Maureen Bourassa, Kelton Doraty, Loleen Berdahl, Jana Fried and Scott Bell
Research on emotion in the context of risk perception has historically focused on negative emotions, and has emphasized the effect of these negative emotions on the perception of…
Research on emotion in the context of risk perception has historically focused on negative emotions, and has emphasized the effect of these negative emotions on the perception of risk amongst those who oppose (rather than support) contentious issues. Drawing on theory, the purpose of this paper is to hypothesize that both positive and negative emotions are correlated with risk perceptions regarding contentious public issues and that this occurs amongst supporters and opponents alike.
The paper explores the relationship between emotions and perceived risk through consideration of the highly contentious case of nuclear energy in Saskatchewan, Canada. The analysis uses data from a representative telephone survey of 1,355 residents.
The results suggest that positive emotions, like negative emotions, are related to nuclear energy risk perceptions. Emotions are related to risk perception amongst both supporters and opponents.
Research limitations/implications
The data set’s limited number of emotion measures and single public issue focus, combined with the survey’s cross-sectional design, make this research exploratory in nature. Future research should incorporate multiple positive emotions, explore opposition, and support across a range of contentious public issues, and consider experimental models to assess causal relationships.
Practical implications
The paper offers insights into how public sector managers must be cognizant of the emotional underpinnings of risk perceptions amongst both supporters and opponents of contentious public issues.
This paper builds on and expands previous work by considering both positive and negative emotions and both supporters and opponents of contentious issues.
Simone Holligan, Sunghwan Yi, Vinay Kanetkar, Jess Haines, Jana Dergham, Dawna Royall and Paula Brauer
The purpose of this paper is to assess the meal selection and potential vegetable substitution preferences in a sample of university students, to inform design of planned nudge…
The purpose of this paper is to assess the meal selection and potential vegetable substitution preferences in a sample of university students, to inform design of planned nudge interventions for increasing vegetable intake in on-campus cafeterias. The setting was a public university in southern Ontario, Canada.
An online survey was disseminated via multiple channels, and 686 undergraduate students responded. The frequency of purchasing specific meals on campus was queried first to set context, and then preferences for meal types (wraps, pasta, etc.), followed by preferences for vegetables to be added within meal types.
For portable meal options such as sandwiches, pitas and wraps, preferred vegetables for modification were cucumbers, spinach, tomatoes and bell peppers, and having vegetable toppings and raw cauliflower or broccoli as sides with pizza. For burgers or hotdogs, preferred sides were garden salad, cucumber slices and carrot sticks. Broccoli was the most preferred vegetable addition and substitution for sit-down meals, such as meals of chicken, beef, pork or fish with a side of potatoes or rice.
Practical implications
The findings can be used to design nudge interventions in university cafeterias by incorporating preferred vegetables into composite meals frequently purchased by students.
Few nudge studies to date have incorporated more vegetables into existing composite meals and offering them as the new default. Stated preferences are a reasonable starting point for the design of such interventions.
Samuel Ayofemi Olalekan Adeyeye, Olusola Bandele Oyewole, Adewale Olusegun Obadina, Adebukunola M Omemu and Hakeem A Oyedele
This study aims to assess and compare the quality and safety of street-vended, ready-to-eat fried and smoked West African Ilisha fish from the major markets in Ibadan, Oyo State…
This study aims to assess and compare the quality and safety of street-vended, ready-to-eat fried and smoked West African Ilisha fish from the major markets in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria.
A total of 50 samples each were obtained from ten major markets in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. Samples were analyzed in the laboratory for proximate, rancidity indices; i.e. peroxide value (PV), thiobarbituric acid (TBA), total volatile base-nitrogen (TVB-N), trimethylamine acid (TMA) and free fatty acid (FFA), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) and heavy metals.
The results showed that the mean PV (meq. peroxide/kg), TBA (mg Mol/kg), TVB-N (mgN/kg), TMA (mgN/kg) and FFA (%) contents within the fried fish samples ranged from 18.86-23.11, 2.08-2.98, 14.89-17.79, 1.98-2.89 and 2.46-5.98, respectively, while in the case of smoked fish samples, the corresponding contents were found to be 9.03-15.96, 1.03-1.59, 17.29-19.36, 2.15-2.68 and 1.13-1.62, respectively. The results also revealed the presence of PAH compounds in the fried and smoked fish samples. However, majority of the PAH compounds were above 5.0 μg/kg B(a)P maximum permissible levels set by EU Regulation 1881/2006. Concentrations of Hg, Pb, Cd and Cr in the fried and smoked fish samples showed that quantities of these trace heavy metals were below the recommended limits set by the World Health Organization and hence posed no risk to the consumers. The study concluded that consumption of fried and smoked fish may expose consumers to high-level PAH.
Research limitations/implications
The fried and smoked West African Ilisha fish samples used in this study were obtained from major markets in Ibadan, Oyo State, and there were limitations in getting the same samples with the same treatments in time because of poor and non-established uniform methodology of frying and smoking.
Practical implications
The paper helps in measuring quality and safety standards of fried and smoked fish products to reduce the incidence of food poison and enhance the health of consumers.
This research is of value to the traditional fish processors, government agencies responsible for food quality control and assurance as well as consumers, as little work has been done on this product.
Patricia Enciso, Brian Edmiston, Allison Volz, Bridget Lee and Nithya Sivashankar
The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the plans for and implementation of critical dramatic inquiry with middle school youth. The authors also provide a theoretical frame for…
The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the plans for and implementation of critical dramatic inquiry with middle school youth. The authors also provide a theoretical frame for understanding dramatic inquiry as an embodied, persuasive and reflexive practice that can inform and transform the ways youth and their teachers experience their own and others’ worlds. Throughout, the authors argue for the centrality of imagination in youth literacies and critical inquiry.
Working with Stetsenko’s (2008) concepts of contribution and agency, the authors considered the different ways youth “found [their] place among other people and ultimately, [found] a way to contribute to the continuous flow of sociocultural practices” (p. 17). Further, the authors considered Stetsenko’s (2012) reference to moral philosophy and the idea that “humans are understood as being connected with the world precisely through their own acts – through what has been termed “engaged agency” in moral philosophy (Taylor, 1995, p. 7)”. The authors read and annotated documents, noting key moments in the videos where youth collaborated in “finding a place among other people” and became “connected with the world […] through their own acts”.
The authors identified three ways dramatic inquiry orients youth in time-space, offering addresses and possibilities for answerability that direct their actions toward critical, ethical questions: creating a life through embodied positioning, reflecting on action through transformation of representations and establishing a direction for one’s own becoming through persuasion and answerability. These three modes of contributing to a dramatic inquiry extend current research and thought about drama by pointing to specific contributions to and purposes for action in drama experiences.
Research limitations/implications
This work represents a single two-session workshop of teacher research with middle school youth engaged in dramatic inquiry, and is, therefore, the beginning of a conceptual framework for understanding dramatic inquiry as critical sociocultural practice. As such, this work will need to be developed with the aim of extending the dramatic inquiry work across several days or weeks, to trace youth insights and subsequent actions.
Practical implications
Critical literacy educators who want to implement dramatic inquiry will find clear descriptions of practices and an analytic framework that supports planning for and reflection on social change arts-based experiences with youth.
Social implications
The authors argue that educators who aim to support youth actions, in relation to multiple viewpoints and possible futures, need to pose imagined and dramatized addresses to which youth can imagine and embody possibilities and express possible answers (Bakhtin). Based on Stetsenko’s transformative activist stance, the authors argue that drama-based experiences disrupt the everyday so youth may collectively explore and contribute to an emerging vision of equity and belonging.
Few studies have engaged Stetsenko’s transformative activist stance as a way to understand learning, social change and the role of imagination. This study describes and explores a unique instantiation of process drama informed by critical sociocultural theory.
Yaw A. Debrah and Ian G. Smith
Presents over sixty abstracts summarising the 1999 Employment Research Unit annual conference held at the University of Cardiff. Explores the multiple impacts of globalization on…
Presents over sixty abstracts summarising the 1999 Employment Research Unit annual conference held at the University of Cardiff. Explores the multiple impacts of globalization on work and employment in contemporary organizations. Covers the human resource management implications of organizational responses to globalization. Examines the theoretical, methodological, empirical and comparative issues pertaining to competitiveness and the management of human resources, the impact of organisational strategies and international production on the workplace, the organization of labour markets, human resource development, cultural change in organisations, trade union responses, and trans‐national corporations. Cites many case studies showing how globalization has brought a lot of opportunities together with much change both to the employee and the employer. Considers the threats to existing cultures, structures and systems.
The authors propose a new frequentist approach to sign restrictions in structural vector autoregressive models. By making efficient use of non-Gaussianity in the data, point…
The authors propose a new frequentist approach to sign restrictions in structural vector autoregressive models. By making efficient use of non-Gaussianity in the data, point identification is achieved which facilitates standard asymptotic inference and, hence, the assessment of theoretically implied signs and labelling of the statistically identified structural shocks. The authors illustrate the benefits of their approach in an empirical application to the US labour market.
CONTINUAL pressure of competition from the aircraft and automobile industries is forcing the administrators of railways throughout the world to concentrate their efforts on…
CONTINUAL pressure of competition from the aircraft and automobile industries is forcing the administrators of railways throughout the world to concentrate their efforts on possibilities of modernization and improvement, with particular emphasis on the increase in travelling speeds. It is, therefore, necessary to pay special attention to the system railway wheel/rail, as it is this which has to fulfil such important functions as transmitting the driving, braking and guiding forces, quite apart from supporting the vehicle itself.
Ingrid Mulà, Daniella Tilbury, Alexandra Ryan, Marlene Mader, Jana Dlouhá, Clemens Mader, Javier Benayas, Jirí Dlouhý and David Alba
The world is shaped by an education system that reinforces unsustainable thinking and practice. Efforts to transform our societies must thus prioritise the education of educators…
The world is shaped by an education system that reinforces unsustainable thinking and practice. Efforts to transform our societies must thus prioritise the education of educators – building their understanding of sustainability and their ability to transform curriculum and wider learning opportunities. The purpose of this paper is to focus on university educators and critically review the professional development and policy landscape challenges that influence their effective engagement with Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). The paper is informed by a pan-European collaboration involving 33 countries that identified emerging scholarship and practice in this area and assessed the lessons learned from ESD professional development initiatives. It sets the context for a special issue titled “Professional Development in Higher Education for Sustainable Development” that draws together a collection of articles focusing on professional development of university educators across the world.
This paper provides a critical review of existing practice, international policy frameworks and literature relating to ESD, professional development and higher education. It examines innovative initiatives worldwide that seek to improve the capability of educators in higher education to integrate ESD into academic practice at individual, disciplinary and institutional levels. A rigorous process of selection was applied and overseen by an international expert group. This ensured that the initiatives sought educational change in ESD, and not simply the embedding of content about sustainability into learning opportunities. It also assured that the initiatives had a clear and intentional professional learning process to underpin the engagement of participants with ESD.
ESD has grown in visibility and status worldwide, with a clear increase in activity in higher education. The sector is viewed as a significant force for change in societies, through the education provision it offers to future professionals and leaders in all sectors. However, universities currently lack capacity to integrate ESD effectively into mainstream teaching practices and the training they provide for academic staff or to integrate ESD into their institutional teaching and learning priorities. Many ESD activities remain focused on teaching issues arising in sustainable development research and delivering specialist modules or courses in sustainability. Very few countries and institutions have significant staff development programmes to enhance the ESD competences of university educators and build their academic leadership capabilities for ESD. The contributions to this special issue show the need for greater understanding of the multi-level task of integrating ESD into professional development activities, not just for individual impact in the classroom but to advance institutional change and decisively influence the teaching and learning discourse of higher education.
There are few research studies and documented activities on ESD professional development in higher education available in the literature. This paper attempts to explore what ESD professional development involves and describes its complexity within the higher education sector. The special issue provides a collection of innovative research and practical initiatives that can help those involved in education and learning to develop ESD as a priority for future university innovative pathways.
Asim K. Karmakar and Sebak K. Jana
Trade war among the nations dates back mainly to the nineteenth century. Some of the trade wars may be cited as (i) The First and Second Opium War Empire between 1839 and 1842;…
Trade war among the nations dates back mainly to the nineteenth century. Some of the trade wars may be cited as (i) The First and Second Opium War Empire between 1839 and 1842; (ii) The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, 1930 signed by US President Herbert Hoover; (iii) Chicken wars in the early 1960s; (iv) The US–Japan automobile trade war in the 1980s; (v) 1985 Pasta War between America under the Regan Administration of United States and Europe; (vi) The Banana wars. However, trade becomes more intense in the present century with the increase of the economic trade instruments. Under the Obama Administration, currency war and tariff war both became strong between the United States and China with intense effect over the globe. After the Obama regime, came Donald John Trump with a number of controversial (aggressive) trade protectionism plans saying thereby “China’s accession to the World Trade Organization has enabled the greatest jobs theft in history” and “Trillions of our dollars and millions of our jobs flowed overseas as a result.” Even during the COVID-19 period in the 2020s, threats and counter-threats have been on the ascend. It is in this backdrop the present chapter mainly traces the history of trade wars in the twenty-first century, touching upon the nineteenth and twentieth century trade battles.