The Institution of Incorporated Plant Engineers recently held their fourth Annual Conference at Buxton, with headquarters at the Palace Hotel. Among those who took part in…
The Institution of Incorporated Plant Engineers recently held their fourth Annual Conference at Buxton, with headquarters at the Palace Hotel. Among those who took part in discussions was Mr. Richard H. Morris, an American Member, who flew from his country to attend the Conference. Mr. Morris is editor of the Chicago journal “Plant Engineering”. An address was also given by Mr. Oliver Lyle, director of Tate & Lyle Ltd.
In the first article in this series, the author dealt with general classification and composition of oils, fats and waxes, and this went on to discuss the properties of drying and…
In the first article in this series, the author dealt with general classification and composition of oils, fats and waxes, and this went on to discuss the properties of drying and non‐drying vegetable oils. In this second part, the properties of animal and fish oils, fats and waxes will be considered.
WITH record attendances during the first days of the Motor Show this year, Exhibitors are asking if it would not be possible to have certain times, or days, reserved for trade…
WITH record attendances during the first days of the Motor Show this year, Exhibitors are asking if it would not be possible to have certain times, or days, reserved for trade buyers. The promoters are obviously concerned with any possible loss of gate money, but it is very true that at times, when stands are crowded with mere sight‐seers it is very difficult for genuine potential buyers and trade personnel to see what they want in the short time that may be at their disposal. These record attendances may not be repeated always; this year is the first time for a long time that anyone can order any car with a reasonable delivery date, and most cars with only a few weeks wait.
SOCIAL responsibility is a phrase widely employed today. The mass media harps on it as much as it was prone to do about worker participation. Rarely, however, does anyone analyse…
SOCIAL responsibility is a phrase widely employed today. The mass media harps on it as much as it was prone to do about worker participation. Rarely, however, does anyone analyse it and explain in simple terms what it really means, whether it is desirable and how it can be achieved.
The COMMERCIAL MOTOR TRANSPORT EXHIBITION at Earls Court has just finished, and the Motor Exhibition commences on 20th October, and runs until the 30th. Those who have not visited…
The COMMERCIAL MOTOR TRANSPORT EXHIBITION at Earls Court has just finished, and the Motor Exhibition commences on 20th October, and runs until the 30th. Those who have not visited the Commercial Show will find most of the stands in the Accessory and Components sections still in the same places for the Motor Show and they will still have an opportunity of seeing them. Most exhibits here will be similar. There are many stands directly connected with lubrication and the following are some of them.
Aarhus Kommunes Biblioteker (Teknisk Bibliotek), Ingerslevs Plads 7, Aarhus, Denmark. Representative: V. NEDERGAARD PEDERSEN (Librarian).
The 1955 Motor Show opens on Wednesday, October 19th, at Earls Court, when the opening ceremony will be performed by Admiral Earl Mountbatten. The Show remains open until October…
The 1955 Motor Show opens on Wednesday, October 19th, at Earls Court, when the opening ceremony will be performed by Admiral Earl Mountbatten. The Show remains open until October 29th. About 300 cars from seven nations, caravans and motor boats will be displayed. A number of newly‐designed motor cars from several British manufacturers will make their first public appearance there. Hours of opening are from 10 a.m.—9 p.m. Prices of admission are 5s. before 5 p.m. and 2s. 6d. after 5 p.m., except on the opening day and Tuesday, 25th October, when the price of admission is £1 before 5 p.m. and 10s. after 5 p.m.
IF THERE IS one thing that is troubling the Government — or should be — as it already is a prime worry to the population of Britain (and specially those immediately affected by…
IF THERE IS one thing that is troubling the Government — or should be — as it already is a prime worry to the population of Britain (and specially those immediately affected by it) it is the unacceptable level of unemployment.
The Presidential Address to the Liverpool Engineering Society by Mr. Farthing (the salient points of which are reproduced in this issue) has particular bearing upon lubrication…
The Presidential Address to the Liverpool Engineering Society by Mr. Farthing (the salient points of which are reproduced in this issue) has particular bearing upon lubrication and especially on young lubrication engineers. Mr. Farthing stressed the very wide field open to young engineers and the difficulties associated with training in order to cover as wide a field as may be necessary. It is usually so important to gain a wide knowledge before one can specialise and this is certainly the case with lubrication engineers. One cannot begin to fully appreciate the intricacies of a lubrication system with all its accessory components lubricating and guarding, for example, a large motive power plant or rolling mill, until one has more than a mere working knowledge of the plant itself, the duties it must perform, how it performs them and the snags that arise which might be overcome by correct lubrication. In view of the fact that lubrication systems are just as important in a textile mill as in a power station or a large brick works, the almost impossible‐to‐achieve‐range of knowledge that would simplify the work of a lubrication engineer is very obvious. Fortunately, lubricating principles apply to most cases and knowing how to apply one's knowledge from basic principles is the key to success in this difficult profession.
Chester Street, Aston, Birmingham, 6. The ‘Donald’ Patent Barrel Lifter Truck and Stand, the three‐in‐one appliance. Barrels up to 7 cwts. lifted and transported by one man…
Chester Street, Aston, Birmingham, 6. The ‘Donald’ Patent Barrel Lifter Truck and Stand, the three‐in‐one appliance. Barrels up to 7 cwts. lifted and transported by one man. ‘Donald’ Patent Barrel Lifter Stands for Oil Stores.