Ines Heer and Stefan Mann
– The purpose of this paper is to identify success variables for local food networks in Germany.
The purpose of this paper is to identify success variables for local food networks in Germany.
The approach takes the form of a written questionnaire sent to local food networks and statistical analysis to explain success indicators for networks.
The analysis shows that vertical penetration, i.e. the inclusion of many different sectors in the network, increases the success of the network in terms of turnover. Another factor increasing the success of a network is whether small food enterprises like bakers or butchers are in charge of it.
Research limitations/implications
There is a difficulty in identifying general success factors of networks with different objectives.
This is the first analysis integrating vertical integration and quantitative integration as success factors.
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THIS issue of The Library World marks the commencement of a new volume, and we take the opportunity of thanking our many readers for their continued good feeling and support. It…
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