This paper gives a review of the finite element techniques (FE) applied in the area of material processing. The latest trends in metal forming, non‐metal forming, powder…
This paper gives a review of the finite element techniques (FE) applied in the area of material processing. The latest trends in metal forming, non‐metal forming, powder metallurgy and composite material processing are briefly discussed. The range of applications of finite elements on these subjects is extremely wide and cannot be presented in a single paper; therefore the aim of the paper is to give FE researchers/users only an encyclopaedic view of the different possibilities that exist today in the various fields mentioned above. An appendix included at the end of the paper presents a bibliography on finite element applications in material processing for 1994‐1996, where 1,370 references are listed. This bibliography is an updating of the paper written by Brannberg and Mackerle which has been published in Engineering Computations, Vol. 11 No. 5, 1994, pp. 413‐55.
A tailored graphical user interface (GUI) for finite elementanalysis, fully integrated into Microsoft Windows 3.1, has been developed.The current application is the simulation of…
A tailored graphical user interface (GUI) for finite element analysis, fully integrated into Microsoft Windows 3.1, has been developed. The current application is the simulation of flat sheet extrusion of thermoplastics, but many of the features would be common to a wide range of finite element analyses. Microsoft’s C/C++ Professional Development System 7.0, including the Software Development Kit 3.1 (SDK), has been used as the programming tool for the GUI. The interface is based on the Common User Access Advanced Interface Design Guide, which is part of the IBM Systems Application Architecture Library, and The Windows Interface: An Application Design Guide, which is part of the SDK. A memory handling technique is proposed to break the imposed 64 KB data segmentation. Connected finite element calculation routines are written in Fortran and compiled by the Salford FTN77/x86 32‐bit compiler. The protected mode interface of the Fortran compiler allows direct access by the GUI, and allows the computation to run as a 32‐bit background application, without memory limitations, in the multitasking environment. Finite element routines are supported by pre‐ and post‐processors comprising mesh generation, post‐processing for derived results, and graphical displays. A convenient contouring algorithm is proposed to generate contoured plots of nodal quantities in the form of iso‐lines or iso‐fields.
J.F.T. Pittman and G.P. Whitham
Methods that use spatial gradients of enthalpy to evaluate effectivespecific heats and capture latent heat effects in phase change problems havebeen used successfully in finite…
Methods that use spatial gradients of enthalpy to evaluate effective specific heats and capture latent heat effects in phase change problems have been used successfully in finite element formulations based on linear interpolation. In view of the greater geometrical flexibility and efficiency of biquadratic isoparametric elements, it is of interest to assess the use of the methods with these elements. In comparisons with an accurate semi‐analytic solution for a test problem, it is shown that the enthalpy gradient methods with quadratic interpolation are prone to error. A new procedure is proposed that uses bilinear sub‐elements for enthalpy, formed by subdivision of the biquadratic temperature elements. This is shown to be accurate and robust, for phase change intervals as small as 0.02°C.
This paper gives a review of the finite element techniques (FE)applied in the area of material processing. The latest trends in metalforming, non‐metal forming and powder…
This paper gives a review of the finite element techniques (FE) applied in the area of material processing. The latest trends in metal forming, non‐metal forming and powder metallurgy are briefly discussed. The range of applications of finite elements on the subjects is extremely wide and cannot be presented in a single paper; therefore the aim of the paper is to give FE users only an encyclopaedic view of the different possibilities that exist today in the various fields mentioned above. An appendix included at the end of the paper presents a bibliography on finite element applications in material processing for the last five years, and more than 1100 references are listed.
Application of the finite element method to the simulation of glass forming processes is described. The forming process results in a coupled thermal/mechanical problem with…
Application of the finite element method to the simulation of glass forming processes is described. The forming process results in a coupled thermal/mechanical problem with interaction between the heat transfer analysis of the temperature distribution in the glass and the viscous flow formulation describing the deformation of molten glass being a dominant factor. Particular attention must be given to derivation of the appropriate non‐linear thermal boundary conditions and also to monitoring of the mechanical contact between the glass and mould. The technique described provides both the glass and temperature distribution at each instant of the forming process and thus can provide invaluable information for mould and plunger design, optimum operation times, etc. Numerical examples are provided for both wide neck and narrow neck press and blow forming processes and the results obtained compare well with commercial observations.
Gives a bibliographical review of the finite element methods (FEMs) applied for the linear and nonlinear, static and dynamic analyses of basic structural elements from the…
Gives a bibliographical review of the finite element methods (FEMs) applied for the linear and nonlinear, static and dynamic analyses of basic structural elements from the theoretical as well as practical points of view. The range of applications of FEMs in this area is wide and cannot be presented in a single paper; therefore aims to give the reader an encyclopaedic view on the subject. The bibliography at the end of the paper contains 2,025 references to papers, conference proceedings and theses/dissertations dealing with the analysis of beams, columns, rods, bars, cables, discs, blades, shafts, membranes, plates and shells that were published in 1992‐1995.
Presents a review on implementing finite element methods on supercomputers, workstations and PCs and gives main trends in hardware and software developments. An appendix included…
Presents a review on implementing finite element methods on supercomputers, workstations and PCs and gives main trends in hardware and software developments. An appendix included at the end of the paper presents a bibliography on the subjects retrospectively to 1985 and approximately 1,100 references are listed.
M.L. Boubakar, L. Boulmane and J.C. Gelin
Addresses the computational aspects involved in the numerical simulation of sheet stamping processes. Focuses on some numerical aspects of the intrinsic complexity of these…
Addresses the computational aspects involved in the numerical simulation of sheet stamping processes. Focuses on some numerical aspects of the intrinsic complexity of these problems, the first of which is the necessity to take into account properly membrane and bending effects. Presents a well‐adapted shell element. The second aspect concerns the description and the implementation of the initial orthotropic plastic behaviour for sheet metal parts, based on a formulation in a rotating frame using the initial microstructure rotation. The stress calculation algorithm is based on a particular implementation of the elastic predictor‐plastic corrector method. The last aspect concerns the solution procedures with a particular development concerning the treatment of the blankholder load as a constraint. A set of computational results validated with experiments prove the accuracy of the proposed approach in solving stamping problems.
A number of finite element formulations involving discontinuous weighting functions have been tested against analytic solutions for a steady scalar convection—diffusion problem at…
A number of finite element formulations involving discontinuous weighting functions have been tested against analytic solutions for a steady scalar convection—diffusion problem at intermediate Peclet number, with a ‘hard’ downstream boundary condition. The emphasis is on extending these methods to isoparametric bilinear and biquadratic elements. In order to do this a procedure is given for the exact calculation of shape function Laplacians. Having confirmed the success of the Brooks—Hughes streamline upwind Petrov—Galerkin (SUPG) method for isoparametric bilinear elements, formulations for biquadratic elements are examined. Galerkin least squares offers little advantage over SUPG in the test problem. The generalized Galerkin method of Donea et al. gave excellent results, but because of concern over the possibility of cross‐streamline artificial diffusion in some cases, a strictly streamline formulation incorporating the optimal parameters of Donea et al. is proposed. This gave excellent results on a sufficiently refined mesh.
The pseudo‐concentration method is applied to the analysis of transient processes. A simple, easy‐to‐handle model is obtained by keeping an Eulerian description: it does not…
The pseudo‐concentration method is applied to the analysis of transient processes. A simple, easy‐to‐handle model is obtained by keeping an Eulerian description: it does not require remeshing after a certain amount of plastic deformation. The range of applicability of the method is extended to non‐confined (even with several free surfaces) processes. It is shown the need of distinct handling of free surfaces according to their orientation to the direction of the flow. A seamless tube rolling process, a cylinder upsetting and a backward extrusion are modelled. Experimental data and results obtained by other methods are used to compare and discuss the performance of the model.