There is interest in promoting health in prison from governmental levels, but, to date, understanding how best to do this is unclear. This paper argues that nuanced understanding…
There is interest in promoting health in prison from governmental levels, but, to date, understanding how best to do this is unclear. This paper argues that nuanced understanding of context is required to understand health promotion in prison. The purpose of the paper is to examine the potential for empowerment, a cornerstone of health promotion practice, in high-security prison establishments.
Independent prison inspections, conducted by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons for England and Wales, form a critical element in how prisons are assessed. Documentary analysis was undertaken on all eight high-security prison reports using framework analysis.
Analysis revealed elements of prison life which were disempowering and antithetical to health promotion. While security imperatives were paramount, there were examples where this was disproportionate and disempowered individuals. The data show examples where, even in these high-security contexts, empowerment can be fostered. These were exemplified in relation to peer approaches designed to improve health and where prisoners felt part of democratic processes where they could influence change.
Practical implications
Both in the UK and internationally, there is a growing rhetoric for delivering effective health promotion interventions in prison, but limited understanding about how to operationalise this. This paper gives insight into how this could be done in a high-security prison environment.
This is the first paper which looks at the potential for health promotion to be embedded in high-security prisons. It demonstrates features of prison life which act to disempower and also support individuals to take greater control over their health.
Given epidemiological data highlighting poor health outcomes for prison staff and correctional workers, this systematic review aims to understand what health promotion…
Given epidemiological data highlighting poor health outcomes for prison staff and correctional workers, this systematic review aims to understand what health promotion interventions, delivered in prison settings, are effective for prison staff health.
A systematic review was undertaken, with search parameters encompassing papers published over a ten-year period (2013–2023). Health promotion programmes; well-being programmes; and occupational health interventions to support prison staff health as part of a targeted approach or as part of a whole-prison approach were included in the review.
The review identified 354 studies, of which 157 were duplicates and 187 did not meet the inclusion criteria. This left ten studies in the review from five countries. Reducing the impact of tobacco smoke was the commonly cited intervention, with four studies focusing on smoke-free prison legislation, but other studies focused on stress reduction for staff and supporting holistic health. The papers were of poor methodological quality, with the exception of three included studies that had robust designs. Most studies showed limited or no impact of interventions to support prison staff health, the exception being policy interventions to reduce second-hand smoke exposure.
Prison staff have poor health outcomes and yet limited attention has been paid to interventions to support their health. This review suggests a number of considerations for future policy and practice and direction for further research to improve prison staff health.
James Woodall and Karina Kinsella
The purpose of this paper is to explore the conditions that create a “good” prison visit, focussing on the role that a dedicated third sector-run prison visitors’ centre plays in…
The purpose of this paper is to explore the conditions that create a “good” prison visit, focussing on the role that a dedicated third sector-run prison visitors’ centre plays in creating a supportive environment.
This paper draws on a synthesis of empirical data gathering conducted over a decade at a voluntary sector-managed prison visitors’ centre based at a male prison in Northern England. The paper draws specifically on qualitative data gathered through four independent evaluations of the centre over a ten-year period.
An important point to emerge from the research is the unwavering importance of the prison visit in the life, well-being and regime of a prisoner. Prison visitors’ centres are shown to be an important part of creating positive visits experiences offering a space for composure and for support for families.
Many voluntary sector organisations are unable to commission large research and evaluation studies, but are often able to fund smaller pieces of work. Pooling qualitative evidence from smaller studies is a viable way to potentially strengthen commissioning decisions in this sector.
The role of health promoters and educators in the current and future response to COVID-19 is critical, but, to date, under explored. This opinion paper offers a number of…
The role of health promoters and educators in the current and future response to COVID-19 is critical, but, to date, under explored. This opinion paper offers a number of important contributions that this professional group may offer both in the immediate and future strategy of global public health. While the importance of a medical model of health cannot be underplayed, the social model of health suggests that some groups in society are being more disproportionately impacted than others. Health promotion has been committed to reducing inequalities and therefore offers “a voice” to those most marginalised. The paper suggests that bottom-up approaches focusing on building individual and community control is essential and, moreover, the concepts of a settings approach in health promotion, the fostering of critical health literacy and “salutogenesis” may be worthy of further debate and discussion.
James Woodall, Kris Southby, Joanne Trigwell, Vanessa Lendzionowski and Rosana Rategh
A proportion of the working age population in the UK experience mental health conditions, with this group often facing significant challenges to retain their employment. As part…
A proportion of the working age population in the UK experience mental health conditions, with this group often facing significant challenges to retain their employment. As part of a broader political commitment to health and well-being at work, the use of job retention services have become part of a suite of interventions designed to support both employers and employees. While rigorous assessment of job retention programmes are lacking, the purpose of this paper is to examine the success of, and distils learning from, a job retention service in England.
A qualitative methodology was adopted for this research with semi-structured interviews considered an appropriate method to illuminate key issues. In total, 28 individuals were interviewed, including current and former service users, referrers, employers and job retention staff.
Without the support of the job retention service, employees with mental health conditions were reported unlikely to have been maintained their employment status. Additional benefits were also reported, including improved mental health outcomes and impacts on individuals’ personal life. Employers also reported positive benefits in engaging with the job retention service, including feeling better while being able to offer appropriate solutions that were mutually acceptable to the employee and the organisation.
Job retention programmes are under researched and little is known about their effectiveness and the mechanisms that support individuals at work with mental health conditions. This study adds to the existing evidence and suggests that such interventions are promising in supporting employees and employers.
Dawn Rachel Jane Bailey, Chloe Rankin, Vineeta Sehmbi, Parminder Grewal and James Woodall
The paper offers commissioners and practitioners insights into how a gender and culturally sensitive Covid-19 vaccination clinic was set up in a local area that was experiencing…
The paper offers commissioners and practitioners insights into how a gender and culturally sensitive Covid-19 vaccination clinic was set up in a local area that was experiencing lower uptake rates.
This paper seeks to examine and share a city-wide approach to improve vaccine uptake in a large metropolitan city in the UK.
In mitigating inequalities and ensuring underserved populations have access to the Covid-19 vaccine, there is a need to work with communities to develop vaccine clinics that provide a local, convenient and trusted offer that meets the needs of residents.
Developing a local Covid vaccine offer that meets cultural needs focusing on an area of low uptake in a large metropolitan city.
Rachael Dixey and James Woodall
This paper aims to discuss some of the obstacles to implementing policy and strategy related to health promoting prisons. It focuses on the role of prison officers and raises…
This paper aims to discuss some of the obstacles to implementing policy and strategy related to health promoting prisons. It focuses on the role of prison officers and raises issues concerning their conditions of service, training and organisational culture in a situation where the prison system faces security issues, overcrowding and high levels of ill health among prisoners.
This paper emerged as a result of significant overlapping themes between two separate studies conducted by the authors. The paper draws on the authors' qualitative data from these studies.
The findings demonstrate the ambiguities and tensions in changing organisational cultures and among prison staff. Alongside the qualitative data, the paper draws on theory regarding policy implementation at the micro‐level to show how staff can block or speed up that implementation.
Practical implications
Prison officers are an essential part of health promoting prisons, but have been relatively ignored in the discussion of how to create healthier prisons.
The contribution that prison staff make to creating health promoting prisons has been under‐explored, yet pertinent theory can show how they can be more effectively involved in making changes in organisational culture.
There is a strong political imperative to regard the prison as a key social setting for health promotion, but evidence indicates that drug misuse continues to be a significant…
There is a strong political imperative to regard the prison as a key social setting for health promotion, but evidence indicates that drug misuse continues to be a significant issue for many prisoners. This paper aims to examine the social and environmental factors within the setting that influence individuals' drug taking.
Focus groups and interviews were conducted with prisoners and staff in three male training prisons in England. The sampling approach endeavoured to gain “maximum variation” so that a broad based understanding of the prison setting could be gathered. The data were analysed in accordance with Attride‐Stirling's thematic network approach.
The findings suggest a myriad of social and environmental factors influencing drug use. While staff recognised the scale of the drugs problem, they struggled to cope with creative inmates who were not perturbed by taking risks to gain their supplies. Fellow prisoners played a major role in individuals' decision making, as did the boredom of institutional life and Mandatory Drug Testing (MDT) policies within the institutions.
Practical implications
Drug treatment is an essential component of prison healthcare, but it only forms a small part of creating a health‐promoting setting. If the health‐promoting prison is to be fully realised, a more radical, upstream and holistic outlook is required.
The settings approach is an important theoretical and practical approach in health promotion. In comparison to other settings (such as schools), however, there has been limited research on the prison as a health‐promoting environment.