We present several applications for 2D or axisymmetric elasticity problems of a method to control the quality of a finite element computation, and to optimize the choice of…
We present several applications for 2D or axisymmetric elasticity problems of a method to control the quality of a finite element computation, and to optimize the choice of meshes. The method used, which is very general, is based (i) on the concept of error in constitutive relation and (ii) on explicit techniques to construct admissible fields. Illustrative examples are shown for several 2D or axisymmetric elements (3 or 6 node triangles, 4 or 8 node quadrilaterals). They have been achieved with our code ESTEREF, a post‐processor of error computation and mesh optimization which can be interfaced with any finite element code.
P. Coorevits, P. Ladevèze and J. ‐P. Pelle
In this paper we present a new method of mesh optimization whichautomatically accounts for steep gradients. With this method, the user needsno previous knowledge of the problem…
In this paper we present a new method of mesh optimization which automatically accounts for steep gradients. With this method, the user needs no previous knowledge of the problem. The method is based on the concept of error in the constitutive relation, coupled with an h‐version remeshing procedure. The steep gradient regions are detected by using the local errors, which are taken into account using the finite energy element. Consequently the procedure can be extended to all estimators of discretization errors. It is implemented in our code ESTEREF, a post‐processor of error computation and mesh optimization that can be used with any finite element code. Numerous examples show the capabilities of the proposed method.
C. Benoit, P. Coorevits and J.‐P. Pelle
A method for controlling the quality of finite element analyses for plate structures is proposed herein. It is based on the concept of error in the constitutive relation as well…
A method for controlling the quality of finite element analyses for plate structures is proposed herein. It is based on the concept of error in the constitutive relation as well as on associated techniques for constructing admissible displacement‐stress fields with respect to a reference model. In this study, the chosen model is either Reissner‐Mindlin’s or Kirchhoff‐Love’s model. The finite element used is the DKT element; these error estimators allow us to determine that this element converges for Kirchhoff‐Love’s model. Once these error estimators have been identified, techniques of adaptive meshing developed in 2D are applied and several examples are presented.
E. Florentin, L. Gallimard, J‐P. Pelle and P. Rougeot
In this paper, we focus on the quality of a 2D elastic finite element analysis.
In this paper, we focus on the quality of a 2D elastic finite element analysis.
Our objective is to control the discretization parameters in order to achieve a prescribed local quality level over a dimensioning zone. The method is based on the concept of constitutive relation error.
The method is illustrated through 2D test examples and shows clearly that in terms of cost, this technique provides an additional benefit compared to previous methods.
Research limitations/implications
The saving would be even more significant if this mesh adaptation technique were applied in three dimensions. Indeed, in 3D problems, the computing cost is vital and, in general, it is this cost that sets the limits.
Practical implications
This tool is directly usable in the design stage.
The new tool developed guarantees a local quality level prescribed by the user.
Many industrial analyses require the resolution of complex nonlinear problems. For such calculations, error‐controlled adaptive strategies must be used to improve the quality of…
Many industrial analyses require the resolution of complex nonlinear problems. For such calculations, error‐controlled adaptive strategies must be used to improve the quality of the results. In this paper, adaptive strategies for nonlinear calculations in plasticity based on an enhanced error on the constitutive relation are presented. We focus on the adaptivity of the mesh and of the time discretization.
Li Wang, Mengwu Guo and Hongzhi Zhong
– The purpose of this paper is to acquire strict upper and lower bounds on quantities of slender beams on Winkler foundation in finite element analysis.
The purpose of this paper is to acquire strict upper and lower bounds on quantities of slender beams on Winkler foundation in finite element analysis.
It leans on the dual analysis wherein the constitutive relation error (CRE) is used to perform goal-oriented error estimation. Due to the coupling of the displacement field and the stress field in the equilibrium equations of the beam, the prolongation condition for the stress field which is the key ingredient of CRE estimation is not directly applicable. To circumvent this difficulty, an approximate problem and the solution thereof are introduced, enabling the CRE estimation to proceed. It is shown that the strict bounding property for CRE estimation is preserved and strict bounds of quantities of the beam are obtainable thereafter.
Numerical examples are presented to validate the strict upper and lower bounds for quantities of beams on elastic foundation by dual analysis.
Research limitations/implications
This paper deals with one-dimensional (1D) beams on Winkler foundation. Nevertheless, the present work can be naturally extended to analysis of shells and 2D and 3D reaction-diffusion problems for future research.
CRE estimation is extended to analysis of beams on elastic foundation by a decoupling strategy; strict upper bounds of global energy norm error for beams on elastic foundation are obtained; strict bounds of quantities for beams on elastic foundation are also obtained; unified representation and corresponding dual analysis of various quantities of the beam are presented; rigorous derivation of admissible stresses for beams is given.
Eric Florentin, Stéphane Guinard and Philippe Pasquet
This paper aims to deal with the verification of local quantities of interest obtained through linear elastic finite element analysis. A technique is presented for determining the…
This paper aims to deal with the verification of local quantities of interest obtained through linear elastic finite element analysis. A technique is presented for determining the most accurate error estimation. This technique enables one to address industrial‐size problems while keeping computing costs reasonable.
The concept of error in constitutive relation is used to assess the quality of the finite element solution. The key issue is the construction of admissible fields. The objective is to show that it is possible to build admissible fields using a new method. These fields are obtained by using a high‐quality construction over a limited zone while the construction is less refined and less expensive elsewhere.
Numerical tests are presented in order to illustrate a very satisfying presented methodology. It shows clearly how to take advantage of the method to treat large examples. They clearly show the interest of this new method to treat large examples.
The paper demonstrates clearly that verification of large finite element problem must have dedicated methods in order to be applicable.
The analysis of error estimation is addressed in the framework ofviscoplasticity problems, this is to say, of incompressible andnon‐linear materials. Firstly, Zienkiewicz—Zhu(Z2…
The analysis of error estimation is addressed in the framework of viscoplasticity problems, this is to say, of incompressible and non‐linear materials. Firstly, Zienkiewicz—Zhu (Z2) type error estimators are studied. They are based on the comparison between the finite element solution and a continuous solution which is computed by smoothing technique. From numerical examples, it is shown that the choice of a finite difference smoothing method (Orkisz’ method) improves the precision and the efficiency of this type of estimator. Then a Δ estimator is introduced. It makes it possible to take into account the fact that the smoothed solution does not verify the balance equations. On the other hand, it leads us to introduce estimators for the velocity error according to the L2 and L∞norms, since in metal forming this error is as important as the energy error. These estimators are applied to an industrial problem of extrusion, demonstrating all the potential of the adaptive remeshing method for forming processes.
Octavio Andrés González‐Estrada, Juan José Ródenas, Stéphane Pierre Alain Bordas, Marc Duflot, Pierre Kerfriden and Eugenio Giner
The purpose of this paper is to assess the effect of the statical admissibility of the recovered solution and the ability of the recovered solution to represent the singular…
The purpose of this paper is to assess the effect of the statical admissibility of the recovered solution and the ability of the recovered solution to represent the singular solution; also the accuracy, local and global effectivity of recovery‐based error estimators for enriched finite element methods (e.g. the extended finite element method, XFEM).
The authors study the performance of two recovery techniques. The first is a recently developed superconvergent patch recovery procedure with equilibration and enrichment (SPR‐CX). The second is known as the extended moving least squares recovery (XMLS), which enriches the recovered solutions but does not enforce equilibrium constraints. Both are extended recovery techniques as the polynomial basis used in the recovery process is enriched with singular terms for a better description of the singular nature of the solution.
Numerical results comparing the convergence and the effectivity index of both techniques with those obtained without the enrichment enhancement clearly show the need for the use of extended recovery techniques in Zienkiewicz‐Zhu type error estimators for this class of problems. The results also reveal significant improvements in the effectivities yielded by statically admissible recovered solutions.
The paper shows that both extended recovery procedures and statical admissibility are key to an accurate assessment of the quality of enriched finite element approximations.
A. Moal and E. Massoni
A complete thermo‐mechanical model for the simulation of theinertia welding process of two similar parts is described. The materialbehaviour is represented by an incompressible…
A complete thermo‐mechanical model for the simulation of the inertia welding process of two similar parts is described. The material behaviour is represented by an incompressible viscoplastic Norton—Hoff law in which the rheological parameters are dependent on temperature. The friction law was determined experimentally and depends on the prescribed pressure and the relative rotating velocity between the two parts. The mechanical problem is solved considering the virtual work principle including inertia terms. The computation of the three components of the velocity field such as radial, longitudinal and rotational velocity, in an axisymmetric approximation allows to take into account the torsional effects. The domain is updated based on a Lagrangian formulation. The non‐linear heat transfer equation with boundary conditions (convection, radiation and friction flux) is solved separately for each time step. Error estimators on mechanical and thermal computation are devised to adapt the mesh in an automatic way. Finally, numerical results concerning evolution of parts shape, strain, temperature, rotating velocity, upsetting are compared with actual industrial welds.