Christophe Versèle, Olivier Deblecker and Jacques Lobry
This paper presents a computer‐aided design (CAD) tool for the design of isolated dc‐dc converters.
This paper presents a computer‐aided design (CAD) tool for the design of isolated dc‐dc converters.
This tool, developed in Matlab environment, is based on multiobjective optimization (MO) using genetic algorithms. The Elitist Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm is used to perform search and optimization whereas analytical models are used to model the power converters. The design problem requires minimizing the weight, losses and cost of the converter while ensuring the satisfaction of a number of constraints. The optimization variables are, as for them, the operating frequency, the current density, the maximum flux density, the transformer dimensions, the wire diameter, the core material, the conductor material, the converter topology (among Flyback, Forward, Push‐Pull, half‐bridge and full‐bridge topologies), the number of semiconductor devices associated in parallel, the number of cells associated in series or parallel as well as the kinds of input and output connections (serial or parallel) of these cells. Finally, the design of an auxiliary railway power supply is presented and discussed.
The results show that such tool to design dc‐dc power converters presents several advantages. In particular, it proposes to the designer a set of solutions – instead of a single one – so that he can choose a posteriori which solution best fits the application under consideration. Moreover, interesting solutions not considered a priori can be found with this tool.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, such a CAD tool including a MO procedure taking several topologies into account has not been suggested so far.
This paper gives a bibliographical review of the finite element and boundary element parallel processing techniques from the theoretical and application points of view. Topics…
This paper gives a bibliographical review of the finite element and boundary element parallel processing techniques from the theoretical and application points of view. Topics include: theory – domain decomposition/partitioning, load balancing, parallel solvers/algorithms, parallel mesh generation, adaptive methods, and visualization/graphics; applications – structural mechanics problems, dynamic problems, material/geometrical non‐linear problems, contact problems, fracture mechanics, field problems, coupled problems, sensitivity and optimization, and other problems; hardware and software environments – hardware environments, programming techniques, and software development and presentations. The bibliography at the end of this paper contains 850 references to papers, conference proceedings and theses/dissertations dealing with presented subjects that were published between 1996 and 2002.