SINCE every second Canadian one meets, be his name Taraschenko or Bobarovich, claims at least one Scottish ancestor, it might be expected that there would be some notable…
SINCE every second Canadian one meets, be his name Taraschenko or Bobarovich, claims at least one Scottish ancestor, it might be expected that there would be some notable collections of Scottish literature or history to be found in Canadian libraries. These collections are, however, in fact relatively few in number, as I discovered when engaged recently in editing, on behalf of the Research Libraries Section of the Canadian Library Association, a Directory of Special Collections in Canadian Libraries. Only five librarians of the several hundred who kindly replied to my detailed and no doubt troublesome questionnaire mentioned in their replies any significant amount of specifically Scottish material.
Berrin Osmanoğlu, Demet Lüküslü and Cemre Zekiroğlu
This chapter discusses youth political participation through the study of a band of young Kurdish musicians performing ethnic music in the streets of Eskişehir, a university town…
This chapter discusses youth political participation through the study of a band of young Kurdish musicians performing ethnic music in the streets of Eskişehir, a university town in Turkey. These street musicians play local music from the various ethnic groups in Turkey (in Turkish, Kurdish, Armenian, Arabic and Persian); in other words, folk music, but with a musical reinterpretation and a symbolic political meaning. Based on ethnographic fieldwork, this study argues that these young musicians performing in the streets are struggling for a place in the public space, as young, Kurdish and musicians. Regarding the political aspect of their participation, their most apparent claim is to freely express oppressed ethnic identities in the public space, starting from their own. The Kurdish identity has been stigmatised for so long that any act publicly revealing a Kurdish identity may be perceived, in public, as political, if not criminal. However, in this particular case, performing ethnic music – not only any songs in Kurdish but a particular genre of music associated with a set of political values and ideas such as multiculturalism – is an artistic choice but a political one too. Besides, their performance place, the streets, as unstructured and informal settings, and how these young musicians choose to deal with the challenges of playing in the streets, also shape their style of participation. With their performance in the streets, they open space for themselves in the city, physically and discursively. In order to make sense of their participation, this study focuses on these young street musicians’ ‘tactics’ for being present in the streets, but also on historical and theoretical elements to understand the politicisation of ethnic music and the political aspects of the streets.
The librarian and researcher have to be able to uncover specific articles in their areas of interest. This Bibliography is designed to help. Volume IV, like Volume III, contains…
The librarian and researcher have to be able to uncover specific articles in their areas of interest. This Bibliography is designed to help. Volume IV, like Volume III, contains features to help the reader to retrieve relevant literature from MCB University Press' considerable output. Each entry within has been indexed according to author(s) and the Fifth Edition of the SCIMP/SCAMP Thesaurus. The latter thus provides a full subject index to facilitate rapid retrieval. Each article or book is assigned its own unique number and this is used in both the subject and author index. This Volume indexes 29 journals indicating the depth, coverage and expansion of MCB's portfolio.
In the last four years, since Volume I of this Bibliography first appeared, there has been an explosion of literature in all the main functional areas of business. This wealth of…
In the last four years, since Volume I of this Bibliography first appeared, there has been an explosion of literature in all the main functional areas of business. This wealth of material poses problems for the researcher in management studies — and, of course, for the librarian: uncovering what has been written in any one area is not an easy task. This volume aims to help the librarian and the researcher overcome some of the immediate problems of identification of material. It is an annotated bibliography of management, drawing on the wide variety of literature produced by MCB University Press. Over the last four years, MCB University Press has produced an extensive range of books and serial publications covering most of the established and many of the developing areas of management. This volume, in conjunction with Volume I, provides a guide to all the material published so far.
Kelly Amy Hine, Louise E. Porter and Janet Ransley
This paper explores the applicability of environmental theories to understanding patterns of police misconduct. In turn, it aims to offer a method for identifying prevention…
This paper explores the applicability of environmental theories to understanding patterns of police misconduct. In turn, it aims to offer a method for identifying prevention techniques that can be practically applied by policing agencies.
The study empirically examined 84 substantiated matters of police misconduct in Queensland, Australia. The matters were content-analysed for elements of the first level of the crime triangle. These elements were then analysed to identify their relationships with the situational precipitators that initiated the misconduct; proactive misconduct and situational misconduct.
The two types of initiating misconduct had differing relationships with the crime triangle elements. Therefore, specific prevention techniques can be tailored by policing agencies to address and prevent each type of misconduct more successfully. The paper discusses these findings in terms of preventative measures according to the second preventative level of the crime triangle and situational crime prevention techniques.
This paper provides an alternative approach to understanding and preventing police misconduct by exploring the applicability of environmental theories. It finds that environmental theories offer a feasible approach for policing agencies to understand and tailor prevention of police misconduct in their jurisdictions.
Communications regarding this column should be addressed to Mrs. Cheney, Peabody Library School, Nashville, Term. 37203. Mrs. Cheney does not sell the books listed here. They are…
Communications regarding this column should be addressed to Mrs. Cheney, Peabody Library School, Nashville, Term. 37203. Mrs. Cheney does not sell the books listed here. They are available through normal trade sources. Mrs. Cheney, being a member of the editorial board of Pierian Press, will not review Pierian Press reference books in this column. Descriptions of Pierian Press reference books will be included elsewhere in this publication.