The Multifile Multidisciplinary (Horizontal) Search (MMS) approach to searching online databases, is characterised by the use of an especially large number of files spanning a…
The Multifile Multidisciplinary (Horizontal) Search (MMS) approach to searching online databases, is characterised by the use of an especially large number of files spanning a wide variety of disciplines, provided by any given vendor, in order to solve a given information problem. This is in contrast to the traditional ‘vertical’ search approach, which emphasises file specialisation and searching in a small number of files; tens to hundreds of files may be used when implementing the MMS approach. In addition MMS enables the development of new information ‘products’, maximal use of a vendor's database, identification of the files best suited for initial searching and hard‐to‐locate sources of data and information.
Jenna A. Lamphere and Jon Shefner
This paper seeks to situate the green economy (GE) within the broader history of sustainable development (SD), bringing related lessons and insights into its fold.
This paper seeks to situate the green economy (GE) within the broader history of sustainable development (SD), bringing related lessons and insights into its fold.
We critically examine the history of SD, focusing on the relationship between SD outcomes and a variety of theoretical and political influences, such as demodernization theories, ecological modernization, neoliberalism, and state theory. We situate the GE within this broader history and identify emergent pathways to successful GE development.
We suggest that a strong GE discourse, one that prioritizes both people and the environment, provides an opportunity to revitalize the state, combat neoliberal primacy, and drive progressive economic and environmental policy.
Practical implications
A critical examination of SD history can provide important lessons for GE actors seeking progressive social and environmental change.
Originality/ value
As social and environmental crises deepen, the need for developing and propagating discourses that engender economic reform and ecological protection becomes ever more evident.
Abraham Sagie and Jacob Weisberg
The transition from a Socialist approach to a free market approach and the rise of a new high‐tech sector are two remarkable shifts that have occurred in the last two decades in…
The transition from a Socialist approach to a free market approach and the rise of a new high‐tech sector are two remarkable shifts that have occurred in the last two decades in Israel. In the face of these changes, human resource (HR) practitioners are currently expected to assume new roles, adopt different work values, and apply appropriate strategies. HR managers in the low‐tech industry still adhere to traditional values and strategies, including a reliance on trade unions and an emphasis on job security and the employees’ years of work experience and seniority as key criteria for promotion. In the emerging high‐tech sector, HR managers have adopted new values and developed new strategies, including human resource management programs, employee empowerment, higher salaries and better benefits, while placing an emphasis on employees’ talents and qualifications.
Jeffrey Kantor and Jacob Weisberg
Ethical attitudes and ethical behavior in organizations may have substantial ramifications on a firm’s operation. This study investigates whether or not managers are perceived by…
Ethical attitudes and ethical behavior in organizations may have substantial ramifications on a firm’s operation. This study investigates whether or not managers are perceived by employees to exhibit ethical attitudes and ethical behavior and thereby being their role models. A sample of 111 employees within the finance department of a major municipality who are exposed to unethical behavior responded to a structured questionnaire concerning ethical and unethical episodes. There were three major findings: first, consistently perceived ethical behavior is lower than perceived ethical attitudes of the employee, his peers and of his managers; second, self‐enhancing bias exists; and third, managers do not exhibit an ethical role model in the organization. Implications for human resource management and policies are discussed.
Morgaen Donaldson and Madeline Mavrogordato
The purpose of this paper is to examine how school leaders use high-stakes teacher evaluation to improve and, if necessary, remove low-performing teachers in their schools. It…
The purpose of this paper is to examine how school leaders use high-stakes teacher evaluation to improve and, if necessary, remove low-performing teachers in their schools. It explores how cognitive, relational and organizational factors play a role in shaping the way school leaders implement teacher evaluation.
Using a database of in-depth interviews with 17 principals and assistant principals, this study uses cross-case comparisons to examine one district’s efforts to improve the performance of low-performing teachers through evaluation.
School leaders’ framing of teacher performance and their efforts to improve instruction reveal the cognitive, relational and organizational aspects of working with low-performing teachers and, if necessary, pursuing removal. Notably, this study found that cognitive and relational factors were important in school leaders’ teacher improvement efforts, but organizational factors were most salient when attempting to remove teachers.
Research limitations/implications
Because evaluating and developing teachers has become such an important aspect of school leaders’ day to day work, this study suggests that school leaders could benefit from more assistance from district personnel and that preparation programs should build in opportunities for aspiring leaders to learn more about their role as evaluators.
The success or failure of teacher evaluation systems largely hinges on school leaders, yet there is scant research on how school leaders make decisions to develop and remove low-performing teachers. This study sheds light on the central role school leaders play in implementing high-stakes teacher evaluation.
Climate change will affect tourism at several temporal and spatial levels. This chapter focuses on the quantification of effects and the development of strategies to reduce…
Climate change will affect tourism at several temporal and spatial levels. This chapter focuses on the quantification of effects and the development of strategies to reduce extremes and frequencies as well as thresholds in tourism areas. Knowledge about possibilities for mitigation and adaptation of current and expected climate conditions requires interdisciplinary approaches and solutions. Several examples are presented, including the effects of trees against climate change and extreme events (heat waves), behavior adaptations, urban and regional planning measures, bioclimatic conditions in the Mediterranean and human–biometeorological conditions under climate change conditions, and user-friendly computer tools for the quantification of urban bioclimate conditions.
A case study of how a major company decided to use one strong brandequity to unify its whole product portfolio is presented. Twoestablished brandnames (Jacob′s and Huntley &…
A case study of how a major company decided to use one strong brand equity to unify its whole product portfolio is presented. Two established brandnames (Jacob′s and Huntley & Palmers) would have been acceptable for the purely biscuit market but Jacob′s was chosen (after market and image analysis) to embody both the company′s traditional virtues and allow a thrust towards a more modern image and future role as a snack.
Jean-marc Linares, Julien Chaves-Jacob, Quentin Lopez and Jean-Michel Sprauel
The mechanical characterization of selective laser melting (SLM) parts is an industrial challenge. This paper aims to propose a methodology to control the fatigue life of 17-4Ph…
The mechanical characterization of selective laser melting (SLM) parts is an industrial challenge. This paper aims to propose a methodology to control the fatigue life of 17-4Ph stainless steel by selecting the most relevant manufacturing parameters: i.e. laser power, laser travel speed, hatch spacing and laser defocusing.
A rough and refined design of experiment (DOE) is carried out to target the best combination of process parameters. A response surface model is then constructed to predict the parameter combination that optimizes the fatigue performance.
This study results show that the fatigue limit of the specimens manufactured by SLM (471.7 MPa at 107 cycles) has reached near 90% of the value found in samples machined from a bar. This demonstrates the applicability of the method proposed to optimize the SLM process and control the fatigue life of 17-4Ph stainless steel. The study results are compared with other research works and provide an increase of 18% to the fatigue limit.
This study showcases a DOE methodology to optimize the SLM parameters to achieve fatigue performance as great as that of solid 17-4Ph stainless steel.