The development of market segmentation over the past few years means that most retail companies now have a much shrewder idea of the customers they want to reach than they used to…
The development of market segmentation over the past few years means that most retail companies now have a much shrewder idea of the customers they want to reach than they used to have. Unfortunately the media in which the retailers advertise are rarely so clearly targeted. So how effective is retail advertising? In a recent Management Horizons survey, a third of the retailers questioned thought that more than half of their advertising budgets were wasted; some top retailers admitted that their only test of advertising effectiveness was “gut feel”. Retailers have been big spenders on advertising for quite a few years; total retail advertising budgets are now running at around £510m. This could mean an awful lot of wasted money. With this in mind, Management Horizons recently put on a conference on the subject as part of its RIS Seminar programme. Speakers came from Benetton, J. Walter Thompson, Rich's, and Granada.
Generation Z in Japan, born between 1995 and 2010, has unique characteristics. First, they are pessimists, which is mainly because of the challenging environment in which they…
Generation Z in Japan, born between 1995 and 2010, has unique characteristics. First, they are pessimists, which is mainly because of the challenging environment in which they were raised, with long-lasting low economic growth and multiple natural disasters. Second, they are digital natives, with a high level of digital device literacy. Raised in a highly advanced technological environment, they benefit in various ways by leveraging such devices. Also, they value relationships with family and friends, forming very close intimate relationships with their parents and broad shallow relationships with their friends. These unique characteristics turn Generation Z into a careful spender in consumption, and a stability seeker in workplaces. As consumers, they are very knowledgeable using both online/offline information, thus, are very selective and cautious when spending their money trying to prepare for the possible risk in the future. As employees, they are less loyal to companies and value their private life higher than their work life. A guideline for targeting Generation Z in Japan is presented.
It will almost certainly be the largest in the country's history, perhaps as high as 150 billion dollars. It is increasingly apparent that Chinese military expenditures are…
DOI: 10.1108/OXAN-DB197900
ISSN: 2633-304X
To a certain extent the history of women's poetry in America is a tale of confinements,” writes Alicia Ostriker in the opening chapter of Stealing the Language: The Emergence of…
To a certain extent the history of women's poetry in America is a tale of confinements,” writes Alicia Ostriker in the opening chapter of Stealing the Language: The Emergence of Women's Poetry in America. I would argue that it is less a tale of confinements than a tale still untold. Ostriker's own book on the topic, for instance, covers the entire period of women's poetry from 1650–1960 in a single chapter.
Surrey Record Office locates and acquires records relating to the history of the county of Surrey, preserves them from loss or damage to ensure their survival as part of the…
Surrey Record Office locates and acquires records relating to the history of the county of Surrey, preserves them from loss or damage to ensure their survival as part of the heritage of the county and makes them available to all those who wish to use them for a wide range of research. High among the Record Office's priorities is increasing the ease with which the public are able to discover what information is available which is relevant to the subject of their enquiry.
The economic effects of ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka are multifarious. A discussion of the economic effects of ethnic conflict could encompass the opportunity cost of the war…
The economic effects of ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka are multifarious. A discussion of the economic effects of ethnic conflict could encompass the opportunity cost of the war (i.e., the foregone income due to the war at micro- and macro-levels), the economic impact of the military expenditures (on both sides of the war), financing mechanisms (both national and international) of the rebel movement, and the impact of economic sanctions on rebel territory. It should be noted that the economic effects of ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka is a relatively under-researched area (Arunatilake, Jayasuriya, & Kelegama, 2000; Goonetileke, 1998; Grobar & Gnanaselvam, 1993; Gunatilleke et al., 2001; Kelegama, 1999; O’Sullivan, 1994, 1997, 2001; Rankaduwa & Cooray, 1999; Ravano, 2001; Richardson & de Samarasinghe, 1991; Ross & Samaranayake, 1986; Seabright, 1986).