IN 1972 this journal published an article by the writer concerning the use of electrical components in Gas Turbine control systems. It is the purpose of this further article to…
IN 1972 this journal published an article by the writer concerning the use of electrical components in Gas Turbine control systems. It is the purpose of this further article to update and amplify the earlier one. It should be mode clear from the start that the writer lays no claim to be an expert in the design of gas turbine control systems but he can speak from a considerable experience of the problems which arise in the design of the electrical components for such systems.
AS JET AIRCRAFT become heavier and faster and fly higher, so ever greater demands are made on the gas turbines which propel them.
Although libraries are intended for all, many potentialcustomers are deterred from using services which couldbe helpful to them. The library is too often regarded asa storehouse…
Although libraries are intended for all, many potential customers are deterred from using services which could be helpful to them. The library is too often regarded as a storehouse rather than a centre for the distribution of information. People need to be made aware of the variety of services offered by, and the diversity of information in, libraries. Staff need to be able to relate to the diversity of customers they serve.