Kathryn Mackay and Mary Notman
The purpose of this paper is to outline the duties and powers of the Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act (ASPSA) 2007 and place them in the wider Scottish adult protection…
The purpose of this paper is to outline the duties and powers of the Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act (ASPSA) 2007 and place them in the wider Scottish adult protection legislative framework. It considers the potential value of a standalone adult safeguarding statute.
The authors draw upon their research and practice expertise to consider the merits of the ASPSA 2007. They take a case study approach to explore its implementation in one particular Scottish local authority, drawing on the qualitative and quantitative data contained in its annual reports.
Skilled, knowledgeable and well-supported practitioners are key to effective screening, investigations and intervention. Protection orders are being used as intended for a very small number of cases.
Research limitations/implications
The lack of national statistical reports means that there is limited scope for comparison between the local and national data.
Practical implications
Adult support and protection requires ongoing investment of time and leadership in councils and other local agencies to instigate and maintain good practice. Aspects that require further attention are self-neglect; capacity and consent and residents in care homes who pose potential risks to other residents and staff.
Social implications
ASPSA 2007 has helped to raise awareness of adults at risk of harm within the local communities and as social issue more generally.
The authors provide a critical appraisal of the implementation of Scottish adult safeguarding legislation over the last six years. They consider similar developments in England and Wales and argue for comparative research to test these out. Finally, they signpost future directions for bridging separate policy streams.
When implementing chip‐on‐board (COB), the surface finish on the printed wiring board needs to be chosen with several key considerations in mind. The choice of bonding technology…
When implementing chip‐on‐board (COB), the surface finish on the printed wiring board needs to be chosen with several key considerations in mind. The choice of bonding technology dominates the selection of finishes. Wire bonding, tape automated bonding and flip chip assembly all have their own special requirements for effective assembly. The considerations must also examine the presence of intermetallics in the solder joints. These issues are discussed along with several advanced techniques for applying solder coating and organic solderability preservatives on bare copper PWBs.
Lorna Montgomery, Janet Anand, Kathryn Mackay, Brian Taylor, Katherine C. Pearson and Colin M. Harper
The purpose of this paper is to explore the similarities and differences of legal responses to older adults who may be at risk of harm or abuse in the UK, Ireland, Australia and…
The purpose of this paper is to explore the similarities and differences of legal responses to older adults who may be at risk of harm or abuse in the UK, Ireland, Australia and the USA.
The authors draw upon a review of elder abuse and adult protection undertaken on behalf of the commissioner for older people in Northern Ireland. This paper focusses on the desk top mapping of the different legal approaches and draws upon wider literature to frame the discussion of the relative strengths and weaknesses of the different legal responses.
Arguments exist both for and against each legal approach. Differences in defining the scope and powers of adult protection legislation in the UK and internationally are highlighted.
Research limitations/implications
This review was undertaken in late 2013; while the authors have updated the mapping to take account of subsequent changes, some statutory guidance is not yet available. While the expertise of a group of experienced professionals in the field of adult safeguarding was utilized, it was not feasible to employ a formal survey or consensus model.
Practical implications
Some countries have already introduced APL and others are considering doing so. The potential advantages and challenges of introducing APL are highlighted.
Social implications
The introduction of legislation may give professionals increased powers to prevent and reduce abuse of adults, but this would also change the dynamic of relationships within families and between families and professionals.
This paper provides an accessible discussion of APL across the UK and internationally which to date has been lacking from the literature.
Martin Stevens, Stephen Martineau, Jill Manthorpe and Caroline Norrie
The purpose of this paper is to explore debates about the powers social workers may need to undertake safeguarding enquiries where access to the adult is denied.
The purpose of this paper is to explore debates about the powers social workers may need to undertake safeguarding enquiries where access to the adult is denied.
The paper takes as a starting point a scoping review of the literature undertaken as part of a study exploring social work responses to situations where they are prevented from speaking to an adult at risk by a third party.
A power of entry might be one solution to situations where social workers are prevented from accessing an adult at risk. The paper focuses on the Scottish approach to legal powers in adult safeguarding, established by the Adult Support and Protection Act (Scotland) 2007 and draws out messages for adult safeguarding in England and elsewhere. The literature review identified that debates over the Scottish approach are underpinned by differing conceptualisations of vulnerability, autonomy and privacy, and the paper relates these conceptualisations to different theoretical stances.
Social implications
The paper concludes that the literature suggests that a more socially mediated rather than an essentialist understanding of the concepts of vulnerability, autonomy and privacy allows for more nuanced approaches to social work practice in respect of using powers of entry and intervention with adults at risk who have capacity to make decisions.
This paper provides a novel perspective on debates over how to overcome challenges to accessing adults at risk in adult safeguarding through an exploration of understandings of vulnerability, privacy and autonomy.
Kathryn Mackay, Mary Notman, Justin McNicholl, Diane Fraser, Claire McLaughlan and Sylvia Rossi
This article seeks to explore the difference that adult support and protection legislation may have made to work with adults at risk of harm in Scotland.
This article seeks to explore the difference that adult support and protection legislation may have made to work with adults at risk of harm in Scotland.
The article is based upon findings of a joint academic and practitioner qualitative research project that interviewed 29 social service practitioners across three local authorities.
The legislation was seen as positive, giving greater attention to adults at risk. Views about the actual difference it made to the practitioners' practice varied, and were more likely in new rather than ongoing work. Three differences were noted: duties of investigation, protection orders and improved shared responsibility within the local authority and across other agencies, but to a lesser extent NHS staff. Overall it gave effective responses, more quickly for the adults at risk. Whilst the law brought greater clarity of role, there were tensions for practitioners in balancing an adult's right to autonomy with practitioners' safeguarding responsibilities.
The paper demonstrates that a dedicated law can improve safeguarding practice by clarifying the role of social work practitioners and the responsibilities of other agencies. The right to request access to records and banning orders were seen as valuable new measures in safeguarding adults at risk. As such the study from the first UK country to use dedicated adult safeguarding law offers a valuable insight for policy makers, professionals and campaign groups from other countries, which might be considering similar action.
Sarah Donnelly, Louise Isham, Kathryn Mackay, Alisoun Milne, Lorna Montgomery, Fiona Sherwood-Johnson and Sarah Wydall
The purpose of this study is to consider how carer harm is understood, surfaced and responded to in contemporary policy, practice and research.
The purpose of this study is to consider how carer harm is understood, surfaced and responded to in contemporary policy, practice and research.
This paper offers a reflective commentary on the current “state of play” relating to carer harm drawing on existing research and related literature. This study focuses on how we define carer harm and what we know about its impact; lessons from, and for, practice and service provision; and (some) considerations for policy development and future research.
The authors highlight the importance of engaging with the gendered dimensions (and inequalities) that lie at the intersection of experience of care and violence and the need to move beyond binary conceptions of power (lessness) in family and intimate relationships over the life course. They suggest that changing how we think and talk about carer harm may support practitioners to better recognise the impact of direct and indirect forms of carer harm on carers without stigmatising or blaming people with care needs. The findings of this study also consider how carer harm is “hidden in plain sight” on two accounts. The issue falls through the gaps between, broadly, domestic abuse and adult and child safeguarding services; similarly, the nature and impact of harm is often kept private by carers who are fearful of the moral and practical consequences of sharing their experiences.
This study sets out recommendations to this effect and invites an ongoing conversation about how change for carers and families can be realised.
The purpose of this paper is to critically analyse the concept of mandatory reporting in adult safeguarding in the jurisdictions of Australia, Canada, England, Northern Ireland…
The purpose of this paper is to critically analyse the concept of mandatory reporting in adult safeguarding in the jurisdictions of Australia, Canada, England, Northern Ireland and Scotland.
A rapid realist evaluation of the literature on this topic was carried out in order to answer the question: "what works, for whom and in what circumstances?” Particular attention was paid to Context(s), Mechanism(s) and Outcome(s) configurations of adult safeguarding reporting systems and processes.
The evaluation found a range of arguments for and against mandatory reporting and international variations on the scope and powers of mandatory reporting.
Research limitations/implications
This review was undertaken in late 2018 so subsequent policy and practice developments will be missing from the evaluation. The evaluation focussed on five jurisdictions therefore, the findings are not necessarily translatable to other contexts.
Practical implications
Some jurisdictions have introduced mandatory reporting and others are considering doing so. The potential advantages and challenges of introducing mandatory reporting are highlighted.
Social implications
The introduction of mandatory reporting may offer professionals increased powers to prevent and reduce the abuse of adults, but this could also change the dynamic of relationships within families, and between families and professionals.
This paper provides an accessible discussion of mandatory reporting across Ireland and internationally which to date has been lacking from the literature.
This chapter revisits, reinforces, and extends our view of the underpinning principles and practices of school leadership in Aotearoa New Zealand. It presents extracts from case…
This chapter revisits, reinforces, and extends our view of the underpinning principles and practices of school leadership in Aotearoa New Zealand. It presents extracts from case studies of schools that illustrate the crucial role of the principal in ensuring ongoing improvement and innovation while working in increasingly complex and uncertain environments. The chapter discusses the need to understand the importance of relationships between individuals and groups, actions, contexts, environments, and cultures where processes of interaction shape principals' practices. Features of complexity thinking are used as a lens through which to understand schools as complex adaptive systems and illustrate the importance of the dynamics of the interactions among the agents and elements within the New Zealand educational system. The chapter concludes by drawing together the implications for leadership that emerge across this chapter.
Michel Foucault and Max Weber dominate contemporary organisation theory. At least in part, Foucault can be read as an extension of Weber's concepts of bureaucracy and…
Michel Foucault and Max Weber dominate contemporary organisation theory. At least in part, Foucault can be read as an extension of Weber's concepts of bureaucracy and rationalisation. Or, more profitably, Weber can be read through Foucault and vice versa. Central to the development of the bureaucracy was the construction of the career as a life-long project of the self. From the late nineteenth to the mid-twentieth century, British banks developed extensive forms of surveillance predicated upon the career. Not all clerks satisfied the banks' close inspection of the individual's personal life. Here, we use Weber and Foucault to tell the story of William Notman, a Scottish bank clerk who successfully sued his employers for dismissing him because he married against their wishes.
Béré Benjamin Kouarfaté and Fabien Nicolas Durif
The purpose of this article is (1) to carry out an ambivalent analysis of the determinants (benefits/risks) of the adoption of cultured meat, (2) to identify their impacts on…
The purpose of this article is (1) to carry out an ambivalent analysis of the determinants (benefits/risks) of the adoption of cultured meat, (2) to identify their impacts on consumers’ attitudes (cognitive, affective and conative) and (3) to propose a research agenda.
A systematic review of the relevant literature was conducted. The authors selected 86 articles that were coded using NVivo 12 software according to the theoretical framework chosen for this study: (1) consumer attitude ambivalence (benefit–risk) – conflicting presence of positive and negative attitudes in decision-making, (2) the consumer preference theory – choice of consumers based on utility maximisation or best characteristics/determinants and (3) the three-dimensional perspective of attitude – cognitive, affective and behavioural components. The authors followed the methodological steps (formulation of the research question, identification of relevant scientific studies, evaluation of the quality of studies, summary of evidence and interpretation of results) recommended by Lipsey and Wilson (2001) and Tranfield et al. (2003). Several keywords were drawn from a study by Bryant and Barnett (2019) on cultured meat (CM) nomenclature and its impact on consumer acceptance.
The identified articles were relatively recent (84/86 articles were published after 2010) and in the fields of agriculture and ethical agriculture (22/86), policy and regulations (12/86) and psychology (11/86). Content analysis helped identify four types of ambivalent determinants for the adoption of cultured meat: ethics, intrinsic, informational and belief. The results suggest the existence of a group of “dominant” determinants for each attitude component. Thus, the dominant determinants of cognitive, affective and conative components are informational, ethical and intrinsic determinants, respectively.
Research limitations/implications
This research is based on a systematic review of literature and is a review of the narrative literature that provides an overview of what is known about cultured meat adoption. The main weakness of this type of method is the feasibility generally associated with the existence (and a sufficient number) of studies that can be included. Other types of the meta-analytic method could have been used and could have explored different measures and biases (e.g. effect sizes, statistical power, sampling error, measurement error and publication bias). Also, as a food technology whose social acceptability would be influenced by all stakeholders, it would be relevant to expand the analysis to other types of stakeholders.
Practical implications
Little is still known to the public about the adoption mechanisms of this technology. In terms of behaviour, Siegrist et al. (2018) suggest that new studies should focus on factors that influence the individual differences in the willingness of consumers to eat or purchase cultured meat. By identifying the dominant target influence of informational determinants on cognitive components, that of ethical determinants on affective components and finally that of intrinsic determinants on conative attitudes, this article offers a first avenue of solution to businesses operating in this new industry, as well as to public authorities, to improve the acceptance of cultured meat. Private businesses will benefit from the results of this research by understanding the underlying motivations of consumers to adopt this type of innovation in order to adjust future marketing.
Social implications
This article, through better understanding of the psychological mechanisms that contribute to its social acceptability amongst the population, has the potential to improve educational campaigns for this technology. The results could thus guide both public policies as well as the regulation of activities related to cultured meat in the coming years, professional orders, private businesses and the general public. It thus provides initial insight needed to understand this public debate.
Research addressing cultured meat has come primarily from agribusiness and environmental and biological sciences. The authors highlighted the need for interdisciplinary collaboration between biological and social sciences to address ethical issues. This article, via multidisciplinary systematic reviews, links environmental/biological sciences and social sciences, and management.