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Publication date: 1 January 1935

With this number the Library Review enters on its ninth year, and we send greetings to readers at home and abroad. Though the magazine was started just about the time when the…



With this number the Library Review enters on its ninth year, and we send greetings to readers at home and abroad. Though the magazine was started just about the time when the depression struck the world, its success was immediate, and we are glad to say that its circulation has increased steadily every year. This is an eminently satisfactory claim to be able to make considering the times through which we have passed.


Library Review, vol. 5 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0024-2535

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Publication date: 1 June 1940


THE evacuation brought many problems to the country districts—problems that those who ordered it had not bothered to think‐out beforehand. One suspects that the ministers…



THE evacuation brought many problems to the country districts—problems that those who ordered it had not bothered to think‐out beforehand. One suspects that the ministers responsible looked on it as an exercise in moving a million people from one place to another; and, when the million had been moved, congratulated themselves on another astounding success. But the moving was only the start. It was a far more difficult business to keep the evacuees in the country. That raised problems for everybody—including the rural librarian. Some people may say the evacuees didn't want to read anything except timetables for trains to take them home. The rural librarian, being a man of understanding, might have foreseen that demand and supplied it. But there are other and better ways in which the rural librarian might have helped and is helping. For the rural library can provide the evacuees with a substitute for the pleasures of town; and, more important in the longrun, can help them to understand that strange, almost foreign, thing—country life.


Library Review, vol. 7 no. 6
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0024-2535

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Publication date: 1 March 1967

James Kidd

EPPIE ELRICK, William P. Milne's Aberdeenshire tale of the '15, first appeared in serial form in the Buchan Observer, running from 19 October 1954 to 6 September 1955. It was then…



EPPIE ELRICK, William P. Milne's Aberdeenshire tale of the '15, first appeared in serial form in the Buchan Observer, running from 19 October 1954 to 6 September 1955. It was then published by Scrogie of Peterhead, as a book of 284 pages, before the end of the year. Another impression was issued in the following year.


Library Review, vol. 21 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0024-2535

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Publication date: 1 June 1936


THE law relating to public libraries in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Irish Free State is contained in 16 Public Libraries Acts. There are 19 other Acts of…



THE law relating to public libraries in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Irish Free State is contained in 16 Public Libraries Acts. There are 19 other Acts of Parliament in force which contain provisions directly affecting public libraries and, in addition, several Acts relating to public health, local government and other matters, apply indirectly. To add to this accumulation of statute law, Statutory Rules and Orders have been made, and several local Acts of Parliament passed under which public libraries have been established and are still maintained. From time to time additional borrowing powers have been secured by means of local Acts and, before the removal of the rate limitation in England, localities were able to obtain parliamentary sanction to increase the library rate in the same manner. The difficulty of ascertaining the source of the law increases as time goes on. The Local Government (Scotland) Act, 1929, created an anomalous position with regard to county and burgh library rates and, in 1933, the Local Government Act amended the law in England in many respects. The draft of a Public Health Bill, issued in January by the Local Government and Public Health Consolidation Committee, recommends still another alteration affecting public libraries.


Library Review, vol. 5 no. 6
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0024-2535

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Publication date: 1 May 1938

FOR many years the LIBRARY REVIEW has provided a service of Irish news in the form of letters sent by Irish librarians. The correspondence has proved interesting, not only to our…



FOR many years the LIBRARY REVIEW has provided a service of Irish news in the form of letters sent by Irish librarians. The correspondence has proved interesting, not only to our Irish colleagues themselves, but also to librarians in Britain and overseas. It served to supplement the news published in the official Irish magazine, An Leabharlann, in virtue of the fact that it usually covered the library field in the North as well as in the South. The letters have mainly been amiable, but in our Autumn number our correspondent made the following statement: “In your Summer number I read your notice of As I Was Going Down Sackville Street by Dr. Gogarty. This book has been well read in Ireland, but an injunction has been taken out against it, greatly to the regret of most people of liberal mind, but much to the satisfaction of the perfervid Gaels who, as followers of Mr. De Valera, are leading the nation up the garden path to a waste land in which we will croon our ancient songs and hymns of hate in bad Gaelic. There are those of my friends—few enough in number I may say—in favour of Irish language studies, but the majority of average Irishmen are simply being driven into the movement. In their heart of hearts they loathe the Gallicization of the country, but they remember a period when to criticise would possibly have meant a stab in the back, tarring and feathering, or some other sadistic pubishment …” It is not necessary to quote the remainder of the letter, and those particularly interested may read it for themselves in the number in which it appeared. Naturally enough, some of our Irish colleagues do not see eye to eye with our correspondent, and have protested to us, and, in terms of our general policy, we are pleased to publish their protests, along with the detached observations of two other colleagues.


Library Review, vol. 6 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0024-2535

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Book part
Publication date: 8 April 2015

Malcolm Rutherford

This paper is an initial attempt to discuss the American institutionalist movement as it changed and developed after 1945. Institutionalism in the inter-war period was a…


This paper is an initial attempt to discuss the American institutionalist movement as it changed and developed after 1945. Institutionalism in the inter-war period was a relatively coherent movement held together by a set of general methodological, theoretical, and ideological commitments (Rutherford, 2011). Although institutionalism always had its critics, it came under increased attack in the 1940s, and faced challenges from Keynesian economics, a revived neoclassicism, econometrics, and from new methodological approaches derived from various versions of positivism. The institutionalist response to these criticisms, and particularly the criticism that institutionalism “lacked theory,” is to be found in a variety of attempts to redefine institutionalism in new theoretical or methodological terms. Perhaps the most important of these is to be found in Clarence Ayres’ The Theory of Economic Progress (1944), although there were many others. These developments were accompanied by a significant amount of debate, disagreement, and uncertainty over future directions. Some of this is reflected in the early history of The Association for Evolutionary Economics.

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Book part
Publication date: 3 May 2007



Documents from the History of Economic Thought
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-0-7623-1423-2

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Publication date: 1 April 1926

A joint Committee consisting of six members of the Royal Sanitary Institute and five members of the Society of Medical Officers of Health, Dr. Charles Porter presiding, was…



A joint Committee consisting of six members of the Royal Sanitary Institute and five members of the Society of Medical Officers of Health, Dr. Charles Porter presiding, was appointed in October, 1924, to consider the methods adopted in this country in regard to the handling of food. The report of the Committee, which has just been issued, affords interesting reading. In order to obtain information with regard to methods adopted in relation to particular foods, each member of the Committee undertook to make investigations and to prepare a monograph on some special aspect of the problem. The subjects investigated and the members taking responsibility tor the preparation of the monographs were:—Meat and Meat products— J. R. Hayhurst, M.R.C.V.S. Fish—Professor H. R. Kenwood, C.M.G., M.B. Fruit and Vegetables—J. Fenton, M.D. Bread and Confectionery—Joseph Cates, M.D. Milk, Ice Cream, &c.—Thomas Orr, M.D., D.Sc. Groceries—Sir William Beveridge, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O. Restaurants and Cafés‐Francis J. Allan, M.D. Premises where Prepared Food is made—T. W. Naylor Barlow, O.B.E., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Imported Foods—W. M. Willoughby, M.D. Food Regulations, Licensing and Registration of Premises—Francis J. Allan, M.D.


British Food Journal, vol. 28 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0007-070X

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Publication date: 1 June 1985

The librarian and researcher have to be able to uncover specific articles in their areas of interest. This Bibliography is designed to help. Volume IV, like Volume III, contains…



The librarian and researcher have to be able to uncover specific articles in their areas of interest. This Bibliography is designed to help. Volume IV, like Volume III, contains features to help the reader to retrieve relevant literature from MCB University Press' considerable output. Each entry within has been indexed according to author(s) and the Fifth Edition of the SCIMP/SCAMP Thesaurus. The latter thus provides a full subject index to facilitate rapid retrieval. Each article or book is assigned its own unique number and this is used in both the subject and author index. This Volume indexes 29 journals indicating the depth, coverage and expansion of MCB's portfolio.


Management Decision, vol. 23 no. 6
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0025-1747


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Publication date: 17 August 2015

Anne Thomas

The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the complexities involved in delivering seamless patient-centred care across organisational boundaries. There is particular focus on how…




The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the complexities involved in delivering seamless patient-centred care across organisational boundaries. There is particular focus on how working with an organisation outside the public sector challenges the ideology of those involved, thereby hindering progress. It will explore the challenges and solutions to delivering a service and discuss the key components of success. It will investigate the theory of partnership working and balance the importance of the emotional investment and understanding with leadership and project management.


It explores the current “crisis” in NHS, along with political statements, emphasising its importance, but failing to address the issues faced by workers and agencies in the “outside” world. It will examine the concept of the “other” to explain the struggle required to gain a place at the table in discussing integration/service improvement. It will use experience in negotiating between a reasonably large care and nursing home provider and public sector bodies in Wales and consider the factors leading to a successful collaboration.


The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act, 2014 makes it clear that integration is seen as a critical means to achieve better outcomes for people and whilst not contesting that principle, the paper shows that integration is often limited in thinking and action to “public sector” integration.


There have been few attempts to explore the role and function of care and nursing home providers in service improvement from the provider’s perspective. It will challenge the practice of commissioning, that gives all the power to the commissioner and explores the commissioners’ accountability for their role in partnership work. It also offers hope for a different kind of relationship, based on mature conversations and mutual respect, along with a system of governance offering guarantees for sustainability.


Nod y papur hwn yw herio’r diffiniad poblogaidd a dderbynnir o’r GIG tra’n trafod y posibiliadau a photensial cyflenwi gofal didrafferth sy’n canolbwyntio ar y claf rhwng darparwr cartref nyrsio trydydd sector, bwrdd iechyd Prifysgol ac awdurdod lleol, gan ddangos bod y cyfleoedd ar gyfer dewisiadau amgen i wasanaethau ysbyty yn enfawr. Bydd yn cyfeirio at y diffyg dealltwriaeth a’r diffyg ymddiriedaeth cynhenid rhwng y rheiny sy’n credu eu bod yn gweithio yn y GIG neu’n rhan ohono a’r rheiny sydd wedi eu diffinio neu y’u hystyrir fel pobl sydd “y tu allan”. Os byddwch yn lleoli’r beirniadaethau gwerth a’r rhagfarn cysylltiedig gan weithwyr proffesiynol, gwleidyddion a’r cyhoedd am y byd ‘y tu allan’, byddwch yn dod ar draws rhwystrau gwirioneddol i ddylunio, cyflenwi a gweithredu modelau gofal gwahanol. Bydd yr awdur yn herio’r diffiniad o’r GIG fel y defnyddir mewn ymarfer ac yn dangos sut, trwy ganolbwyntio ar y claf a diben y GIG, yn hytrach na’r adeilad ffisegol neu’r sefydliad, gall arweinwyr gael rhyddid i fod yn arloesol ac yn effeithiol wrth ddylunio a chyflenwi gwasanaethau.


bydd yr awdur yn archwilio’r “argyfwng” a welir yn y GIG ar hyn o bryd, ynghyd â datganiadau gwleidyddol i bwysleisio ei bwysigrwydd, sy’n methu mynd i’r afael â’r materion a wynebir gan weithwyr ac asiantaethau sy’n ffurfio’r byd “y tu allan”. Bydd y papur yn archwilio’r cysyniad o’r “ARALL” i esbonio’r frwydr sydd ei hangen i gael lle wrth y bwrdd i drafod integreiddio/gwella gwasanaethau. Bydd yn defnyddio profiad yn trafod rhwng darparwr cartref gofal a nyrsio cymharol fawr a chyrff y sector cyhoeddus yng Nghymru ac yn ystyried y ffactorau sy’n arwain at gydweithredu llwyddiannus.


Mae Deddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Lles (Cymru), 2014 yn egluro bod integreiddio’n cael ei weld fel dull hanfodol o gael canlyniadau gwell ar gyfer pobl ac er nad yw’n dadlau yn erbyn yr egwyddor hwnnw, mae’r papur yn dangos bod integreiddio yn aml yn gyfyngedig o ran meddwl a gweithredu i integreiddio’r ‘sector cyhoeddus’.


Mae’r papur yn ymgais prin iawn i archwilio rôl a swyddogaeth darparwyr cartrefi gofal a nyrsio yn gwella gwasanaethau, yn herio dealltwriaeth un dimensiwn o gomisiynu sy’n rhoi’r grym i gyd i’r comisiynydd. Mae hefyd yn rhoi gobaith ar gyfer math gwahanol o berthynas, yn seiliedig ar barch ar y ddwy ochr, ynghyd â system o lywodraethu sy’n gallu rhoi sicrwydd yn ymwneud â chynaliadwyedd.


Journal of Integrated Care, vol. 23 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1476-9018


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