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1 – 2 of 2Ida Bagus Anom Purbawangsa, Solimun Solimun, Adji Achmad Reinaldo Fernandes and Sri Mangesti Rahayu
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship of corporate governance and corporate profitability on corporate value with corporate social responsibility (CSR…
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship of corporate governance and corporate profitability on corporate value with corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure as the intervening variable.
The population of this study was all companies listed in Indonesia, China and India Stock Exchange in 2013-2016. The inferential statistics used in this study applied the partial least square-based (PLS-based) structural equation model (SEM) method with PLS. The PLS method was selected based on the consideration that there was a construct formed with reflective indicators in this study.
In Indonesia, corporate governance and corporate profitability have a significant and positive effect on CSR disclosure. Similarly, CSR disclosure and corporate profitability have a significant and positive impact on corporate value. Corporate governance indirectly influences corporate value, through mediation CSR disclosure. In China, corporate governance and corporate profitability have a significant and positive effect on CSR disclosure. Similarly, CSR disclosure and corporate governance have a significant and positive impact on corporate value. Corporate profitability indirectly affects corporate value, through mediation CSR disclosure. In India, corporate governance and corporate profitability have a significant and positive effect on CSR disclosure. The same thing is seen that CSR disclosure has a significant and positive effect on corporate value. Corporate governance and corporate profitability influence indirectly corporate value, through mediation CSR disclosure.
The study is one of the few studies to investigate and compare the relationship between corporate governance, corporate profitability, CSR and corporate value. The originality of this study is on the reason that many studies that have been conducted still indicated the inconsistency in the results and diversity of the indicators, so that a similar study was conducted by involving the indicators used for measuring the corporate governance variable, which were the proportion of independent commissioners and audit committee. Meanwhile, for the corporate profitability variable, ROA and ROE were used as the indicators. The originality of this study is that it is a comparative study in three countries in Asia, namely, China, India and Indonesia. The three countries have the highest population and highest economic growth in the past five years.
I. Ketut Rahyuda, Ida Bagus Anom Purbawangsa and Ida Bagus Ketut Surya
The purpose of this paper is to identify dimensions and indicators of “Catur Paramitha” that improve the performance of SMEs in Sarbagita area.
The purpose of this paper is to identify dimensions and indicators of “Catur Paramitha” that improve the performance of SMEs in Sarbagita area.
The study used a quantitative and qualitative approach. Glaser and Strauss’s (1967) grounded theory, and Strauss and Corbin (1990) were the bases for the qualitative approach. It also employed a quantitative approach to analyze the difference between the SMEs. The setting comprised of three municipalities in Bali and Denpasar; altogether, these areas are known as “Sarbagita.” Bali is divided into 8 districts, 1 city, and 57 regions. Due to the large number of SMEs in Bali, there is no institution that has been able to identify the exact number of SMEs in “Sarbagita.”
There is a significant and positive relationship between “Catur Paramitha” and the performance of SMEs in both East Java and Bali. The finding also describes the performance of the SMEs that apply the principles of “Catur Paramitha” and those that do not. “Catur Paramitha” that consists of “metria,” “karuna,” “upeksa” and “mudita” is a pivotal concept to apply for SME owners/management in order to prevent money from being the only basis for capitalist competition. Local wisdom can control cannibalism, turning it into humanism and friendship-based partnership or cooperation.
The originality of this research is its methodology, and the fact that the local culture becomes the basis for a successful business venture and organizational performance as the key for a successful business venture. Improved organizational performance is the result of more developed internal resources and competitive advantage. Local culture is a very important element to develop a competitive advantage (Barney and Clark, 2007). Local culture is local wisdom. Studies focusing on the local wisdom theory (Clayton and Birren, 1980; Robinson, 1990; Sternberg, 2000) use qualitative methods. Quantitative method is the approach used to explain the relationship between humanistic values and the performance of the SMEs (competitive advantage) based on statistical analysis. Therefore, the originality of this study is a mixed approach between quantitative and qualitative with interpretive-based approaches.