The substance of this article was prepared for and delivered as the keynote address at the Joint Information Systems Committee’s Electronic Libraries Conference, “Information…
The substance of this article was prepared for and delivered as the keynote address at the Joint Information Systems Committee’s Electronic Libraries Conference, “Information Ecologies: The Impact of New Information Species,” 2‐4 December 1998, York, UK. With a prefatory warning about the useful limits of metaphor, the ecological principles of equilibrium, opportunism, symbiosis and ecological succession are applied to the information economy. The potential implications for publishers, libraries, and new information types are explored.
James Michalko and John Haeger
Operating at the crossroads of higher education, librarianship, technology application, and service delivery, the Research Libraries Group (RLG) is a powerful partner to…
Operating at the crossroads of higher education, librarianship, technology application, and service delivery, the Research Libraries Group (RLG) is a powerful partner to institutional efforts. For 20 years, it has identified critical research needs, provided responsive solutions, and expanded access to new and untapped information resources. With its highly skilled staff, sophisticated technical resources, and successful track record in managing and supporting interactions among its members, RLG is well positioned to help research institutions address the information challenges of the 1990s.
The Commercial Invoice is the first EDI message to gain worldwide acceptance, and it has been registered as a standard by the United Nations. The action was hailed by the…
The Commercial Invoice is the first EDI message to gain worldwide acceptance, and it has been registered as a standard by the United Nations. The action was hailed by the Commission of European Communities (CEC) as a significant step towards the international agreement on technical standards needed in order for electronic communications to gradually replace paperwork in world trade.
To report on the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) held the Spring 2005 Task Force Meeting for its Task Force representatives and other participants in Washington, DC, on…
To report on the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) held the Spring 2005 Task Force Meeting for its Task Force representatives and other participants in Washington, DC, on April 4‐5, 2005.
Provides a concise review of the conference.
The meeting offered a wide variety of timely presentations that advanced and reported on CNI’s programs, projects and issues from Task Force member institutions and emphasized significant activities on the national and international arenas.
This paper is a useful summary of a conference of interest to library and information management professionals.
Support sought for changes to copyright law EIIA members have been asked to support a change in the copyright laws to permit some ‘fair use’ copying of software. A proposal is…
Support sought for changes to copyright law EIIA members have been asked to support a change in the copyright laws to permit some ‘fair use’ copying of software. A proposal is likely to go to the European Commission this month. Meanwhile, Memoranda of Mutal Understanding have been signed with the United States' HA and Japan's JICOA, to co‐operate in activities such as supporting the free flow of information.
Saztec Europe forms new division. Saztec Europe has formed a new division which will specifically concentrate on marketing its services to European libraries. Chris Dowd and…
Saztec Europe forms new division. Saztec Europe has formed a new division which will specifically concentrate on marketing its services to European libraries. Chris Dowd and Glenda Rousseau, who have 30 years of bibliographic services experience between them, head a team of 10 specialists in London and Scotland. Detailed knowledge and experience in multilingual database creation are claimed. Talks are currently taking place with European national libraries on the prospects for further work of this kind. Conrad Lealand, Managing Director of Saztec Europe, said he believed a number of major catalogue conversions would take place during the next four years.
A pan‐European network for the academic, government and commercial research community is to be provided by DANTE, launched in July in Cambridge, England. The name stands for…
A pan‐European network for the academic, government and commercial research community is to be provided by DANTE, launched in July in Cambridge, England. The name stands for ‘Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe.’