youth alcohol consumption and discourage youth from prioritising audience segregation and mystification above their own safety.
Extant work has argued that consumers find multiplicity unmanageable or manage multiple identities through internal dialogue. Instead, this paper demonstrates how young people manage multiple identities through interaction and performance. This study challenges the neat compartmentalisation of identities identified in prior literature and Goffman’s clear-cut division of performances into front and back stage.
In preparing this report, the compliance sub‐group has set out to (a) summarise the current compliance regime as a matter of law and practice, (b) identify particular problem…
In preparing this report, the compliance sub‐group has set out to (a) summarise the current compliance regime as a matter of law and practice, (b) identify particular problem areas within that regime concerning public sector officials (PSOs), and (c) suggest recommendations for change. The result may be seen as providing features of a ‘model’ compliance structure designed to cause difficulties for corrupt PSOs seeking to launder the proceeds of their corruption; UK law and practice has formed the springboard for the model, but it should be stressed that in order to be of any utility any suggested changes would have to be adopted (effectively) universally throughout the financial world. Piecemeal adoption by one or a few states would merely be likely to drive the tainted monies elsewhere, and would not serve the desired purpose of reducing the extent/profitability of corruption.