Ave Adriana Pinem, Ivonne Margi Immanuella, Achmad Nizar Hidayanto, Kongkiti Phusavat and Meyliana
This study aims to understand the antecedent of trust towards government-to-business (G2B) service in Indonesia. Trust will be viewed through four aspects, namely, cognition-based…
This study aims to understand the antecedent of trust towards government-to-business (G2B) service in Indonesia. Trust will be viewed through four aspects, namely, cognition-based trust, personality-oriented trust, affect-based trust and experience–based trust. Then, these antecedents of trust were examined as the factors of continuance intention by extending the expected confirmation theory (ECT).
Data were collected through a quantitative approach, and 389 respondents were involved in the study. The respondents are the investors who represent their organization which uses e-government service to report their investment activities to the Investment Coordinating Board of Indonesia. Data were analyzed using partial least square structural equation modelling approach with WarpPLS 4.0.
The result shows that factors that determine a user’s trust in government online service are service quality, trust towards government entity, recommendation to use the service and user’s habit of using the service. Factors that do not determine a user’s trust in government online service is a disposition to trust. Another finding is that a user’s trust on an online service does not directly influence his/her continuance of use. Trust will impact the continuance of use through perceptions of benefits and perceived satisfaction of using the online service.
Research limitations/implications
ECT is applicable in G2B process. Organizations have a perception of benefit while using a public e-service and confirm the perception through their experience while using an e-service to gain satisfaction, and this will encourage them to continue using the service.
Practical implications
To improve organizations’ trust on the e-service, the government needs to improve the e-service quality (by evaluating the efficiency, privacy, user support, reliability and information quality), investor familiarity of the system (training or socialization), investor trust on the government entity (improve the employee competence) and recommendation on using the system.
Trust dimension has also been studied to be a factor that influences the intention or continuance of use of technology; however, it has rarely been studied towards its effect in the ECT’s context. In e-government study, there are various studies related to government-to-citizen (G2C) concept. However, the research in government-to-business (G2B) area that has not been explored much.