Lewis E. Hill and István Magas
Attempts to specify and to explicate some of the most importantreasons for the failure of communism or state socialism. Analyses thegeneral case of Eastern Europe, then applies…
Attempts to specify and to explicate some of the most important reasons for the failure of communism or state socialism. Analyses the general case of Eastern Europe, then applies the analysis to the specific case of Hungary. Second, deduces a model of market socialism from the theories of Fred M. Taylor and Oskar Lange. Argues that the Taylor‐Lange model of market socialism certainly could be and probably would be a completely valid and viable economic system. Proposes, moreover, that this system of market socialism may prove a better alternative economic system than capitalism for the Eastern European nations that have abandoned communism.
BOOKS are among the greatest and most wonderful achievements of human genius, they are also a powerful means of struggle for progress. The book accompanies man all his life; it is…
BOOKS are among the greatest and most wonderful achievements of human genius, they are also a powerful means of struggle for progress. The book accompanies man all his life; it is a creation of his brain and soul. It reflects the life of mankind and is the result of collective efforts of author and publisher, type‐setter and illustrator. But foremost a book is always and everywhere a social and political phenomenon. One of the most apt evaluations of the book was given by V. I. Lenin in 1917, when he was known to state to A. V. Lunacharsky, “The book is a great force indeed”.