Yi-Chung Hu and Geng Wu
Given that the use of Google Trends data is helpful to improve forecasting performance, this study aims to investigate whether the precision of forecast combination can benefit…
Given that the use of Google Trends data is helpful to improve forecasting performance, this study aims to investigate whether the precision of forecast combination can benefit from the use of Google Trends Web search index along with the encompassing set.
Grey prediction models generate single-model forecasts, while Google Trends index serves as an explanatory variable for multivariate models. Then, three combination sets, including sets of univariate models (CUGM), all constituents (CAGM) and constituents that survive the forecast encompassing tests (CSET), are generated. Finally, commonly used combination methods combine the individual forecasts for each combination set.
The tourism volumes of four frequently searched-for cities in Taiwan are used to evaluate the accuracy of three combination sets. The encompassing tests show that multivariate grey models play a role to be reckoned with in forecast combinations. Furthermore, the empirical results indicate the usefulness of Google Trends index and encompassing tests for linear combination methods because linear combination methods coupled with CSET outperformed that coupled with CAGM and CUGM.
Practical implications
With Google Trends Web search index, the tourism sector may benefit from the use of linear combinations of constituents that survive encompassing tests to formulate business strategies for tourist destinations. A good forecasting practice by estimating ex ante forecasts post-COVID-19 can be further provided by scenario forecasting.
To improve the accuracy of combination forecasting, this research verifies the correlation between Google Trends index and combined forecasts in tourism along with encompassing tests.
Google 搜尋趨勢指標與涵蓋性檢定對於旅遊需求組合預測的影響
過去的研究顯示 Google 搜尋趨勢資料有助於改善旅遊需求預測的準確度,本研究就此進一步探討 Google 搜尋趨勢網頁搜尋指標與涵蓋性檢定的使用對於組合預測準確度所造成的影響。
本研究以 Google 搜尋趨勢指標做為多變量灰色預測模式的解釋變數,並以單變量與多變量灰色模式產生各別預測值。在分別產生由所有的單變量模式 (CUGM)所有的模式 (CAGM), 以及經過涵蓋性檢定所留存下來之模式 (CSET) 所組成之集合後,就各別的組合集以常用的組合方法產生預測值。
以台灣的四個熱搜旅遊城市的旅遊人數進行三個組合集的預測準確度分析。涵蓋性檢定顯示多變量灰色模式在組合預測中扮演重要的角色,而結果亦呈現線性組合方法在 CSET優於在 CUGM 與 CAGM 的準確度,突顯搜尋趨勢指標與涵蓋性檢定對於線性組合方法的有用性。
藉由 Google 搜尋趨勢網頁搜尋指標與涵蓋性檢定,旅遊部門應可透過線性組合方法的預測規劃旅遊目的地的經營策略。新冠疫情下於各季的事前預測亦可結合情境預測具體呈現。
為提升組合預測在旅遊需求的預測準確度,本研究結合涵蓋性檢定以分析 Google 搜尋趨勢指標與組合預測準確度之間的關聯性。
旅遊需求,涵蓋性檢定,Google 搜尋趨勢,灰色預測,組合預測
El impacto de Google Trends en la previsión de viajes combinados y su evidencia relacionada
Dado que el uso de los datos de Google Trends es útil para mejorar la precisión de las predicciones, este estudio examina si el uso del índice de búsqueda web de Google Trends combinado con la agregación de relevancia puede mejorar la precisión del predictor.
El modelo predictivo gris genera predicciones bajo un único modelo, mientras que el modelomultivariado utiliza el indicador Google Trends como variable explicativa. Se generaron tresensamblajes generales, incluido el Modelo armónico único (CUGM), los ensamblajes de todos loscomponentes (CAGM) y la prueba de presencia de componentes con predicción (CSET). Laspredicciones individuales encada grupo luego se combinan utilizando métodos de correlación deuso común.
Utilizando el número de turistas en las cuatro ciudades más investigadas de Taiwán, los tresgrupos combinados se clasificaron según su precisión. Las pruebas incluidas muestran que losmodelos multivariados en escala de grises son importantes para la predicción. Además, losresultados de las pruebas muestran que el índice de Google Trends y las pruebas que incluyenmétodos de suma lineal son útiles porque los métodos combinados con CSET funcionan majorque los métodos combinados con CSET. CAGM y VCUG.
Implicaciones practices
La industria de viajes puede usar el índice de búsqueda web de Google Trends para desarrollarestrategias comerciales para atracciones basadas en un conjunto lineal de componentes.
Con el objetivo de mejorar la precisión de los pronósticos agregados, este estudio investiga larelación entre el índice de tendencias de Google y las expectativas generales de viaje junto con laevidencia global.
Palabras clave
Demanda de viajes, Experiencia global, Tendencias de Google, Predicción gris
Tipo de papel
Trabajo de investigación
Julie Barrett, Simon Evans and Neil Mapes
The purpose of this paper is to examine the recent evidence relating to green (nature-based) dementia care for people living with dementia in long-term accommodation and care…
The purpose of this paper is to examine the recent evidence relating to green (nature-based) dementia care for people living with dementia in long-term accommodation and care settings (housing for older people that provides both accommodation and care, such as residential care homes, nursing homes and extra care housing schemes). The review formed part of a pilot study exploring interaction with nature for people living with dementia in care homes and extra care housing schemes in the UK. Rather than a comprehensive systematic or critical literature review, the intention was to increase understanding of green dementia care to support the pilot study.
The review draws together the published and grey literature on the impacts of green (nature-based) dementia care, the barriers and enablers and good practice in provision. People living with dementia in accommodation and care settings are the focus of this review, due to the research study of which the review is part. Evidence relating to the impacts of engaging with nature on people in general, older people and residents in accommodation and care is also briefly examined as it has a bearing on people living with dementia.
Although interaction with the natural environment may not guarantee sustained wellbeing for all people living with dementia, there is some compelling evidence for a number of health and wellbeing benefits for many. However, there is a clear need for more large-scale rigorous research in this area, particularly with reference to health and wellbeing outcomes for people living with dementia in accommodation and care settings for which the evidence is limited. There is a stronger evidence base on barriers and enablers to accessing nature for people living with dementia in such settings.
Research limitations/implications
The literature review was conducted to support a pilot study exploring green (nature-based) dementia care in care homes and extra care housing schemes in the UK. Consequently, the focus of the review was on green dementia care in accommodation and care settings. The study, and thus the review, also focussed on direct contact with nature (whether that occurs outdoors or indoors) rather than indirect contact (e.g. viewing nature in a photograph, on a TV screen or through a window) or simulated nature (e.g. robot pets). Therefore, this paper is not a full review of all aspects of green dementia care.
This paper presents an up-to-date review of literature relating to green dementia care in accommodation and care settings. It was successful in increasing understanding to support a pilot study exploring opportunities, benefits, barriers and enablers to interaction with nature for people living with dementia in care homes and extra care housing schemes in the UK. It demonstrated the impacts, value and accessibility of nature engagement in these settings and identified gaps in the evidence base. This review and subsequent pilot study provide a strong platform from which to conduct future research exploring green dementia care in accommodation and care settings.
Simon Chester Evans, Teresa Atkinson, Mike Rogerson and Jennifer Bray
There is growing interest in and evidence for the benefits of connecting with nature for people living with dementia, sometimes known as “green care”, including reduced stress…
There is growing interest in and evidence for the benefits of connecting with nature for people living with dementia, sometimes known as “green care”, including reduced stress, improved sleeping and even enhanced cognition. However, many people living with dementia are denied such opportunities, often because of practitioner perceptions of risk and poor design of outdoor spaces. This paper reports on the evaluation of a project that worked with national providers to give people living with dementia opportunities and support to access the natural environment.
The evaluation adopted a mixed-methods approach, using a combination of bespoke and commonly used tools and in-depth case study work to identify the facilitators and challenges to delivering the project and explore the experiences of activity participants.
Qualitative measures indicated a significant improvement in mental well-being for participants with dementia and family carers following attendance at activity sessions. Research interviews indicated that participants enjoyed activities based on connecting with nature. Being outdoors was a major factor in the experience, along with taking part in activities that were meaningful and opportunities for social interaction.
This paper provides evidence for the benefits of connecting with nature for people living with dementia. This paper concludes that access to the outdoors is not a luxury, it is a basic human right and one which has become increasingly important in light of restrictions that have emerged as a result of the COVID19 pandemic.
Julia S. Mehlitz and Benjamin R. Auer
Motivated by the growing importance of the expected shortfall in banking and finance, this study aims to compare the performance of popular non-parametric estimators of the…
Motivated by the growing importance of the expected shortfall in banking and finance, this study aims to compare the performance of popular non-parametric estimators of the expected shortfall (i.e. different variants of historical, outlier-adjusted and kernel methods) to each other, selected parametric benchmarks and estimates based on the idea of forecast combination.
Within a multidimensional simulation setup (spanned by different distributional settings, sample sizes and confidence levels), the authors rank the estimators based on classic error measures, as well as an innovative performance profile technique, which the authors adapt from the mathematical programming literature.
The rich set of results supports academics and practitioners in the search for an answer to the question of which estimators are preferable under which circumstances. This is because no estimator or combination of estimators ranks first in all considered settings.
To the best of their knowledge, the authors are the first to provide a structured simulation-based comparison of non-parametric expected shortfall estimators, study the effects of estimator averaging and apply the mentioned profiling technique in risk management.
Farshad Peiman, Mohammad Khalilzadeh, Nasser Shahsavari-Pour and Mehdi Ravanshadnia
Earned value management (EVM)–based models for estimating project actual duration (AD) and cost at completion using various methods are continuously developed to improve the…
Earned value management (EVM)–based models for estimating project actual duration (AD) and cost at completion using various methods are continuously developed to improve the accuracy and actualization of predicted values. This study primarily aimed to examine natural gradient boosting (NGBoost-2020) with the classification and regression trees (CART) base model (base learner). To the best of the authors' knowledge, this concept has never been applied to EVM AD forecasting problem. Consequently, the authors compared this method to the single K-nearest neighbor (KNN) method, the ensemble method of extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost-2016) with the CART base model and the optimal equation of EVM, the earned schedule (ES) equation with the performance factor equal to 1 (ES1). The paper also sought to determine the extent to which the World Bank's two legal factors affect countries and how the two legal causes of delay (related to institutional flaws) influence AD prediction models.
In this paper, data from 30 construction projects of various building types in Iran, Pakistan, India, Turkey, Malaysia and Nigeria (due to the high number of delayed projects and the detrimental effects of these delays in these countries) were used to develop three models. The target variable of the models was a dimensionless output, the ratio of estimated duration to completion (ETC(t)) to planned duration (PD). Furthermore, 426 tracking periods were used to build the three models, with 353 samples and 23 projects in the training set, 73 patterns (17% of the total) and six projects (21% of the total) in the testing set. Furthermore, 17 dimensionless input variables were used, including ten variables based on the main variables and performance indices of EVM and several other variables detailed in the study. The three models were subsequently created using Python and several GitHub-hosted codes.
For the testing set of the optimal model (NGBoost), the better percentage mean (better%) of the prediction error (based on projects with a lower error percentage) of the NGBoost compared to two KNN and ES1 single models, as well as the total mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) and mean lags (MeLa) (indicating model stability) were 100, 83.33, 5.62 and 3.17%, respectively. Notably, the total MAPE and MeLa for the NGBoost model testing set, which had ten EVM-based input variables, were 6.74 and 5.20%, respectively. The ensemble artificial intelligence (AI) models exhibited a much lower MAPE than ES1. Additionally, ES1 was less stable in prediction than NGBoost. The possibility of excessive and unusual MAPE and MeLa values occurred only in the two single models. However, on some data sets, ES1 outperformed AI models. NGBoost also outperformed other models, especially single models for most developing countries, and was more accurate than previously presented optimized models. In addition, sensitivity analysis was conducted on the NGBoost predicted outputs of 30 projects using the SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) method. All variables demonstrated an effect on ETC(t)/PD. The results revealed that the most influential input variables in order of importance were actual time (AT) to PD, regulatory quality (RQ), earned duration (ED) to PD, schedule cost index (SCI), planned complete percentage, rule of law (RL), actual complete percentage (ACP) and ETC(t) of the ES optimal equation to PD. The probabilistic hybrid model was selected based on the outputs predicted by the NGBoost and XGBoost models and the MAPE values from three AI models. The 95% prediction interval of the NGBoost–XGBoost model revealed that 96.10 and 98.60% of the actual output values of the testing and training sets are within this interval, respectively.
Research limitations/implications
Due to the use of projects performed in different countries, it was not possible to distribute the questionnaire to the managers and stakeholders of 30 projects in six developing countries. Due to the low number of EVM-based projects in various references, it was unfeasible to utilize other types of projects. Future prospects include evaluating the accuracy and stability of NGBoost for timely and non-fluctuating projects (mostly in developed countries), considering a greater number of legal/institutional variables as input, using legal/institutional/internal/inflation inputs for complex projects with extremely high uncertainty (such as bridge and road construction) and integrating these inputs and NGBoost with new technologies (such as blockchain, radio frequency identification (RFID) systems, building information modeling (BIM) and Internet of things (IoT)).
Practical implications
The legal/intuitive recommendations made to governments are strict control of prices, adequate supervision, removal of additional rules, removal of unfair regulations, clarification of the future trend of a law change, strict monitoring of property rights, simplification of the processes for obtaining permits and elimination of unnecessary changes particularly in developing countries and at the onset of irregular projects with limited information and numerous uncertainties. Furthermore, the managers and stakeholders of this group of projects were informed of the significance of seven construction variables (institutional/legal external risks, internal factors and inflation) at an early stage, using time series (dynamic) models to predict AD, accurate calculation of progress percentage variables, the effectiveness of building type in non-residential projects, regular updating inflation during implementation, effectiveness of employer type in the early stage of public projects in addition to the late stage of private projects, and allocating reserve duration (buffer) in order to respond to institutional/legal risks.
Ensemble methods were optimized in 70% of references. To the authors' knowledge, NGBoost from the set of ensemble methods was not used to estimate construction project duration and delays. NGBoost is an effective method for considering uncertainties in irregular projects and is often implemented in developing countries. Furthermore, AD estimation models do fail to incorporate RQ and RL from the World Bank's worldwide governance indicators (WGI) as risk-based inputs. In addition, the various WGI, EVM and inflation variables are not combined with substantial degrees of delay institutional risks as inputs. Consequently, due to the existence of critical and complex risks in different countries, it is vital to consider legal and institutional factors. This is especially recommended if an in-depth, accurate and reality-based method like SHAP is used for analysis.
Fiaz Ahmad, Kabir Muhammad Abdul Rashid, Akhtar Rasool, Esref Emre Ozsoy, Asif Sabanoviç and Meltem Elitas
To propose an improved algorithm for the state estimation of distribution networks based on the unscented Kalman filter (IUKF). The performance comparison of unscented Kalman…
To propose an improved algorithm for the state estimation of distribution networks based on the unscented Kalman filter (IUKF). The performance comparison of unscented Kalman filter (UKF) and newly developed algorithm, termed Improved unscented Kalman Filter (IUKF) for IEEE-30, 33 and 69-bus radial distribution networks for load variations and bad data for two measurement noise scenarios, i.e. 30 and 50 per cent are shown.
State estimation (SE) plays an instrumental role in realizing smart grid features like distribution automation (DA), enhanced distribution generation (DG) penetration and demand response (DR). Implementation of DA requires robust, accurate and computationally efficient dynamic SE techniques that can capture the fast changing dynamics of distribution systems more effectively. In this paper, the UKF is improved by changing the way the state covariance matrix is calculated, to enhance its robustness and accuracy under noisy measurement conditions. UKF and proposed IUKF are compared under the cummulative effect of load variations and bad data based on various statistical metrics such as Maximum Absolute Deviation (MAD), Maximum Absolute Per cent Error (MAPE), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Overall Performance Index (J) for three radial distribution networks. All the simulations are performed in MATLAB 2014b environment running on an hp core i5 laptop with 4GB memory and 2.6 GHz processor.
An Improved Unscented Kalman Filter Algorithm (IUKF) is developed for distribution network state estimation. The developed IUKF is used to predict network states (voltage magnitude and angle at all buses) and measurements (source voltage magnitude, line power flows and bus injections) in the presence of load variations and bad data. The statistical performance of the coventional UKF and the proposed IUKF is carried out for a variety of simulation scenarios for IEEE-30, 33 and 69 bus radial distribution systems. The IUKF demonstrated superiority in terms of: RMSE; MAD; MAPE; and overall performance index J for two measurement noise scenarios (30 and 50 per cent). Moreover, it is shown that for a measurement noise of 50 per cent and above, UKF fails while IUKF performs.
UKF shows degraded performance under high measurement noise and fails in some cases. The proposed IUKF is shown to outperform the UKF in all the simulated scenarios. Moreover, this work is novel and has justified improvement in the robustness of the conventional UKF algorithm.
Nada R. Sanders and Larry P. Ritzman
The conditions under which forecasts from expert judgementoutperform traditional quantitative methods are investigated. It isshown that judgement is better than quantitative…
The conditions under which forecasts from expert judgement outperform traditional quantitative methods are investigated. It is shown that judgement is better than quantitative techniques at estimating the magnitude, onset, and duration of temporary change. On the other hand, quantitative methods provide superior performance during periods of no change, or constancy, in the data pattern. These propositions were tested on a sample of real business time series. To demonstrate how these propositions might be implemented, and to assess the potential value of doing so, a simple rule is tested on when to switch from quantitative to judgemental forecasts. The results show that it significantly reduces forecast error. These findings provide operations managers with some guidelines as to when (and when not) they should intervene in the forecasting process.
Thomas R. O'Neal, John M. Dickens, Lance E. Champagne, Aaron V. Glassburner, Jason R. Anderson and Timothy W. Breitbach
Forecasting techniques improve supply chain resilience by ensuring that the correct parts are available when required. In addition, accurate forecasts conserve precious resources…
Forecasting techniques improve supply chain resilience by ensuring that the correct parts are available when required. In addition, accurate forecasts conserve precious resources and money by avoiding new start contracts to produce unforeseen part requests, reducing labor intensive cannibalization actions and ensuring consistent transportation modality streams where changes incur cost. This study explores the effectiveness of the United States Air Force’s current flying hour-based demand forecast by comparing it with a sortie-based demand forecast to predict future spare part needs.
This study employs a correlation analysis to show that demand for reparable parts on certain aircraft has a stronger correlation to the number of sorties flown than the number of flying hours. The effect of using the number of sorties flown instead of flying hours is analyzed by employing sorties in the United States Air Force (USAF)’s current reparable parts forecasting model. A comparative analysis on D200 forecasting error is conducted across F-16 and B-52 fleets.
This study finds that the USAF could improve its reparable parts forecast, and subsequently part availability, by employing a sortie-based demand rate for particular aircraft such as the F-16. Additionally, our findings indicate that forecasts for reparable parts on aircraft with low sortie count flying profiles, such as the B-52 fleet, perform better modeling demand as a function of flying hours. Thus, evidence is provided that the Air Force should employ multiple forecasting techniques across its possessed, organically supported aircraft fleets. The improvement of the forecast and subsequent decrease in forecast error will be presented in the Results and Discussion section.
Research limitations/implications
This study is limited by the data-collection environment, which is only reported on an annual basis and is limited to 14 years of historical data. Furthermore, some observations were not included because significant data entry errors resulted in unusable observations.
There are few studies addressing the time measure of USAF reparable component failures. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, there are no studies that analyze spare component demand as a function of sortie numbers and compare the results of forecasts made on a sortie-based demand signal to the current flying hour-based approach to spare parts forecasting. The sortie-based forecast is a novel methodology and is shown to outperform the current flying hour-based method for some aircraft fleets.
Xiwang Xiang, Xin Ma, Minda Ma, Wenqing Wu and Lang Yu
PM10 is one of the most dangerous air pollutants which is harmful to the ecological system and human health. Accurate forecasting of PM10 concentration makes it easier for the…
PM10 is one of the most dangerous air pollutants which is harmful to the ecological system and human health. Accurate forecasting of PM10 concentration makes it easier for the government to make efficient decisions and policies. However, the PM10 concentration, particularly, the emerging short-term concentration has high uncertainties as it is often impacted by many factors and also time varying. Above all, a new methodology which can overcome such difficulties is needed.
The grey system theory is used to build the short-term PM10 forecasting model. The Euler polynomial is used as a driving term of the proposed grey model, and then the convolutional solution is applied to make the new model computationally feasible. The grey wolf optimizer is used to select the optimal nonlinear parameters of the proposed model.
The introduction of the Euler polynomial makes the new model more flexible and more general as it can yield several other conventional grey models under certain conditions. The new model presents significantly higher performance, is more accurate and also more stable, than the six existing grey models in three real-world cases and the case of short-term PM10 forecasting in Tianjin China.
Practical implications
With high performance in the real-world case in Tianjin China, the proposed model appears to have high potential to accurately forecast the PM10 concentration in big cities of China. Therefore, it can be considered as a decision-making support tool in the near future.
This is the first work introducing the Euler polynomial to the grey system models, and a more general formulation of existing grey models is also obtained. The modelling pattern used in this paper can be used as an example for building other similar nonlinear grey models. The practical example of short-term PM10 forecasting in Tianjin China is also presented for the first time.
Simon Chester Evans, Sarah Waller and Jennifer Bray
Recent years have seen a growing interest in and awareness of the importance of environmental design to the well-being of people living with dementia, in terms of both policy and…
Recent years have seen a growing interest in and awareness of the importance of environmental design to the well-being of people living with dementia, in terms of both policy and practice. This trend has been accompanied by a plethora of advice, guidance and tools that aim to encourage and promote the development of inclusive environments. Not all of these are evidence-based, and even those that claim to be so are limited by a paucity of good quality, comprehensive research studies. This paper aims to consider the current state of knowledge in the field of dementia-friendly design and describes a project that refreshed and updated the suite of Environmental Assessment Tools originally developed by The Kings Fund and now managed by the Association for Dementia Studies.
The mixed methods project reported on in this paper comprised a review of the literature, a survey of people who have used the five design assessment tools and an iterative process of updating the tools to make them as evidence-based and user-friendly as possible.
The suite of five assessment tools was refreshed and updated to reflect the latest evidence and the views of professionals and others who use the tools. The authors conclude that while a focus on dementia-friendly design is to be welcomed, there remains a need for relevant high-quality evidence to inform such work. In particular, there is a lack of research within people’s own homes and studies that include the perspectives of people living with dementia.
Few assessment tools and guidelines for dementia-friendly environments are truly evidence-based. This paper reports on a project that combined a comprehensive literature review with the views of practitioners to update a widely used suite of tools that aim to make a range of settings more suitable for people living with dementia.