Reports on a survey, the subject of which – the environment– is one of the key issues facing the world today. The objectivesin carrying out this survey were both to increase…
Reports on a survey, the subject of which – the environment – is one of the key issues facing the world today. The objectives in carrying out this survey were both to increase understanding of current attitudes and policies, and to stimulate a wider discussion within the logistics industry. Aims to find out whether companies have specific environmental policies and what actions they are taking to protect the environment. Also looks into the views of logistics professionals on the current and future importance of environmental considerations within their own specialist area. Results show that there is still much to be done, but in many areas environmental improvement and cost savings can go hand‐in‐hand. Provides an essential baseline for quantifying future environmental improvement and contributes to raising the awareness of everybody in the industry.
Reports on a survey of companies using third‐party distributionservices. Compares results with those of the same survey conducted threeyears earlier. Discusses reasons why…
Reports on a survey of companies using third‐party distribution services. Compares results with those of the same survey conducted three years earlier. Discusses reasons why companies may or may not use third‐party distribution providers. Establishes how satisfied companies are with existing arrangements. Explores why companies may wish to change current arrangements.
This special “Anbar Abstracts” issue of the Marketing Intelligence & Planning is split into nine sections covering abstracts under the following headings: Business Strategy;…
This special “Anbar Abstracts” issue of the Marketing Intelligence & Planning is split into nine sections covering abstracts under the following headings: Business Strategy; Marketing Strategy; Customer Service; Sales Management; Promotion; Marketing Research/Customer Behaviour; Product Management; Logistics and Distribution; Sundry.
This special “Anbar Abstracts” issue of the Marketing Intelligence & Planning is split into seven sections covering abstracts under the following headings: Marketing Strategy;…
This special “Anbar Abstracts” issue of the Marketing Intelligence & Planning is split into seven sections covering abstracts under the following headings: Marketing Strategy; Customer Service; Sales Management/Sundry; Promotion; Marketing Research/Customer Behaviour; Product Management; Logistics and Distribution.
This special “Anbar Abstracts” issue of the International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management is split into six sections covering abstracts under the following…
This special “Anbar Abstracts” issue of the International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management is split into six sections covering abstracts under the following headings: Logistics and Distribution Strategy; Supply Chain Management; IT in Logistics and Distribution; Just‐in‐time Management; Accounting for Logistics; International.
This special “Anbar Abstracts” issue of the International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management is split into eight sections covering abstracts under the…
This special “Anbar Abstracts” issue of the International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management is split into eight sections covering abstracts under the following headings: Distribution and supply chain management; Logistics; Air/road/rail transport; Retail/wholesale; Freight and delivery services; International; Purchasing; Accounting.
This special “Anbar Abstracts” issue of the International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management is split into six sections covering abstracts under the following headings…
This special “Anbar Abstracts” issue of the International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management is split into six sections covering abstracts under the following headings: Business Strategy; Personnel and Training; Marketing and Customer Service; Logistics and Distribution; Financial Management; Information Technology.