F.H. Ayres, J.A.W. Huggill and E.J. Yannakoudakis
The history of the Universal Standard Bibliographic Code (USBC) is traced from its original concept as a machine generated control number to its present status as a means of…
The history of the Universal Standard Bibliographic Code (USBC) is traced from its original concept as a machine generated control number to its present status as a means of merging catalogues, eliminating duplication and providing quality control in machine‐based bibliographic databases. Details are given of the early research work, the feasibility study that was carried out in connection with the United Kingdom Library Database System (UKLDS), the DOCMATCH Project and the work on expert systems. A resumé is given of the present work and proposed areas for research.
FH Ayres, JAW Huggill, MJ Ridley and EJ Yannakoudakis
Discusses DOCMATCH, the project designed to test the feasibility ofautomatically matching document requests derived from database hostswith articles on the ADONIS workstation…
Discusses DOCMATCH, the project designed to test the feasibility of automatically matching document requests derived from database hosts with articles on the ADONIS workstation, achieved using Universal Standard Bibliographic Codes (USBCs). Considers the problems of matching requests that did not originate from database hosts where the bibliographic information was of a poorer quality. Finally, examines the relative merits of different serial article identification schemes.
Although “coding”, whether for document retrieval, information transmission, error detection, etc., has generally provided a number of valid practical techniques for satisfying…
Although “coding”, whether for document retrieval, information transmission, error detection, etc., has generally provided a number of valid practical techniques for satisfying user functional requirements, it has not so far been developed into a complete and coherent methodology which integrates these techniques into an overall and objective cycle. The aim of this paper is to analyse and present formally all the components of an integrated automatic coding system with the employment of axiomatic set‐theoretic principles.