Yaser Gamil and Ismail Abd Rahman
The purpose of this paper is to develop a structural relationship model to study the relationship between causes and effects of poor communication and information exchange in…
The purpose of this paper is to develop a structural relationship model to study the relationship between causes and effects of poor communication and information exchange in construction projects using Smart-PLS.
The first method of this research is to identify the causes and effects factors of poor communication in construction projects from the extant of literature. The data used to develop the model was collected using a questionnaire survey, which targeted construction practitioners in the Malaysian construction industry. A five-point Likert type scale was used to rate the significance of the factors. The factors were classified under their relevant construct/group using exploratory factor analysis. A hypothetical model was developed and then transformed into Smart-PLS in which the hypothetical model suggested that each group of the cause factors has a direct impact on the effect groups. The hypothesis was tested using t-values and p-values. The model was assessed for its inner and outer components and achieved the threshold criterion. Further, the model was verified by engaging 14 construction experts to verify its applicability in the construction project setting.
The study developed a structural equation model to clarify the relationships between causes and effects of poor communication in construction projects. The model explained the degree of relationships among causes and effects of poor communication in construction projects.
The published academic and non-academic literature introduced many studies on the issue of communication including the definitions, importance, barriers to effective communication and means of poor communication. However, these studies ended up only on the general issue of communication lacking an in-depth investigation of the causes and effects of poor communication in the construction industry. The study implemented advanced structural modeling to study the causes and effects. The questionnaire, the data and concluding results fill the identified research gap of this study. The addressed issue is also of interest because communication is considered one of the main knowledge areas in construction management.
Yaser Gamil and Ismail Abd Rahman Rahman
This paper aims to investigate the awareness of construction practitioners of the adoption of building information modeling (BIM) and identification of the dominant challenges of…
This paper aims to investigate the awareness of construction practitioners of the adoption of building information modeling (BIM) and identification of the dominant challenges of implementing BIM in the life cycle of a construction project.
This study was sequentially conducted in the following in three main phases: a preliminary study of archival literature, where a rigorous study of the literature was conducted to identify the challenges of adopting BIM in the construction industry which was to be applied later to the challenges in the case of the Yemen construction industry; data collection, where data were collected using a questionnaire survey targeting 123 Yemeni construction practitioners working in managerial and technical levels; and data analysis, where data were analyzed using descriptive analysis by calculating the average index and standard deviations. The data were analyzed using the SPSS software.
The results show that the most critical challenges to adopt BIM are financial restrictions, lack of BIM knowledge, improper introduction of BIM concepts, lack of awareness of BIM benefits and no governmental enforcement. The study recommends policymakers and construction players to consider the challenges for a better introduction of BIM in the Yemen construction industry.
Research limitations/implications
This research focuses on the awareness and challenges of implementing BIM in the Yemen construction industry.
Practical implications
The findings of this study will help policymakers develop more constructive strategies to reduce the challenges and introduce governmental agendas towards the widespread use of the BIM concept and technology in the Yemen construction industry. The study suggested an in-depth investigation into the current curriculum in the Yemen universities and recommended the introduction of BIM concept in engineering courses.
Social implications
This study focused on the challenges of implementing BIM and the role of the social aspect in the issue.
From the extensive review of previous findings, this paper concentrates on the challenged to the implementation of BIM in the Yemen construction industry. There are lack of investigative studies that focus on the introduction of new technologies to advance the Yemen construction sector. Therefore, the findings help the authority to diagnose and address the sources of these challenges and introduce new solutions to the industry.
Yaser Gamil, Majid A. Abdullah, Ismail Abd Rahman and Muhammad Mujtaba Asad
In this advanced era of Industrial Revolution 4.0, as an element of cyber physical systems, the Internet of Things (IoT) has been applied in many different industries; however…
In this advanced era of Industrial Revolution 4.0, as an element of cyber physical systems, the Internet of Things (IoT) has been applied in many different industries; however, its adoption in the construction industry is still limited to a few applications. This study uncovers, identifies and assesses the challenges of adopting IOT in construction projects. The challenges have been identified through the briefed literature review and a survey instrument from construction industries in Malaysia.
In this study, the quantitative research approach has been used and data have been collected through a questionnaire survey for construction practitioners. Whereas, respondents to the questionnaire are practitioners from the Malaysian construction industry. The method of sampling implied is random sampling technique whereby the final sample size is 132 participants. Moreover, the gathered data has been analysed using univariate approach via standard deviation and average index in SPSS Software 22.0.
The results of this study indicated the most dominant challenges are lack of safety and security, lack of documented standards, lack of benefit awareness, improper introduction of IOT and lack of robustness in connectivity. This study also examined that the awareness of construction practitioners toward the understanding of IOT and its possibility to be applied and extended in construction projects and determined that construction practitioners are aware of IOT benefits to improve the efficiency of construction projects.
Practical implications
The study presents a better understanding of IOT in the construction industry and their potential challenges, which helps the construction policymakers to avoid encounters related to challenges and provide education-based campaigns to educate construction practitioners on the concept and importance of using IOT in the construction sector.
This is a unique study because of its nature in this advance era of industry 4.0. Furthermore, it is specifying the latest trend associated with IOT in the construction industry and addressing the challenges of implementation, which is crucial to exploit and take advantage of the full potential of IoT benefits.
Ameen Qasem, Norhani Aripin and Wan Nordin Wan-Hussin
The purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of financial restatements on the sell-side analysts' stock recommendations.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of financial restatements on the sell-side analysts' stock recommendations.
The sample of this study is based on a dataset from a panel of 246 Malaysian public listed companies for the period 2008 to 2013 (651 company-year observations). This study employs feasible generalized least squares regression.
This study finds a negative and significant relationship between restated companies and sell-side analysts' stock recommendations, which means that sell-side analysts issue less favorable stock recommendations for restated companies.
Practical implications
The findings based on observations from an emerging economy complement the results of the US studies that analysts revise their earnings forecasts or recommendations downwards or drop coverage following financial restatements. The results of this study should be useful to capital market participants in understanding how analysts perceive and evaluate restated companies.
This paper expands the literature on financial restatements consequences in an emerging market which is largely unstudied. Prior research on analyst behavior towards restatements has focused on the consequences of restatements in terms of analyst following and forecast accuracy and dispersion. This study examines if and how the restatements affect the analysts' final output as reflected in the recommendation opinion, an area that has so far received little attention.
Saida Belhouchet and Jamel Chouaibi
This paper aims to shed light on the relationship between audit committee attributes and integrated reporting quality (IRQ).
This paper aims to shed light on the relationship between audit committee attributes and integrated reporting quality (IRQ).
Data on a sample of 360 European firms selected from the STOXX Europe 600 index between 2010 and 2021 were used to test the model based on multiple regression for panel data to analyze the effect of audit committee attributes on IRQ. This paper considers generalized least squares (GLS) estimation for panel data models.
The findings of this study confirm expectations concerning the impact of audit committee attributes on the IRQ. Indeed, audit committee independence and meetings have a significant positive impact on IRQ. However, no significant association is found between financial expertise and IRQ.
Practical implications
The findings of this paper have significant implications for policymakers, who, through proper legislation, should encourage the formation of larger audit committees and ones with a higher percentage of independent members. They should also establish a minimum number of audit committee meetings per year. These regulations, which aim to increase the efficacy of audit committees’ supervisory and monitoring tasks, would promote corporate transparency and improve IRQ.
This study supports the existing literature. First, it expands the scientific debate on IRQ. Second, unlike previous studies, which used more subjective methods to measure the degree of integrated reporting (IR), this study relied on the CGVS variable from the DataStream ASSET 4 Database. Third, the research is novel because it indicates the crucial role of internal assurance mechanisms in wide managerial reporting practices in European companies. The sample consisted of European firms only, whereas previous studies used a global sample. Finally, this study is based on recent data (2010–2021), while other studies covered the period between 2008 and 2013.
Mohammad Osman Gani, Yoshi Takahashi, Surajit Bag and Muhammad Sabbir Rahman
This study examines the relationships between collaboration capability (CC) and supply chain risk management (SCRM) and the mediating role of supply chain alignment (SCA) between…
This study examines the relationships between collaboration capability (CC) and supply chain risk management (SCRM) and the mediating role of supply chain alignment (SCA) between CC and SCRM. It also investigates the moderating role of data-driven culture (DDC) on the path joining CC and SCA.
A survey was conducted via a structured questionnaire among the 297 managers of Business-to-business (B2B) firms. The data were analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM).
The result found a positive and significant relationship between CC and SCRM, CC and SCA, and SCA and SCRM. The research found a significant mediating role of SCA between CC and SCRM. The study also found a significant moderating role of DBC between CC and SCA.
Practical implications
The outcomes demonstrate the management and societal relevance of the study from the viewpoint of businesses in developing nations. To cope with dynamic shifts, managers and decision makers need to take initiative for collaboration among the supplier, to align with their supply chain operations and enhance preparedness of DDC to overcome supply chain-related risks in the future.
The results of this empirical study have the significant potential to provide valuable guidance and insights about the B2B firms’ CC to develop SCA to enhance SCRM as risk management for the supply chain can aid in loss prevention and provide an edge over competitors. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, these relationships based on the dynamic capability view (DCV) add to existing studies on B2B firms’ supply chains in a novel way.
Nurulhuda Abd Rahman, Nor’azam Mastuki, Muhamad Rahimi Osman and Nawal Kasim
The purpose of this paper looks into how the Islamic legal maxims (ILM) could provide a basis for Sharīʿah audit practices in assisting the institution’s managerial practice to…
The purpose of this paper looks into how the Islamic legal maxims (ILM) could provide a basis for Sharīʿah audit practices in assisting the institution’s managerial practice to achieve Maqasid al Shari’ah (MS).
The findings of the study recorded in this paper are based on a single case study selected from a preliminary study. The qualitative approach was used, where two phases of a semi-structured interview were conducted on the targeted participants in their natural settings.
It was found that with the implementation of Sharīʿah audit practices, ILM supports the achievement of MS by Islamic banks. With this, the income generated by these banking institutions is halal, and all business transactions and operations will not violate the Sharīʿah principles. Furthermore, the ILM includes principles such as “certainty is not overruled by doubt,” “matters determined according to intentions,” “the norm in transactions is that of permissibility,” “harm must be eliminated” and “judgment is to be based on knowledge and understanding.”
Social implications
The findings of this study have provided valuable information that would lead Muslim auditors to exhibit a strong character while abiding by Islamic principles.
MS is strongly recommended in Islamic banking institutions because of the significant relationship between MS and the objectives of business transactions where wealth must be protected in the prevention of incoming hardships occurring in society. Moreover, this paper focuses on the application of ILM in the Sharīʿah audit practices as a part of the Sharīʿah governance in Islamic banks.
Nurulhuda Abd Rahman, Muhammad Nazmul Hoque, Muhamad Rahimi Osman and Norazam Mastuki
This paper aims to provide insight on internal Shariah audit change process in Islamic banking institution using sociology of translationin and the identification of specific…
This paper aims to provide insight on internal Shariah audit change process in Islamic banking institution using sociology of translationin and the identification of specific Islamic legal maxim (ILM).
This paper gathered findings using qualitative approach where a single case study was selected. The study began with a preliminary study to assist the selection of the case study and later two phases of interviews done at the institution selected as the case study.
This paper has provided insights into the internal Shariah audit practices change using sociology of translation that incorporated ILM as the basis to strengthen the Islamic banking operations by achieving maqasid al-Shariah (MS). The findings of this paper provide distinguished insight on internal Shariah audit change process and ILM. The significance of this study is that a new contribution through exploring the viewpoints of the perception that satisfying the minimum legal requirements of Shariah compliance may not be sufficient for proper Shariah audit in IBIs. Therefore, the existence of ILM within a change process serves as a basis for best practices to be able to achieve MS through the means (wasa’il) used in realising IBIs’ objectives.
The application of ILM to internal Shariah audit change process that would guide Muslim auditors to be in line with Islamic principles. This paper focuses on the application of ILM to the Shariah audit practices changes as ILM embodied ethical value to the general concept of maslahah (well-being) under MS in the period of post-COVID-19.
Nazrul Hazizi Noordin, Muhammad Issyam Ismail, Muhammad Abd Hadi Abd Rahman, Siti Nurah Haron and Adam Abdullah
This paper aims to re-evaluate and thus recommends possible ways in improving the current practice of hibah trust in Malaysia.
This paper aims to re-evaluate and thus recommends possible ways in improving the current practice of hibah trust in Malaysia.
This study conducts a thorough and critical review on relevant literature on Islamic wealth management and estate distribution. Besides, the current practice and application of hibah trust by the Malaysian trustee companies such as Amanah Raya Berhad and As-Salihin Trustee Berhad is analyzed based on information gathered from their publications and direct consultation.
Based on the comparison made between hibah trust and its conventional counterpart, living trust, this study found that that the hibah trust product mirrors the conventional living trust, which provides a high degree of freedom to the benefactor to decide on the distribution of his wealth without taking into consideration the interest of the eligible heirs under farai’d. Nevertheless, it is undeniable that the practice of hibah trust would be able to expedite the lengthy and complex procedures of inheritance, reduce administrative costs and avoid legal impediments and inheritance tax.
Practical implications
This paper proposes a comprehensive framework for an improved asset distribution under hibah trust within the Malaysian Islamic wealth management industry by highlighting the significance of fara’id and wasiyyah rules. This proposed framework of hibah trust would become a useful reference for the policy makers in designing a dedicated regulation or legal provisions in the established laws that will govern the practice of hibah trust in Malaysia.
The novelty of this paper lies in highlighting the importance of adhering to the law of Islamic inheritance rules as ordained by Allah s.w.t in structuring contemporary Islamic estate planning instruments such as hibah trust, which is not evident in the current practice.
This study aims to investigate mustahiq business success using a newly developed index called asnaf muslimpreneur success index (AMSi).
This study aims to investigate mustahiq business success using a newly developed index called asnaf muslimpreneur success index (AMSi).
Following Abu Zaharah theory of al-Maqasid al-Shariah, the authors developed the AMSi through literature analyses and expert judges involving three Shariah scholars for improved extensions and applications. Subsequently, the authors conducted the actual survey, which included 17 mustahiq who had been assisted by the zakat institution in running their small and halal businesses in Sabah, Malaysia.
Using the AMSi, the success of asnaf businesses was in the moderate index, implying the success meets the index score of more than 50%. All indexes capturing asnafs’ business experience, asnafs’ business justice, asnafs’ well-being and asnafs’ financial wisdom were greater than the threshold value of 0.5 or 50%, implying that the interaction of the battery items involved in those variables resulted in satisfactory results, indicating that they are relevant and essential in gauging the asnafs’ success level in the development business programme.
Research limitations/implications
The results obtained were at the exploratory level, and for that, more studies related are expected to be conducted in the future, where the coverage of the respondents used is larger to extend the findings, at least.
Practical implications
The results obtained can become a yardstick to gauge the success of asnaf muslimpreneurs in Sabah, East Malaysia.
This study introduces new measures of asnaf muslimpreneur success model, where mustahiq business is brought into play.