Paulo Roberto Cintra, Janaina Costa and André Luiz Sica de Campos
The formation of an aerospace complex in São José dos Campos (SP-Brazil) reflects a process of path dependence, which has favored sectorial technological development and…
The formation of an aerospace complex in São José dos Campos (SP-Brazil) reflects a process of path dependence, which has favored sectorial technological development and innovation. In this sense, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the pattern of relationships established between Embraer, the Technological Institute of Aeronautics, the National Institute of Space Research (INPE) and the institutes linked to the Aerospace Technical Center (CTA).
Using patents as a proxy for inventive activity, the authors carried out social networks analysis based on collaboration maps elaborated considering co-assignees in institutional patents.
Over time, Embraer became the main inventor of patentable technologies and a central player in the network of the aerospace complex at São José dos Campos.
Research limitations/implications
Several public institutions analyzed pertain to the Brazilian Ministry of Defence. Therefore, inventive activity may be confidential, which implies a limitation in the analysis.
With acquisition of Embraer by the US company Boeing, there could be a loss of the company's technical capacity in product development. The paper argues that the aerospace complex itself might also be impacted, considering that Embraer is the most relevant inventor of patentable knowledge locally in recent decades.
La formación de un complejo aeroespacial en São José dos Campos (SP-Brasil) refleja un proceso de path dependence de la ciudad en pro del desarrollo tecnológico y la innovación en el sector aeroespacial. En este sentido, el objetivo de este artículo fue investigar las relaciones establecidas entre la Embraer, el Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA), el Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Espaciales (INPE) y los institutos vinculados al Centro Técnico Aeroespacial (CTA).
Utilizando las patentes como proxy para atividade inovativa, se realizaron análisis de redes sociales a partir de mapas de colaboración elaborados considerando la copropiedad de patentes pertenecientes a las instituciones analizadas.
A través del tiempo, Embraer se convirtió en la principal inventora de tecnologías patentables y actor central en la red del complejo tecnológico de São José dos Campos.
Limitaciones de la investigación
La mayoría de las instituciones seleccionadas para la realización del artículo pertenecen al organigrama del Ministerio de Defensa. Por lo tanto, pueden existir proyectos que son sigilosos, no siendo expuestos al conocimiento público, lo que implica una limitación de los análisis a las patentes encontradas.
Con la adquisición de Embraer por Boeing, es posible la pérdida de la capacidad técnica de la empresa para el desarrollo de nuevas productos, el artículo discute que el propio complejo tecnológico aeronáutico también pondrá ser impactado, que Embraer es la mayor productora de conocimiento patentable en el sector en el período reciente.
A formação de um complexo aeroespacial em São José dos Campos (SP-Brasil) reflete um processo de path dependence da cidade em prol do desenvolvimento e da inovação tecnológica no setor aeroespacial. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste artigo foi investigar os padrões de relacionamento entre a Embraer, o Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA), o Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) e os institutos vinculados ao Centro Técnico Aeroespacial (CTA).
Utilizando as patentes como proxy para atividades inovativas, foram realizadas análises de redes sociais a partir de mapas de colaboração elaborados considerando a co-titularidade de patentes pertencentes às instituições analisadas.
Ao longo do tempo, a Embraer tornou-se a principal inventora de tecnologias patenteáveis e ator central na rede do complexo tecnológico de São José dos Campos.
Limitações da pesquisa
Diversas instituições analisadas pertencem ao Ministério da Defesa brasileiro. Logo, a atividade inovativa pode ser sigilosa, não sendo exposta ao conhecimento público, o que implica em uma limitação das análises às patentes encontradas.
A conclusão da compra da Embraer pela Boeing pode implicar na perda da capacidade técnica da empresa para o desenvolvimento de novos produtos, o artigo discute que o próprio complexo aeroespacial também seria impactado, considerando que Embraer é a maior inventora de conhecimento patenteável no setor em período recente.
Janaina Pamplona da Costa, André Luiz Sica de Campos, Paulo Roberto Cintra, Liz Felix Greco and Johan Hendrik Poker
The coronavirus-19 (COVID-19) pandemic mobilized the international scientific community in the search for its cure and containment. The purpose of this paper is to examine the…
The coronavirus-19 (COVID-19) pandemic mobilized the international scientific community in the search for its cure and containment. The purpose of this paper is to examine the nature of the rapid response to the COVID-19 of the scientific community in selected Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico) in the period running from January to August 2020. Rapid response is reconceptualized from its original meaning in health policy, as the swift mobilization of existing scientific resources to address an emergency (DeVita et al., 2017).
The paper explores the rapid response of the Argentinian, Brazilian, Chilean, Colombian and Mexican scientific communities from the perspective of bibliometric and altmetric data. The authors will examine scientific publications indexed to the Web of Science (WoS) dealing with COVID-19. Besides patterns of scientific output and impact as measured by citations, the authors complement the analysis with altmetric analysis. The aim is to verify whether or not factors that explain the extent of scientific impact can also be identified with respect to the wider impact made evident by altmetric indicators (Haustein, 2016).
The authors identified a somewhat limited response of the Argentinian, Brazilian, Chilean, Colombian and Mexican scientific communities to COVID-19 in terms of quantity of publications. The authorship of publications in the topic of COVID-19 was associated with authorship of publications dealing with locally relevant diseases. Some factors appear to contribute to visibility of scientific outputs. Papers that involved wider international collaborations and authors with previous publications in arboviruses were associated with higher levels of citations. Previous work on arbovirus was also associated with higher altmetric attention. The country of origin of authors exerted a positive effect on altmetric indicators.
Research limitations/implications
A limitation in the analysis is that, due to the nature of the data source (WoS), the authors were unable to verify the career status and the productivity of the authors in the sample. Nonetheless, the results appear to suggest that there is some overlapping in authors conducting research in Arboviruses and COVID-19. Career status and productivity should be the focus of future research.
Practical implications
In the context of countries with limited scientific resources, like the ones investigated in our Latin American sample, previous efforts in the study of locally relevant diseases may contribute to the creation of an expertise that can be applied when a health emergency brings about a novel disease.
The originality of the paper rests on the fact that the authors identified that previous work on arbovirus contributed to the scientific visibility of publications on COVID-19.
Janaina Mascarenhas Hornos da Costa, Creusa Sayuri Tahara Amaral, Sânia da Costa Fernandes and Henrique Rozenfeld
The purpose of this paper is to propose and describe a method that uses recurrent problems to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the diagnosis of new product development…
The purpose of this paper is to propose and describe a method that uses recurrent problems to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the diagnosis of new product development (NPD) processes and supports the identification of improvement opportunities. The proposed method, called Diagile, is based on recurrent current reality trees (CRTs) and is a new way of building CRTs that includes best project management practices, and the identification and prioritization of improvement opportunities. To support the execution of the method, recurrent problems were identified and a computational tool to aid the diagnosis, a database of improvement opportunities and an automated spreadsheet to prioritize improvement projects were developed.
The proposed method was evaluated through a controlled experiment at a multinational manufacturer of office supplies.
The results achieved confirm that the use of the Diagile method increases the diagnostic efficiency and effectiveness when compared to diagnoses performed by the traditional CRT method.
Research limitations/implications
The validity of the method must be tested on a larger scale, since this work involved only one controlled experiment for this purpose. The experiment involved the participation of postgraduate research assistants, who cannot be considered specialists in the diagnosis of NPD. One could question whether the method will be as helpful for proficient users as well. The authors did not have proficient users available to run the experiment. However, the authors believe that such a specialist would save time in carrying out a diagnosis with Diagile, and also be more effective in validating the diagnosis. However, this assumption could not be tested here and can therefore be considered a limiting factor of the experiment. Nevertheless, the positive results of the evaluations of the companies and users of the two case studies corroborate the statement that the objective of this work was attained.
Practical implications
The greater efficiency and effectiveness provided by the proposed Diagile method was also evident in the identification and prioritization of improvement opportunities. The experimental group drew up a more relevant and coherent list of improvement projects than the control group, and provided documentation for these projects in the form of project charts. The authors believe these results can be of a great impact if implemented by practitioners.
This paper proposes a new way to perform diagnostic of NPD process. In particular, this process is well known to be highly strategic, nevertheless, normally excluded out of improvement initiatives because of its complexity. The diagnostic method proposed is a powerful tool to assist practitioners finding systemic improvement opportunities, expanding the assessment to all dimensions of a business process, e.g. people, technology and process activities.
Wagner Junior Ladeira, Fernando de Oliveira Santini, Janaína Raquel Andrade da Costa and Lucas Endrigo Severo Ribeiro
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the moderating effect of salesperson environmental and goal orientation on the relationship between strategic orientation for failure…
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the moderating effect of salesperson environmental and goal orientation on the relationship between strategic orientation for failure recovery and performance behavior.
In total, 287 usable samples were collected from surveying sales representatives. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling.
The results indicated that the recovery strategy has a positive and significant impact on performance behavior. However, this relationship can be influenced by high levels of competitiveness to generate a smaller commitment in the sales team in behavioral performance and by the fact that salespeople who have a high learning goal orientation ascribed stronger relationships between the recovery strategy and performance goal.
Academically, this research has several purposes. In the sales area, the authors analyze the strategic orientation for failure recovery. The authors believe that this approach is necessary to improve the scientific quality of the studies in the sales area.
Alvaro Luis Lamas Cassago, Mateus Manfrin Artêncio, Daniele Ribeiro Contin, Beatriz Costa de Souza, Guilherme Silva Dias, Leonardo Gobbo Neto, Janaina de Moura Engracia Giraldi and Fernando Batista Da Costa
This paper aims to explore the impact of the origin of hops on the sensory and hedonic evaluation of highly involved craft beer consumers.
This paper aims to explore the impact of the origin of hops on the sensory and hedonic evaluation of highly involved craft beer consumers.
Data was collected through a between-subject tasting experiment, where the origin of hop was manipulated (imported vs locally grown). The craft beer samples used in the experiment were produced using hops of similar age but grown in two distinct places: USA (imported hop) and in the city of Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, where the experiment was conducted (locally grown hop). The sensory and hedonic evaluations of highly involved craft beer consumers (n = 100) were collected after tasting the samples.
The origin of hop proved to be significant in affecting participants’ sensory and hedonic evaluations. It was observed that women were more sensitive than men to the origin information: when information was given, differences were found only on men’s scores of dryness/astringency; while in women, significant differences were found not only in dryness/astringency, but also in bitterness and refreshing, which are important attributes in the sensory profile of craft beer. It was also confirmed the effect of localness in hop cultivation, once men’ and women’s scores on liking were higher for the sample brewed with locally grown hop.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first work using craft beer brewed with hops cultivated in Brazil and a sample of Brazilian craft beer consumers, therefore, providing a significant contribution to the field of consumer behavior. Furthermore, it adds to the discussion on sex-/gender-related differences regarding sensory expectation and perception of foods.
Marina Toledo de Arruda Lourenção, Maria Gabriela Montanari, Janaina de Moura Engracia Giraldi and André Lucirton Costa
The purpose of this paper is to identify the characteristics of Brazilian personality, associating them with the cordial man of the book Raízes do Brasil (Roots of Brazil). In…
The purpose of this paper is to identify the characteristics of Brazilian personality, associating them with the cordial man of the book Raízes do Brasil (Roots of Brazil). In addition, it aims to present an agenda for future management studies, suggesting works in several managerial areas which may be influenced by traits of the Brazilian personality.
A systematic review of studies on Brazil’s image was developed, so that it was possible to identify the main characteristics of the Brazilian personality. The main personality traits found were compared to those identified in the cordial man, from the book Raízes do Brasil.
The results indicate the main traits of Brazilians’ personality: sensual, cunning, cheerful, creative, hospitable, friendly and cordial. These traits are directly related to cordiality, mentioned in some studies, and also indirectly through words alluding to the character of the cordial man. These traits are related to the Brazilians image abroad and have created a confused image of Brazil.
Research limitations/implications
Regarding the theoretical contribution, the future studies agenda presented suggests the development of papers that relate Brazilians’ personality traits to other areas besides tourism, such as negotiation, organizational culture, exports, foreign direct investment, talent attraction and public diplomacy.
Practical implications
This study indicated that in practice, the Brazilian Government should develop marketing actions to promote a more consistent image of Brazil, reinforcing its positive aspects and creating new associations that allow Brazil to bring not only tourists but also residents, companies and investors for the country. These positive aspects, regarding the country citizens, can be their affability, hospitality, extraversion and generosity, which can improve the foreigners’ impressions on Brazil.
The originality of the study is to relate the concept of cordial man to the Brazilian people, showing the main features of their personality and also in the elaboration of an agenda indicating suggestions for future studies that relate the personality traits of Brazilian people with other areas.
Mateus Manfrin Artêncio, Alvaro Luis Lamas Cassago, Janaina de Moura Engracia Giraldi, Silvia Inês Dallavalle Pádua and Fernando Batista Da Costa
A region can be registered as a geographical indication (GI) when its human or natural characteristics influence product attributes. However, GI registration is a complex process…
A region can be registered as a geographical indication (GI) when its human or natural characteristics influence product attributes. However, GI registration is a complex process that can lead applicants to conflicts and resource waste. Since metabolomics can support product typicality, it can be an effective tool to evidence the place-product link, essential for GI registration. With the aim of increasing GI registration efficiency, this research aimed to map the Brazilian GI registration process from end to end, using business process model and notation (BPMN), and evaluate the application of metabolomics techniques as facilitator.
A qualitative exploratory study was proposed, with the Brazilian GI registration process as unit of analysis. Primary data was obtained through twelve in-depth interviews with GI producers, members of supporting institutions and metabolomics experts. Based on the collected data, the complete GI registration map was designed with software.
Results provided a clear view of the GI registration process. Interviewees considered the selection of the appropriate GI category, the establishment of GI common rules, product specification and the confirmation of the place-product link as the most demanding requirements. Since the last two involve specifying the influence of the origin on products, the use of metabolomics was suggested as a powerful tool to complete these stages.
Research limitations/implications
The theoretical contribution is provided by the interweave of the three scientific fields mentioned (GI, business process management (BPM) and metabolomics) to contribute to the still small body of literature on GI-related processes. Additionally, other theoretical contributions are the presentation of a GI registration map associated to the use of “omics” techniques as process facilitator.
Practical implications
The practical contribution of this work is the establishment of an end-to-end view of the entire GI registration process, which makes easier for applicants to engage, plan resources and achieve the GI label. Furthermore, metabolomics acts as a facilitator since its data can be used for different purposes on the way to GI registration.
Social implications
Results can be used to facilitate GI registration, reducing resources demanded from applicants. GI labels provide product protection, better selling prices and competitive advantages for producers, which are positive outcomes in countries with a commodity-based economy like Brazil.
The originality of the study lies in the approach used to map the GI registration process, as well as the suggestion of metabolomics as facilitator in some of its stages.
Silvia Inês Dallavalle de Pádua, Janaina Mascarenhas Hornos da Costa, Mayara Segatto, Melchior Aparecido de Souza Júnior and Charbel José Chiappetta Jabbour
This paper focuses on organizational change through the business process management approach. While “business process modeling” permits understanding process activities and their…
This paper focuses on organizational change through the business process management approach. While “business process modeling” permits understanding process activities and their activities with other participants, “current reality tree (CRT)” technique promotes the identification of process constraints. The purpose of this study is to compare the results from applying both diagnostic techniques, process modeling, using the business process modeling notation, and root cause analysis, using the CRT.
The comparison is made using a pre-experiment in which two teams conducted diagnoses concomitantly in the information technology management (ITM) process of one unit of the biggest and prestigious higher education institution (HEI) in Brazil.
The modeling technique and the CRT should be considered complementary techniques, since applying one does not diminish or exclude the importance of using the other. Results were compared analyzing which dimensions of the process each technique highlighted: strategy, organization, activity/information and resources.
Research limitations/implications
A possible limitation of this research is that the experiment was conducted in a single process and the result cannot be generalized to other processes.
Practical implications
It may be noted that the main contribution of this study is the presentation of the steps of two techniques for process diagnosis. It is expected that with the reports on diagnoses outcomes, team's assessment and the perception of the managers presented here other improvement teams may use the results of this research as an inspiration to perform process diagnosis, and as basis for decision making to define which technique to use according to the specific needs of process improvement.
The paper stands out the comparison of the technique application's outcomes. This study offers valuable insights to the organizations that are interested in restructuring their processes. It delineates many important benefits of such a diagnosis techniques. It also identifies possible pitfalls and recommends guidelines for the successful conduction of process diagnoses initiatives.
Erick da Luz Scherf, Marcos Vinicius Viana da Silva and Janaina S. Fachini
The purpose of this paper is to explore how the COVID-19 pandemic has been managed in Brazil, especially at the Federal Administrative level, with the focus being on the…
The purpose of this paper is to explore how the COVID-19 pandemic has been managed in Brazil, especially at the Federal Administrative level, with the focus being on the implications for human rights and public health in the country.
The research is built on a qualitative design made up of a case-study and review of the literature and is based on inductive reasoning.
Main conclusions were that: by not making sufficient efforts to safeguard the lives of Brazilians or to strengthen public health institutions amid the pandemic, Bolsonaro’s Administration may be violating the rights to life and health, among others, by omission; it was demonstrated that the President has worked unceasingly to bulldoze anti-COVID-19 efforts, which can be better explained through the concepts of necropolitics and neoliberal authoritarianism.
Research limitations/implications
One of the limitations to this research is that this paper was not able to discuss more thoroughly which other human rights norms and principles (apart from the right to health, life and the duty to protect vulnerable populations) have possibly been violated amid the COVID-19 pandemic in the country. Overall, this research can help expand the literature on human rights in health management during and after emergency times.
This paper focuses on recent events and on urgent matters that need to be addressed immediately in Brazil. This study provides an innovative health policy/human rights analysis to build an academic account of the ongoing pandemic in the largest country in South America.
Fernando Augusto Gouvea-Reis, Danniely Carolinne Soares da Silva, Lairton Souza Borja, Patrícia de Oliveira Dias, Jadher Percio, Cassio Peterka, Janaína de Oliveira, Giselle Sodré, Claudia Mendes Feres, Wallace Dos Santos, Fábio Souza, Ana Izabel Passarella Teixeira, Daiani Cristina Cilião-Alves, Gustavo Adolfo Sierra Romero, Elza Ferreira Noronha, Julio Croda, Rodrigo Haddad, Walter Massa Ramalho, Camile de Moraes and Wildo Navegantes de Araújo
This study aims to estimate the overall SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and evaluate the accuracy of an antibody rapid test compared to a reference serological assay during a COVID-19…
This study aims to estimate the overall SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and evaluate the accuracy of an antibody rapid test compared to a reference serological assay during a COVID-19 outbreak in a prison complex housing over 13,000 prisoners in Brasília.
The authors obtained a randomized, stratified representative sample of each prison unit and conducted a repeated serosurvey among prisoners between June and July 2020, using a lateral-flow immunochromatographic assay (LFIA). Samples were also retested using a chemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay (CLIA) to compare SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and 21-days incidence, as well as to estimate the overall infection fatality rate (IFR) and determine the diagnostic accuracy of the LFIA test.
This study identified 485 eligible individuals and enrolled 460 participants. Baseline and 21-days follow-up seroprevalence were estimated at 52.0% (95% CI 44.9–59.0) and 56.7% (95% CI 48.2–65.3) with LFIA; and 80.7% (95% CI 74.1–87.3) and 81.1% (95% CI 74.4–87.8) with CLIA, with an overall IFR of 0.02%. There were 78.2% (95% CI 66.7–89.7) symptomatic individuals among the positive cases. Sensitivity and specificity of LFIA were estimated at 43.4% and 83.3% for IgM; 46.5% and 91.5% for IgG; and 59.1% and 77.3% for combined tests.
The authors found high seroprevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies within the prison complex. The occurrence of asymptomatic infection highlights the importance of periodic mass testing in addition to case-finding of symptomatic individuals; however, the field performance of LFIA tests should be validated. This study recommends that vaccination strategies consider the inclusion of prisoners and prison staff in priority groups.