Maureen Pastine, Ivy Bayard and Carol Lang
With the financial support of a donor gift and a grant from the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS), Temple University Libraries embarked on a major digital imaging…
With the financial support of a donor gift and a grant from the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS), Temple University Libraries embarked on a major digital imaging enterprise. The first year’s pilot projects, their costs, and lessons learned are discussed. Plans are outlined for continued expansion of their image database and related programs, which will be funded by a second IMLS grant and other sources.
IN a period of intense air activity against this country it would be idle to deny that substantial damage has occurred to libraries. In the vicinity of Chaucer House, which itself…
IN a period of intense air activity against this country it would be idle to deny that substantial damage has occurred to libraries. In the vicinity of Chaucer House, which itself at the date of writing has suffered no worse than to the extent of a few windows smashed, there has been damage which will cost time and much expense to remedy. University College appears to have suffered heavily, although that part of it devoted to the School of Librarianship remains intact. Libraries at Stepney, Chelsea and Camberwell have suffered to greater or less extent; in some towns delayed action bombs have caused the suspension of the library service. In most cases, however, central and other main libraries have escaped, although librarians have had an anxious time. The National Central Library has had remarkable escapes, and although windows and ceilings have been damaged very few books have been damaged and the Structure as a whole has escaped.
OUR readers will, we trust, appreciate our double souvenir number issued in connection with the Library Association Conference at Glasgow. Special features are the articles on the…
OUR readers will, we trust, appreciate our double souvenir number issued in connection with the Library Association Conference at Glasgow. Special features are the articles on the Mitchell Library, Glasgow, 1874–1924, by a member of the staff, Mr. J. Dunlop, and one on the Burns Country, by Mr. J. M. Leighton, of Greenock Public Library. We printed the provisional programme in our July issue and as we go to press have little to add to the particulars there given, except to compliment the Library Association and the Local Reception Committee on the excellent programme arranged for the occasion, from both the professional and social point of view.