Veronica Scuotto, Chiara Nespoli, Rosa Palladino and Imen Safraou
By using the lens of knowledge-based view (KBV) and focusing on individual loci of knowledge, the present study addresses whether marketing knowledge management (MKM) is rooted in…
By using the lens of knowledge-based view (KBV) and focusing on individual loci of knowledge, the present study addresses whether marketing knowledge management (MKM) is rooted in individual dynamic capabilities (DCs) and consequently whether it has a close relationship with the three main DCs, namely, the ability to solve a problem (substantive capability); the adaptation to rapid changes (adaptative capability); and the ability to change the way individuals solve problems (change capability).
The present study aimed to examine the effects of MKM (the quantitative variable) on DCs (the quantitative variables). Drawing on the relevant literatures, the researchers have developed a model that defines the subjects of the empirical test. To do this, the authors opted for a hypothetico-deductive approach, which is commonly used in quantitative studies. The empirical analysis involved a linear regression and a sample of 105 managers of Italian companies operating in the knowledge intensive sector.
Substantive, adaptive and change capabilities were all positively correlated with MKM. The results indicate the significant need for individual DCs to improve business performance in terms of creativity, innovation, and flexibility in response to market changes.
The authors show that individual MKM has a strong relationship with individual DCs when the employees have the capacity to solve problems, adapt, and change. In turn, managers are strategically creative and imagine future possibilities in the international marketing sphere. This includes procedures and routines to learn in local markets. The study also stresses the fact that individuals represent the primary loci of knowledge.
Giuseppe Festa, Imen Safraou, Maria Teresa Cuomo and Ludovico Solima
Big pharma, which comprise the most important companies in the pharmaceutical sector, are ambidextrous organizations by nature. Big data can heavily influence this characteristic…
Big pharma, which comprise the most important companies in the pharmaceutical sector, are ambidextrous organizations by nature. Big data can heavily influence this characteristic by simultaneously requiring adequate business process management. In fact, the impact of big data on business process management can assist big pharma in increasing process efficiency (which is related to the research and development pipeline) and process efficacy (related to product portfolio management). The purpose of this paper is to investigate this possibility and opportunity.
In the absence of specific scientific studies, as indicated by a review of the existing literature, the authors have adopted a grounded theory approach. This research has observed multiple cases (the 15 most important big pharma companies worldwide) through an electronic survey conducted on secondary data. The study has allowed the generation of a theoretical framework based on the (direct) relationship between knowledge process standardization (as the dependent variable) and big data (as the independent variable) in organizations oriented toward ambidexterity, such as big pharma in the specific scope of this research.
As big data utilization becomes widespread along the pipeline (or even along the value chain/supply chain), business process management increasingly uses (or tends to use) standardization, adopting process standardization as the main coordination mechanism to manage big knowledge. This theory is even more true when considering the moderating role of ambidexterity. An enterprise oriented toward structural ambidexterity (such as big pharma) that uses big data will require increased process standardization to manage big knowledge. Alternatively, an enterprise oriented toward contextual ambidexterity that uses big data will require increased output standardization.
Based on an analytical literature review, no research to date has focused strict attention on the influence that big data can have on business process management to improve the natural ambidexterity of big pharma. The main unique feature of this research relies on this point. The main value of the research originates from the theoretical framework reconstructed by grounded theory, which constitutes a powerful strategic tool to support executives and managers of big pharma in organizing business process management for their ambidextrous organizations using big data.
This paper examines the relationship between “chronological age” and the individual difference variables: “Need for cognition” (NFC) and “Need for emotion” (NFE). More…
This paper examines the relationship between “chronological age” and the individual difference variables: “Need for cognition” (NFC) and “Need for emotion” (NFE). More specifically, this study investigates the influence of these individual difference variables on elderly responses towards advertising.
This study is based on a sample of 600 individuals. 300 elderly aged between 60 and 75 years old (average age: 67.67 years old), recruited from institutions and third age universities in Paris and 300 young adults, aged between 20 and 35 years old (average age: 25.14 years old) from academic institutions in Paris.
The findings show that NFC and NFE have different levels depending on age. Indeed, NFC is lower among older than younger individuals, and NFE is higher among older than younger individuals. Moreover, different levels in NFC and NFE may affect responses to ads. Thus, a high NFC can elicit more favorable cognitive responses to ads and a high NFE triggers more favorable affective responses.
Research limitations/implications
The study investigates specifically the effects of chronological age on the individual difference variables NFC and NFE; however, the influence of chronological age on these individual variables may be affected by other variables such as subjective age, level of education and physical condition.
Practical implications
Given that NFC and NFE are dynamic variables that change with age and that they influence responses to advertising, it would be necessary to take them into account and to integrate them when building management persuasion models specifically targeting the elderly.
This study focuses on the influence of individual variables (NFE and NFC) on responses to advertising, of an underexplored population: the elderly. This could help to better understand the persuasion mechanisms when it comes to targeting the elderly both outside and inside organizations, with deriving implications for change in management.
Rony Germon, Séverine Leloarne, Myriam Razgallah, Imen Safraou and Adnane Maalaoui
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role that sexual orientation can play in entrepreneurial intention.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role that sexual orientation can play in entrepreneurial intention.
By conducting a survey on a sample of 654 individuals and, among them, 266 LGB people in the Paris region (France), and using linear regressions, The authors test the impact of sexual orientation on the antecedents of entrepreneurial intention, as defined by Ajzen (1991), and on entrepreneurial intention.
The study reveals that LGB people express a higher entrepreneurial intention than non-LGB people. The study also reveals that sexual orientation positively impacts the three antecedents of entrepreneurial intention, namely attitudes, perceived behavioral control and subjective norms.
Research limitations/implications
The study was conducted in a specific context: an LGB-friendly region and among a population of well-educated people. One could also have investigated the impact of femininity and masculinity on entrepreneurial intention among this population.
Practical implications
LGB people adopt entrepreneurial cognition different to that of other minorities, which tends to confirm that LGB entrepreneurial norms and beliefs are not really the same as those of the dominant culture. The study sheds light on the key antecedent one has to work on to increase the entrepreneurial intention of LGB people.
This study reveals that LGB people, even in friendly LGB geographical areas, are still suffering from a lack of self-esteem. The study also confirms that creating any new venture, as job creation process, is perceived as to be the alternative to difficult employment.
Sylvaine Castellano, Maalaoui Adnane, Imen Safraou and Francesco Schiavone
Sylvaine Castellano, Olga Ivanova, Maâlaoui Adnane, Imen Safraou and Francesco Schiavone
The purpose of this paper is to explain the emergence and existence of retro-industries. The paper proposes using a multidisciplinary approach to define the concept of…
The purpose of this paper is to explain the emergence and existence of retro-industries. The paper proposes using a multidisciplinary approach to define the concept of retro-industries and to identify its specificities.
Literature reviews in marketing and economics were used to create a model of innovation adoption and diffusion in retro-industries.
The paper provides theoretical insights about the factors that foster retro-industries such as heritage, tradition, nostalgia and revival. The paper suggests that these factors influence innovations mechanisms and explain the use of the past to manage the challenges of the future.
The paper enriches an identified need to analyse industry from retro perspective; and to identify the factors that foster the emergence of such industries.
Valentina Della Corte, Giuseppina Zamparelli and Roberto Micera
The purpose of this paper is to propose a model of innovation and internationalization for small- and medium enterprises (SMEs) and at testing it on tradition-based firms. These…
The purpose of this paper is to propose a model of innovation and internationalization for small- and medium enterprises (SMEs) and at testing it on tradition-based firms. These are SMEs whose productions reflect their territory's cultural identity. They are often micro-firms and weak in global markets. Since these firms characterize the European and Italian offer, the scientific challenge is to verify whether there are possible strategic paths, mainly based on interfirm collaboration and dynamic knowledge, that can help them getting higher levels of competitiveness. More specifically, the proposed model aims at understanding if it is possible to overcome these firms’ weaknesses through collaboration in networking perspective.
Methodology uses theoretical backgrounds in order to define hypotheses. The main approach starts from contributions on RBT and dynamic capabilities and their possible linkages in the internationalization perspective. Thus, considering the aims, the paper analyze if according to resource-based approach, dynamic capabilities allow entrepreneurs to seek opportunities which become strategic resources for a sustainable competitive advantage. This issue is analyzed both in theoretical terms and in its empirical implications in artistic craft sector. The empirical research has been designed in order to explain knowledge creation and transfer processes, in terms of firms’ competitiveness. Particularly, the analysis adopts multiple case studies methodology.
Tradition-based “Made in Italy” SMEs, as depicted in the empirical analysis, are characterized by limited size and scarce financial resources. This situation determines a difficult access to innovation in order to compete in global market. Thus, the research has highlighted that the only internationalization path, useful for this kind of firms, is cooperation, in a networking perspective. Firms that succeed in this process not only set the basis for survival but even to gain competitive advantage.
Practical implications
Through this analysis, the paper proposes a model of innovation and internationalization for SMEs’ development. Particularly, the model will be replicable to all those firms that are expression of cultural identity (e.g. “made in”) and of tradition, for which innovation and internationalization can represent useful keys to compete globally.
The paper provides a connection between RBT, dynamic capabilities and internationalization theories applied to tradition-based sectors, such as craft, in search of innovation, in order to compete internationally. So the paper investigates also on the internationalization and networking processes, in order to verify if combined dynamic capabilities and resources are able to make these firms more competitive. Moreover, the research field is quite unexplored and represents an important step in the theoretical and empirical evolution.
Mersiha Tepic, Ron Kemp, Onno Omta and Frances Fortuin
The purpose of this paper is to provide an integrated framework of complex relations among innovation characteristics, organizational capabilities, innovation potential and…
The purpose of this paper is to provide an integrated framework of complex relations among innovation characteristics, organizational capabilities, innovation potential and innovation performance.
The model is tested using partial least squares (PLS) modeling and 22 high- (96 respondents) and 16 (93 respondents) low-performing innovation projects from nine companies from the European industry.
The results show that the level of innovativeness of the project is an important determinant of product potential, whereas the complexity entailed in innovativeness entices integrative communication among innovation project team members. As expected, projects which are new to the company are related negatively to adequateness of the existing functional capabilities of the firm. The negative effects can be mitigated through integrative communication capabilities. Management can foster communication and knowledge integration through adequate databases and communication structures as well as social relations. Also, higher project potential and successful project performance can be attained through focus on product superiority and quality but also on speed of product introduction into the market.
An integrated framework which includes innovation characteristics, organizational capabilities which bring together project execution proficiency and synergy of firm capabilities with the innovation project, as well as innovation potential and performance is absent in the existing literature. The absence of an integrated framework may be the reason why still a large number of innovation projects result in failure. The emphasis on management of complexities in innovation in the paper requires the focus on the under-explored effect of innovativeness and newness of innovation projects on the functional and integrative communication capabilities of firms. While studies which focus on the synergy between firm capabilities and the innovation project regard mainly the functional capabilities, the inclusion of also the integrative communication capabilities allows the present paper to integrate the synergy view with the view that proficiency of project execution is decisive for innovation project performance (Harmancioglu et al., 2009).
Karim Errajaa, Judith Partouche and Vincent Dutot
The role of nostalgia in consumers’ lives and its application in the design of marketing strategies has been highlighted in prior research. However, the role of nostalgia as well…
The role of nostalgia in consumers’ lives and its application in the design of marketing strategies has been highlighted in prior research. However, the role of nostalgia as well as the consumers’ nostalgic inclination in the development of new products has not been investigated yet, either for existing products or new ones. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to underline and understand the collaborative process of value co-creation for both actors (companies and consumers) in the development of nostalgic new products.
A double methodology was used through a netnographic study (which is inspired by ethnography) and semi-directed interviews. Concerning the netnographic approach, the data collection were conducted on both general and specialized social networks, web sites and forums. The semi-directed interviews were conducted among 12 individuals. The verbatim were analyzed through a content thematic analysis. The use of both methodologies helped to underline recurrent and complementary findings.
The analysis highlights four main results: first, the main criteria for selection and purchase of products and services; second, the perception and dimensions of nostalgia; third, the link between nostalgia and consumption; and finally, the relationship between nostalgic experiences and the co-creation process.
This research is the first to study the value of the co-creation process for the development of nostalgic new products.
Phillip A. Cartwright, Ekaterina Besson and Laurent Maubisson
Understanding a prima facie attraction of retro pop-rock by a broad spectrum of people and the role of technology innovation in driving the importance of this genre. A key idea of…
Understanding a prima facie attraction of retro pop-rock by a broad spectrum of people and the role of technology innovation in driving the importance of this genre. A key idea of this paper is that ongoing popularity of retro pop-rock music is associated with a confluence of demand-side and supply-side factors. The demand side is thought to be characterized by a combination of psychological factors contributing to individuals’ desires to enjoy, reflect on, or even “live in” the past. On the supply-side, technology has roles in the production, distribution and consumption of music.
The approach of this paper is to provide an extensive search and synthesis of relevant literature and to present and analyze findings from online surveys.
The literature supports the idea that attraction to retro music is heavily influenced by psychological factors as well as technology innovation. The survey provides supporting evidence. Of particular interest are findings related to correlations between nostalgia and technology.
This study is, to the authors’ knowledge, one of the first to provide a survey-based link between the attraction to retro music to nostalgia and technology.