Imtiyaz Ali, Ram B. Bhagat, Geetika Shankar and Raj Kumar Verma
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the overall morbidity prevalence and their differentials among emigrants’ and non-emigrants’ wives in Kerala, India.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the overall morbidity prevalence and their differentials among emigrants’ and non-emigrants’ wives in Kerala, India.
The study is based on the third round of The Kerala Migration Survey-2007 data. The third round of KMS was perhaps the first survey which has collected data on Indian emigration and morbidity scenario during 2007 at the household and individual level. Descriptive statistics, binary logistic regression models, and Oaxaca decomposition models were used to examine the disease differentials among emigrants’ and non-emigrants’ wives.
The paper shows that household size is negatively associated with chronic disease and incidence of morbidity is much lower among emigrants’ wives. The result also shows that among women, those who stay with a husband or whose husbands are elsewhere in India show a higher incidence of morbidity than those whose husbands are abroad, owing to the limited scope of activity as well as freedom in lifestyle and for taking independent decisions. Thus, it can be concluded that for women, the scope of activity and the freedom to live are important factors contributing to the level of morbidity. Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition results show that non-poor households and non-Muslim religion are in a disadvantageous position in terms of chronic morbidity.
Research limitations/implications
This paper is based on the cross-sectional nature of data; this is an obvious limitation on the effect of emigration on morbidity differentials among emigrants’ and non-emigrants’ wives.
There are few or rare studies conducted so far to investigate the effect of migration on the health of the spouses or families left behind.
Norhazlina Ibrahim and Safeza Mohd Sapian
This study, using systematic literature review (SLR) aims to highlight and summarise current studies on the factors influencing customers’ Islamic home financing (IHF) selection…
This study, using systematic literature review (SLR) aims to highlight and summarise current studies on the factors influencing customers’ Islamic home financing (IHF) selection and Islamic banking product preference, which has gained popularity within the banking sector over the past three decades. The SLR could map evolution and research fields, recommend a particular categorisation and determine primary issues to demonstrate current trends, future research directions and theoretical development.
The SLR was performed with a four-step reporting standard for the systematic evidence syntheses review method (research question formulation, systematic searching, quality assessment and data extraction) using 33 screened articles between 2008 and 2020 from two primary databases (Scopus and Web of Science) and one supporting database (Google Scholar).
The resulting factors could be categorised into four primary themes: consumer behaviour, consumer attributes, bank attributes and bank attributes (Islamic). The themes were subsequently divided into 16 sub-themes. Notably, all the factors proved essential for consumers’ evolving preferences and product competitiveness in the market.
Research limitations/implications
This study encountered two limitations based on database selection and research period.
Practical implications
This SLR aimed to offer useful insights into the factors that should be prioritised by financial institutions for marketing approaches by investigating consumer behaviours.
This study pioneered an SLR on the study area for useful insights into the current research limitations and recommendations on future study directions. Specifically, the study method facilitated critical discussions and comparisons to past research outcomes and objectivity with triangulation from distinct perspectives.
Norhazlina Ibrahim and Safeza Mohd Sapian
The purpose of this study is to investigate whether Tawarruq Islamic home financing (IHF) products remain untouched and maintain their position as the top IHF product in Malaysia.
The purpose of this study is to investigate whether Tawarruq Islamic home financing (IHF) products remain untouched and maintain their position as the top IHF product in Malaysia.
The study adopted a qualitative research methodology that included both literature review and content analysis. Firstly, the existing studies and literature were reviewed to compare different types of IHF. The composition of IHF products offered by these Islamic banks was then investigated further to analyse each bank’s progress in IHF from 2015 to 2019. The data were gathered from bank websites, brochures, product disclosure sheets and annual reports.
The findings reveal that around 62.5% of Islamic banks offered Tawarruq for IHF in the year 2020. For the banks that offered Tawarruq, the amount of the financing continued to grow each year. The plausible reason for the preference for Tawarruq was its less risky nature, despite facing numerous operating, legal and Shariah issues.
Research limitations/implications
This study has several limitations, including the fact that it was limited to home financing products only, the methodology used and the research period.
Practical implications
This study aimed to provide beneficial insights into the use of Tawarruq, which has been a source of concern for regulators as well as steps made to reduce its usage in the industry. Islamic banks should be more proactive in developing non-Tawarruq products to enhance product innovation in the market and minimise the heavy reliance on debt-based products.
This study provides useful insights by analysing IHF in depth for each Islamic bank and making recommendations for future research. Specifically, the method facilitated critical discussions and comparisons to previous research findings as to why Tawarruq has remained popular.
Rifat Altaf, Imtiyaz Ahmad Zargar, Gousia Gani, Syed Zameer Hussain, Omar Bashir, Bazila Naseer, Sobiya Manzoor and Tawheed Amin
This study aims to develop sweet chestnut incorporated corn-based extrudates by the optimization of process conditions.
This study aims to develop sweet chestnut incorporated corn-based extrudates by the optimization of process conditions.
The independent process variables for extrusion (blend ratio, barrel temperature, screw speed and feed moisture) were investigated to govern their impact on reliant variables, namely, bulk density, specific mechanical energy, water absorption index, water solubility index, color and hardness. Product and system responses were significantly (p < 0.05) affected by the independent variables. Experimental design with quadratic models experienced a high coefficient of determination (R2 = 0.99).
Numerical optimization for the development of extrudates resulted in optimum conditions having corn flour: sweet chestnut flour (80:20), barrel temperature (120°C), screw speed (340 rpm) and feed moisture (12%). Fat, moisture and protein contents of the developed extrudates using optimum conditions were significantly (p < 0.05) lower compared to raw materials – corn and sweet chestnut. The packaging of extrudates in aluminum laminates revealed shelf stability of three months at room temperature without deterioration of quality.
Nutritionally rich sweet chestnut extruded products would be an exclusive option to already existing snacks in the market and can facilitate a new sphere in extruded product sector.
The tsunami that swept the shores of Sri Lanka on December 26, 2004, killed over 30,000 people regardless of their ethnic or religious affiliations. This article deals with a…
The tsunami that swept the shores of Sri Lanka on December 26, 2004, killed over 30,000 people regardless of their ethnic or religious affiliations. This article deals with a different conflict – one fashioned by human beings, which has caused the loss of an estimated 70,000 lives. The vast majority of the lives lost have been from the minority Tamil population. The basic argument of this article is that the desire to uphold a unitary state in Sri Lanka established by the British colonial rulers in 1833 has really been the desire to establish Sinhala hegemony over the minorities, particularly the Tamil minority.
Muiz Abu Alia, Aladdin Dwekat, Rasmi Meqbel, Tayf Hannoun, Imtiyaz Shakhshir and Aya Naser
This study aims to investigate the impact of various board characteristics on environmental innovation (EI) among companies listed on the STOXX Europe 600. It also examines the…
This study aims to investigate the impact of various board characteristics on environmental innovation (EI) among companies listed on the STOXX Europe 600. It also examines the moderating role of CSR committees on the board–EI nexus.
The sample consists of companies listed on the STOXX Europe 600 index over 12 years (2011–2022). This study uses the Refinitiv Eikon database to evaluate the extent of EI. Panel data regression analysis is used, with two-stage least squares and lagged models used as robustness tests to control for endogeneity.
The results indicate that board independence and gender diversity significantly increase EI, whereas CEO duality negatively impacts it. Other board attributes, such as board size, show no impact on EI. In addition, the presence of CSR committees moderates these relationships, enhancing the positive effects of gender diversity and board independence and mitigating the negative impact of CEO duality.
Practical implications
This study provides valuable insights for policymakers and corporate strategists aiming to advance environmental responsiveness through strategic board composition and establishing CSR committees. Emphasizing the importance of board independence, gender diversity and CSR committees, the findings suggest practical pathways for enhancing the adoption of EI by creating governance structures that support sustainable practices.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study to examine the moderating role of CSR committees on the associations between board characteristics and EI. This research addresses a crucial gap in the current literature, enriching the understanding of corporate governance and sustainability. It provides critical insights for developing policies and strategies that promote EI through effective board composition and the implementation of CSR committees.
Francisco J. Sarabia-Sánchez, Inés Küster Boluda, Natalia Vila-Lopez and Francisco Sarabia-Andreu
This study examines how social influences (need to belong and fear of missing out) and the perceived credibility of health claims affect the intention to purchase foods with…
This study examines how social influences (need to belong and fear of missing out) and the perceived credibility of health claims affect the intention to purchase foods with health claims.
Data were obtained from a web-based survey of 844 Spaniards aged 25 years and older, with sex and age quotas. Real product images with health claims contextualized the purchase intention questions, aiding respondents who often struggle to differentiate health from promotional claims.
Both personal and social dimensions of fear of missing out (FoMO) influence the desire to belong to a healthy group. The intention to purchase food with health claims is also positively associated with the desire to belong. The results reflect the importance of FoMO and the need to belong in enhancing consumers’ tendency to purchase products with health claims. The results also reflect the importance of purchase intention in making health claims perceived as credible.
This study integrates individual aspects (belief in the credibility of health claims) with social aspects (belonging and FoMO) to analyze the intention to purchase foods with health claims. Using authentic product images to aid consumer comprehension adds an innovative dimension, addressing a gap in consumer behavior research.
恐懼錯失機會的個人維度和社會維度兩者均會影響想隸屬於保健團體的渴望; 而消費者購買附有保健聲稱食品的意向又與這渴望成正相關。 研究結果顯示,就增強消費者購買附有保健聲稱產品的意向而言,錯失機會的恐懼,以及想隸屬的渴求均有其重要性。 研究結果亦顯示,若要為保健聲稱建立可信的聲譽,購買意向是重要的因素。
本研究透過合併個人層面 (對保健聲稱可信性的信任)與社會層面 (歸屬感和錯失機會的恐懼),來分析消費者購買附有保健聲稱食品的意向。研究人員使用真實的產品形象,以幫助消費者理解,就此而言,這為消費者行為研究填補了空白,成為一個創新的維度。
Xin Liu, Jianing Wang and Chunmei Liu
This study empirically examined four value attributes (e.g. conditional value, functional value, epistemic value and price consciousness) influencing young customers’ attitudes…
This study empirically examined four value attributes (e.g. conditional value, functional value, epistemic value and price consciousness) influencing young customers’ attitudes, word-of-mouth (WOM) and continuous usage intentions. Subjective norm was positioned as the moderator, while WOM was identified as the mediator.
This study collected data from 252 Chinese young customers using purposive sampling technique and utilized PLS-SEM to examine the interrelationships among variables.
The findings confirmed that the four value attributes (i.e. conditional value, functional value, epistemic value and price consciousness) significantly influence young consumers' attitudes toward pre-made dishes (PMDs). Additionally, attitudes and WOM positively influence continuous usage intention, with WOM acting as a mediator between attitudes and continuous usage intentions. Furthermore, subjective norm partially moderates the value-attitude-behavior (VAB) model.
Practical implications
PMDs manufacturers should take into account the consumption values and price consciousness of young customers when developing marketing campaigns. Subjective norm and WOM continue to be key factors in enhancing continuous intention.
This study expands the applicability of the VAB model, the theory of consumption value (TCV), and the theory of planned behavior (TPB), enriching the literature on PMDs by examining four value attributes and moderating factors influencing continuous usage intention.
Abu Umar Faruq Ahmad and A.B. Rafique Ahmad
The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the existing body of work in the area of Islamic microfinance by examining the co‐operative nature of Islamic financial services…
The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the existing body of work in the area of Islamic microfinance by examining the co‐operative nature of Islamic financial services providers (IFSPs) in Australia.
The method employed in this study is a mixture of one of the authors' post‐graduate research and their personal experience, curiosity and association with this industry.
Islamic financial cooperatives, relevant government authorities and Islamic micro‐lenders in Australia should cautiously examine the following opportunities for the development of Islamic microfinance in Australia: merging of Islamic cooperatives with each other for their future growth and development through attracting more capital; integration of microfinancing Islamic investment and retail banking facilities to provide the twin engines of fulfilling communities' religious needs and Australia's economic development; and introducing more creative Islamic microfinance techniques to suit the financial needs of individuals and groups to facilitate their contribution in the country's economic development.
Practical implications
The paper offers: an introduction to the emergence and development of Islamic microfinance in Australia; studies the current realities of the Islamic financial system of Australia from the perspective of Islamic microfinance contracting perspectives; explains the key role of IFSPs in Australia in fulfilling the microfinance needs of Muslim community; and examines the Islamic microfinance techniques they use.
Examination of the issues of the study is undertaken aiming at introducing Islamic microfinance with relevant parties including government authorities and Islamic micro‐lenders in Australia to find it as a viable alternative system of financing for Muslims in Australia.
Ali Danışman and Mustafa Özseven
We aim to understand the link between field-level institutional logics and practice-level social interactions and relationships between public and private actors and their…
We aim to understand the link between field-level institutional logics and practice-level social interactions and relationships between public and private actors and their influences on the responses and resolutions to the issues causing tensions.
Adopting a multiple logics perspective with a focus on social interactions and relationships between public and private actors, we conducted a multiple case study in five city hospitals recently established under a public-private partnership model in the Turkish healthcare field.
We found that the state and market logics that predominantly characterize the Turkish healthcare field were enacted in each of the five hospitals in different manners and constitute three different configurations as compatible, complementary and contradictory. The social interactions and relationships developed between the public and private actors occur based on these configurations, and they all together shape the responses and resolutions to the issues causing tensions.
Research limitations/implications
Since we did all analyses between the organizational actors at the partnership level, we did not consider possible differences arising from individual and positional roles in each partnership. It is therefore important to acknowledge that the interviews, which are central to the research results, might be influenced by the motivation and power dynamics of the participants in terms of their positions, roles and responsibilities. Thus, much work must be done to understand the management of tensions in public-private partnership organizations (PPPOs) influenced by institutional logics with a greater focus on individual, partnership, organizational and field-level interactions.
Practical implications
Tensions arising between public and private actors in PPPOs can be understood better and managed more effectively when the enactment of institutional logics is considered together with their social interactions and relationships.
The novelty of our study is that we advance the knowledge on the management of tensions in PPPOs by empirically showing the link between field-level institutional logics and practice-level social interactions and relationships and their influences on the responses and resolutions to the issues causing tensions. Our results indicate that tensions arising between public and private actors in PPPOs are primarily responded to by private actors mainly with avoidance, defiance or decoupling and subsequently resolved by their joint efforts through informal collaboration, formalization, formalized collaboration, enforcement or coercive pressure, depending on how the state and market logics are enacted within the hospitals and how social interactions and relationships between public and private side actors are formed accordingly.