M. Morcillo, J.M. Bastidas, J. Simancas and J.C. Galvan
In anticorrosive painting of structural steel the preparation of the metallic surface prior to the application of the organic coating is an important, if not more so, as the…
In anticorrosive painting of structural steel the preparation of the metallic surface prior to the application of the organic coating is an important, if not more so, as the selection of the paint system.
The complexity of atmospheric corrosion, further compounded by the effects of climate change, makes existing models inappropriate for corrosion prediction. The commonly used…
The complexity of atmospheric corrosion, further compounded by the effects of climate change, makes existing models inappropriate for corrosion prediction. The commonly used kinetic model and dose-response functions are restricted in their capacity to represent the non-linear behaviour of corrosion phenomena. The application of artificial intelligence (AI)-driven machine learning algorithms to corrosion data can better represent the corrosion mechanism by considering the dynamic behaviour due to changing climatic conditions. Effective use of materials, coating systems and maintenance strategies can then be made with such a corrosivity model. Accurate corrosion prediction will help to improve climate change resilience of the social, economic and energy infrastructure in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure) and 13 (Climate Action). This chapter discusses atmospheric corrosion prediction in relation to the SDGs and the influence of AI in overcoming the challenges.
Amaia Palencia-Esteban and Pedro Salas-Rojo
This chapter explores the relation between personal well-being – measured with life satisfaction – and intergenerational mobility in Spain (2017). We start by applying machine…
This chapter explores the relation between personal well-being – measured with life satisfaction – and intergenerational mobility in Spain (2017). We start by applying machine learning techniques to overcome traditional data limitations and estimate intergenerational income mobility. Then, by means of several econometric specifications, we find the relation between personal well-being and intergenerational income mobility to be non-significant. This result is robust to several measures of educational and occupational mobility. Contrary to the comparison theory, if Spanish citizens derive well-being benefits or losses from intergenerational mobility, these effects are not permanent and dissipate with time. We find other variables, such as enjoying good health, higher income levels and marriage, to be positively associated with life satisfaction. Overall, personal well-being in Spain is more related to materialistic aspects rather than to the comparison of individuals’ current position against the previous generations’ socio-economic status.
S.B. Valdez, B.M. Carrillo, R. Zlatev, M. Stoytcheva, W.M. Schorr, R.J. Cobo, L.T. Perez and J.M. Bastidas
Colonies of Actynomyces israelii bacteria have been found in removed copper intra‐uterine devices (IUD) used as a long‐term contraceptive method. The purpose of this paper is to…
Colonies of Actynomyces israelii bacteria have been found in removed copper intra‐uterine devices (IUD) used as a long‐term contraceptive method. The purpose of this paper is to characterize the biofilm developed under anaerobic conditions by Actynomyces israelii on IUD surface, and its influence in the copper corrosion processes.
The dissolution of copper on the intra‐uterine cavity prevents conception because of the toxic effect of the ions released. Nevertheless, microbiological growths have been detected on the IUD devices retired after long periods of insertion. In order to know about the influence of the biofilm on the corrosion of copper, electrochemical, spectroscopic and surface analysis techniques were applied to study the phenomenon.
A porous Actynomyces israelii biofilm was formed on the copper IUD surface. The bacteria colony had developed in an exopolimeric substrate, which protects it from the toxic effect of copper ions. The corrosion process was not inhibited by the biofilm, due to the pores present which permit the transport of species through them.
Practical implications
The results of this study show that there is no decay in the contraceptive function of the IUDs due to the presence of a bacterial biofilm on its surface.
The relationship between microbial colonization and the corrosion process of copper IUD under anaerobic conditions was characterized. These results will complement previous investigations performed on the study of corrosion of copper IUDs under different conditions.
S. Benjamín Valdez, G. Navor Rosas, B. Mónica Carrillo, L. Tezozomoc Pérez, Tetsuya Ogura, G. Celia Beltrán, J. Miguel and G. Beltrán
A corrosion study of the intra‐uterine device, “TCu 380 A”, was made using cyclic voltammetry (CV), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and optical microscopy (OM). Blood plasma…
A corrosion study of the intra‐uterine device, “TCu 380 A”, was made using cyclic voltammetry (CV), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and optical microscopy (OM). Blood plasma, whole blood and artificial uterine fluid were used as corrosive media in order to establish a comparative scheme of the corrosion behaviour of copper in the device. In summary, the results obtained were not only similar to work reported previously, but also provided complementary data for a better understanding of the corrosion problem.
Moisés Simancas Cruz, Juan Israel García Cruz, Carlos Alberto Greifemberg and María Pilar Peñarrubia Zaragoza
The quality of tourist accommodation establishments is a recurring theme in public strategies for planning and managing tourist destinations. The applying standards as a way to…
The quality of tourist accommodation establishments is a recurring theme in public strategies for planning and managing tourist destinations. The applying standards as a way to achieve quality. This strategy consists of legally regulating a series of minimum physical standards by using measureable parameters, as well as the desired characteristics or levels of amenities, which vary according to the type of provision required. The purpose of this study is to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of applying strategies that regulate standards for accommodations in coastal tourism areas in the Canary Islands (Spain).
The authors used an explanatory case study methodology. An “inter-case” comparison has been chosen, because the object of analysis (public policy applying tourism standards) has changed over time; furthermore, a content analysis approach was selected so that the subject of this research is the process of implementing this kind tourism policy. The result is a systematization of the process in stages.
Quantifiable criteria that exclusively consider the physical or operational parameters of a tourist establishment are no longer sufficient to provide quality service that meets the needs and expectations of customers. It is not enough to set standards for surface area parameters or essential amenities when organizing new tourist developments, but rather it is the qualitative aspect that must be addressed. At the same time, quality tourist accommodation establishment is not obtained merely by reducing density, which constitutes the significant standard.
Research limitations/implications
This paper evidence is presented that may influence the quality of accommodation perceived by the client, which increases their level of satisfaction and, in turn, the degree of trust and, therefore, fidelity, understood as the future decision to repeat or not the tourist experience. There are also issues related to the approach that the quality of accommodation establishments has a direct effect on the visitor’s perception of the destination, which cannot be merely physical, mensurable in square metres.
Practical implications
The relationship between urban standards and quality is no longer linear. This determines that the regulated tourist accommodations (defined by sectoral regulations) it is common to set a required plot size in m2 based on the number of bed places offered by the establishment is no longer valid. Today, tourists rate accommodation establishments by the prestige of their brand or the diversity of services and experiences (entertainment, sensations, emotions, etc.) they provide. These experiences play such an important role in producing customer satisfaction and loyalty to a hotel that guests are willing to pay more for their stay, with the understanding that they will be able to experience certain emotions. It has been evidenced that the main reason for setting physical quality parameters that can be measured by a rating system for accommodation establishments, to provide a basic reference for customers, is no longer necessary, given the amount of easily accessible real-time information freely available through multiple independent channels based on the 2.0 paradigm, information technologies and communication, as well as applications and virtual platforms.
Social implications
Applying this public strategy of classifying or rating tourist accommodations on a territorial scale has some strengths and weaknesses. However, it is not easy to find a comprehensive evaluation of the impact of such strategies because, among other issues, the public administration seems disinterested in measuring the consequences of their decisions, instead focussing on whether the formal legal requirements are being complied with. Moreover, whenever such assessments have been carried out, the discussion has been limited to the effectiveness of the implementation. This is why, beyond such purely mechanical responses, there are currently no studies or technical reports that specifically examine the positive or negative effects of such approaches. Evidently, these circumstances make any work analyzing this material relevant and timely. Likewise, the main reason for setting physical quality parameters that can be measured by a rating system for accommodation establishments, to provide a basic reference for customers, is no longer necessary, given the amount of easily accessible, real-time information freely available through multiple independent channels based on the 2.0 paradigm, information technologies and communication, as well as applications and virtual platforms.
The paper determines that the impact of the strategies of set a required plot size in square metres based on the number of bed places offered by the establishment is limited. Applying this public strategy of classifying or rating tourist accommodations on a territorial scale has some strengths and weaknesses. However, it is not easy to find a comprehensive evaluation of the impact of such strategies because, among other issues, the public administration seems disinterested in measuring the consequences of their decisions, instead focussing on whether the formal legal requirements are being complied with. Moreover, whenever such assessments have been carried out, the discussion has been limited to the effectiveness of the implementation. This is why, beyond such purely mechanical responses, there are currently no studies or technical reports that specifically examine the positive or negative effects of such approaches. Evidently, these circumstances make any work analyzing this material relevant and timely.
M. Morcillo, M. Svoboda, S. Feliu, B. Kanápek, J. Simancas and H. Kubátova
Zinc‐rich paints (ZRP) are considered to be an important technological development for corrosion protection. The percentage of zinc corroded during the cathodic protection stage…
Zinc‐rich paints (ZRP) are considered to be an important technological development for corrosion protection. The percentage of zinc corroded during the cathodic protection stage of zinc‐rich coatings is relatively small in comparison with the initial total zinc content. This fact, together with the relatively high cost of zinc, the desire to avoid some interferences with the welding process, and the sedimentation of the zinc dust in cans, are some of the reasons to search for co‐pigments (extenders) in ZRP formulas. In the paper the anti‐corrosive performance of ZRP formulas including a new conductive inorganic co‐pigment of low specific density (SVUOM) are shown.
The objective of this study focuses on the characterization of the Latin American entrepreneurial profile from a psychological perspective. In order to do this, a journey through…
The objective of this study focuses on the characterization of the Latin American entrepreneurial profile from a psychological perspective. In order to do this, a journey through time was carried out in the study of the entrepreneurial subject, from the great classics to the contemporary era, the era of knowledge, innovation, technology, and revolution. In the Latin American context, the role of the entrepreneur is limited due to vulnerable institutions, corruption, populism, and socioeconomic inequity. However, the new information and communication technologies constitute an ideal route for growth in the region. The fundamental element is the psychological profile of the entrepreneur, which is made up of a set of personal characteristics, among which innovation, achievement motivation, self-efficacy, moderate propensity for risk, creativity, perseverance, proactivity, flexibility, locus of control stand out, internal, adaptability, responsibility, ability to recognize opportunities, autonomy, commitment, handling problems and managerial skills. Finally, case studies from countries such as Mexico, Peru, and Chile are presented. It is a documentary study which reflects that Latin American entrepreneurs share the same psychological attributes as those who live in developed countries. However, obstacles arising from the lack of environment and public policies are imposed on entrepreneurial activity. The culture of a country and the formative role of education can become limiting or enhancing factors; therefore, it is necessary to bet on beliefs and convictions attached to innovation, which strengthen the psychological attributes of the entrepreneurial spirit.
B. Mónica Carrillo, S. Benjamín Valdez, Lucien Vevela, L. Tezozomoc Pérez, O. Lidia Vargas and W. Michael Schorr
Microbiologically induced corrosion of copper intrauterine devices “TCu380A” and “Nova T” by Enterobacter sp. in a synthetic intrauterine medium was investigated. The corrosion…
Microbiologically induced corrosion of copper intrauterine devices “TCu380A” and “Nova T” by Enterobacter sp. in a synthetic intrauterine medium was investigated. The corrosion behaviour was evaluated applying cyclic voltammetry and Tafel Polarization. The surface morphology was determined using scanning electron microscopy, the corrosion products were analyzed using energy dispersive X‐rays and the biofilm composition was examined by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy with an attenuated total reflectance device.
Tannic acid (TA) is one of the green corrosion inhibitors for mild steel; its anti-corrosive performance in alkaline water on mild steel when it is used together with polyaspartic…
Tannic acid (TA) is one of the green corrosion inhibitors for mild steel; its anti-corrosive performance in alkaline water on mild steel when it is used together with polyaspartic acid (PASA) still has not been investigated. The purpose of this study is to develop an effective, biodegradable and environment-friendly novel corrosion inhibitor based on TA and PASA as an alternative to the conventional inorganic inhibitors for mild steel in decarbonised water, which is common in cooling systems.
Corrosion inhibition mechanism is investigated by electrochemical techniques such as polarisation measurements and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and results were evaluated to determine the optimum inhibitor concentration for industrial applications. Additionally, practice-like conditions are carried out in pilot plant studies to simulate the conditions in cooling systems. Thus, the efficiencies of the inhibitors are evaluated through both weight loss and linear polarisation resistance measurements. Moreover, the corrosion product is characterised by scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDX) and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis.
TA shows high inhibition efficiency especially towards pitting corrosion for mild steel in decarbonised water. PASA addition in the cooling systems improves the inhibition efficiency of TA, and at lower concentrations of TA + PASA, it is possible to obtained better inhibition efficiency than TA alone at higher inhibitor amounts, which is essential in economic and environmental aspect.
A blended inhibitor program including TA and PASA with suggested concentrations in this work can be used as an environmental friendly treatment concept for the mild steel corrosion inhibition at cooling systems.