Zdobyslaw Goraj and Janusz Sznajder
Extreme loads are generated in aircraft flight manoeuvres. Among different manoeuvres considered in this paper are motions following a sudden deflection of elevator and response…
Extreme loads are generated in aircraft flight manoeuvres. Among different manoeuvres considered in this paper are motions following a sudden deflection of elevator and response to a vertical gust. Airplane was assumed to be a rigid body of three degrees of freedom in symmetrical motion. Elevator deflection was either of the step change type, or of the sinusoidal type, gust was assumed to be either of the step change type or harmonic, with a gust cycle time corresponding to the time to travel a distance equal to 25 Mean Aerodynamic Chord. In all cases a jump type elevator deflection was assumed to last for 1 second, whilst the airplane response was observed for 3 seconds. The airplane motion, its velocities, accelerations and load acting on the tailplane were calculated by means of numerical integration of the ordinary differential /of motion.