Richard Jefferies, Ibrahim H.N. Sheriff, Jacob H. Matthews, Olivia Jagger, Sarah Curtis, Peter Lees, Peter C. Spurgeon, Alex Oldman, Ali Habib, Azam Saied, Jessica Court, Marilena Giannoudi, Meelad Sayma, Nicholas Ward, Nick Cork, Olamide Olatokun, Oliver Devine, Paul O'Connell, Phoebe Carr, Rafail Angelos Kotronias, Rebecca Gardiner, Rory T Buckle, Ross J Thomson, Sarah Williams, Simon J. Nicholson, Usman Goga and Daniel Mark Fountain
Although medical leadership and management (MLM) is increasingly being recognised as important to improving healthcare outcomes, little is understood about current training of…
Although medical leadership and management (MLM) is increasingly being recognised as important to improving healthcare outcomes, little is understood about current training of medical students in MLM skills and behaviours in the UK. The paper aims to discuss these issues.
This qualitative study used validated structured interviews with expert faculty members from medical schools across the UK to ascertain MLM framework integration, teaching methods employed, evaluation methods and barriers to improvement.
Data were collected from 25 of the 33 UK medical schools (76 per cent response rate), with 23/25 reporting that MLM content is included in their curriculum. More medical schools assessed MLM competencies on admission than at any other time of the curriculum. Only 12 schools had evaluated MLM teaching at the time of data collection. The majority of medical schools reported barriers, including overfilled curricula and reluctance of staff to teach. Whilst 88 per cent of schools planned to increase MLM content over the next two years, there was a lack of consensus on proposed teaching content and methods.
Research limitations/implications
There is widespread inclusion of MLM in UK medical schools’ curricula, despite the existence of barriers. This study identified substantial heterogeneity in MLM teaching and assessment methods which does not meet students’ desired modes of delivery. Examples of national undergraduate MLM teaching exist worldwide, and lessons can be taken from these.
This is the first national evaluation of MLM in undergraduate medical school curricula in the UK, highlighting continuing challenges with executing MLM content despite numerous frameworks and international examples of successful execution.
Ross I. Lamont and Ann L.N. Chapman
There is increasing recognition of the importance of incorporating medical leadership training into undergraduate medical curricula and this is now advocated by the General…
There is increasing recognition of the importance of incorporating medical leadership training into undergraduate medical curricula and this is now advocated by the General Medical Council (GMC) and supported through the development of the Undergraduate Medical Leadership Competency Framework (MLCF). However to date, few medical schools have done so in a systematic way and training/experience in medical leadership at undergraduate level is sporadic and often based on local enthusiasm. The purpose of this paper is to outline a theoretical curriculum to stimulate and support medical leadership development at undergraduate level.
This study describes a theoretical framework for incorporation of medical leadership training into undergraduate curricula using a spiral curriculum approach, linked to competences outlined in the Undergraduate Medical Leadership Competency Framework. The curriculum includes core training in medical leadership for all students within each year group with additional tiers of learning for students with a particular interest.
This curriculum includes theoretical and practical learning opportunities and it is designed to be deliverable within the existing teaching and National Health Service (NHS) structures. The engagement with local NHS organisations offers opportunities to broaden the university teaching faculty and also to streamline medical leadership development across undergraduate and postgraduate medical education.
This theoretical curriculum is generic and therefore adaptable to a variety of undergraduate medical courses. The combination of theoretical and practical learning opportunities within a leadership spiral curriculum is a novel and systematic approach to undergraduate medical leadership development.
Sustainable architecture is a well-known and studied subject for severeal decades. The environmental awareness of professionals has put sustainability in the center of the…
Sustainable architecture is a well-known and studied subject for severeal decades. The environmental awareness of professionals has put sustainability in the center of the profession of architecture and has resulted in introducing and implementing ecological designs both in the scale of buildings and cities. This article presents sustainable architecture criteria, reckons regional aspects, interprets vernacular architecture and, proposes sustainable housing unit models for Mediterranean region, specifically Cyprus. The article intends to study existing researches regarding the subject, reveals and updates key aspects on sustainable housing by focusing on the passive solar systems through proposals. The article contains proposals of an experimental and conceptual approach of a group of graduate studio course students who are architects and interior designers. The conceptual approaches of design proposals are sustainable through the usage of local materials, orientation, usage of passive solar systems, natural ventilation and lighting, hence these proposals are intended to create a diversity. In that sense, this article presents possibilities of ideal plan layouts and facades for sustainable architectural housing units in Mediterranean region, Cyprus, based on the revealed key aspects on sustainability. The originality of the article is on the design proposals that take inspiration from the characteristics of vernacular architecture, but show a contemporary approach of design.
Kenna Cottrill, Patricia Denise Lopez and Calvin C. Hoffman
The purpose of this paper is to examine perceptions of inclusion and related factors, to understand how organizations can encourage and facilitate the full participation of…
The purpose of this paper is to examine perceptions of inclusion and related factors, to understand how organizations can encourage and facilitate the full participation of employees. The research explored authentic leadership (AL) as an antecedent of inclusion, and two outcomes, organization-based self-esteem (OBSE) and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB).
Using an online survey, data were collected from 107 primary and 219 peer participants in various industries throughout the USA. Primary participants provided perceptual ratings on inclusion, AL, OBSE and OCB. Co-workers assessed primary participants’ OCB.
AL was positively related to inclusion (β=0.58, p<0.01) as well as self-rated OCB (β=0.36, p<0.01). Inclusion was positively associated with OBSE (β=0.48, p<0.01) and self-rated OCB (β=0.63, p<0.01). Inclusion mediated the relationship between AL and self-rated OCB. OBSE mediated the relationship between inclusion and self-rated OCB. All analyses controlled for the effects of race and gender.
Practical implications
Results suggest organizations can promote inclusive environments through AL, and that inclusive environments promote employees’ work-related self-esteem and their willingness to go above and beyond in their jobs.
This paper examines previously unstudied relationships, thus contributing to organizational theory and practice.
David A. Makin, Mary K. Stohr, Jacelyn Unger, Ethan Howell, Megan Parks, Dale Willits and Craig Hemmens
The paper examines “lessons learned” from the COVID-19 pandemic by capturing the organizational and operational experiences of police departments in the state of Washington across…
The paper examines “lessons learned” from the COVID-19 pandemic by capturing the organizational and operational experiences of police departments in the state of Washington across two waves of survey administration. This study is among the first to document experiences at a state level, affording an opportunity to compare national results and allowing for documenting shifts between each wave.
This study draws from a state-specific replication of the IACP instrument fielded by Lum et al. (2020a) on the experiences of police departments working under COVID-19 and integrates specific questions from stakeholders in Washington. The survey was administered through Qualtrics, which was distributed by the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC) 6 months into the pandemic and 18-months later.
Respondents reported operational and organizational reconfigurations including shifting to telecommuting for support staff and command staff, implementing online reporting forms for use by the public to report crimes and planning exercises for predicted budget reductions. While CDC and Washington Department of Health guidelines informed most of the respondents' policy, integrating that policy into the operational procedures demonstrated how quickly issues in staffing can transition from a challenge to a severe issue. Quarantining and staffing problems remained an issue across both waves, which were exasperated by staff turnover.
Research limitations/implications
The response rate and response completeness, particularly a drop in response for Wave 2, limit the ability to supply more precise estimates documenting the experiences of WA police departments. Relatedly, an inability to match Wave 1 to Wave 2 results inhabits a direct comparison of changes 12-months later. Second, the responses reflect those of the chief law enforcement officer (Chief of Police, Sheriff) or the person designated by the chief, which may not represent the experiences of front-line officers.
Practical implications
Reflecting on the lessons learned across each Wave, agencies shared adaptations implemented to better protect the health of staff and their communities to effectively manage future health emergencies. Most directly, they learned how to conduct some business remotely and the necessity to innovate. The most important lesson learned, and implication for policy is improving the resourcing and logistics to secure adequate health protections. The data also highlight a concern for clarity, consistency, and credibility in supplying information to police departments in pandemic and emergency situations.
This paper fulfils an identified need to enhance “lessons learned” for police response in pandemic and emergency situations. These data supply insight into the anticipated and lived experiences of agencies adapting to the pandemic in Washington State. The endogenous and exogenous shock that is COVID-19 altered how police departments interacted externally and internally resulting in operational and organizational reconfigurations.
Victor Yawo Atiase, Samia Mahmood, Yong Wang and David Botchie
By drawing upon institutional theory, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of four critical resources (credit, electricity, contract enforcement and political…
By drawing upon institutional theory, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of four critical resources (credit, electricity, contract enforcement and political governance) in explaining the quality of entrepreneurship and the depth of the supporting entrepreneurship ecosystem in Africa.
A quantitative approach based on ordinary least squares regression analysis was used. Three data sources were employed. First, the Global Entrepreneurship Index (GEI) of 35 African countries was used to measure the quality of entrepreneurship and the depth of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Africa which represents the dependent variable. Second, the World Bank’s data on access to credit, electricity and contract enforcement in Africa were also employed as explanatory variables. Third, the Ibrahim Index of African Governance was used as an explanatory variable. Finally, country-specific data on four control variables (GDP, foreign direct investment, population and education) were gathered and analysed.
To support entrepreneurship development, Africa needs broad financial inclusion and state institutions that are more effective at enforcing contracts. Access to credit was non-significant and therefore did not contribute to the dependent variable (entrepreneurship quality and depth of entrepreneurial support in Africa). Access to electricity and political governance were statistically significant and correlated positively with the dependent variables. Finally, contract enforcement was partially significant and contributed to the dependent variable.
Research limitations/implications
A lack of GEI data for all 54 African countries limited this study to only 35 African countries: 31 in sub-Saharan Africa and 4 in North Africa. Therefore, the generalisability of this study’s findings to the whole of Africa might be limited. Second, this study depended on indexes for this study. Therefore, any inconsistencies in the index aggregation if any could not be authenticated. This study has practical implications for the development of entrepreneurship in Africa. Public and private institutions for credit delivery, contract enforcement and the provision of utility services such as electricity are crucial for entrepreneurship development.
The institutional void is a challenge for Africa. This study highlights the weak, corrupt nature of African institutions that supposedly support MSME growth. Effective entrepreneurship development in Africa depends on the presence of a supportive institutional infrastructure. This study engages institutional theory to explain the role of institutional factors such as state institutions, financial institutions, utility providers and markets in entrepreneurship development in Africa.
Benjamin Chase, Timothy Brusseau, Ryan Burns, James Hannon, Hester Henderson and Brian Kehoe
The purpose of this study is to examine the association between components of metabolic syndrome with health-related fitness (HRF) and perceived stress in a sample of law…
The purpose of this study is to examine the association between components of metabolic syndrome with health-related fitness (HRF) and perceived stress in a sample of law enforcement officers.
Law enforcement officers (N = 28) from the Mountain West region of the US reported their HRF scores (1.5 mile run, push-up, and sit-ups), had their blood drawn (glucose, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein (HDL)) and had their waist circumference and blood pressure measured in a fasted state. Officers also completed a short questionnaire to assess health-enhancing physical activity (SQUASH) and both the Organizational and Operational Police Stress Questionnaires (PSQ-Org, PSQ-Op).
Linear regression models revealed a positive linear relationship between glucose levels and 1.5 mile run times (beta = 0.560, p = 0.021, R2 = 0.24). A bivariate positive linear relationship between waist circumference and 1.5 mile run times was found to be significant (R2 = 0.17, p = 0.041). For every minute increase in 1.5-mile run times, PSQ-Org scores significantly increased by 0.543 standard deviations (p = 0.022) with 25% of the variance explained (R2 = 0.25). There were no statistically significant parameter estimates from the logistic regression equations when dependent variables were treated on the categorical measurement scale using recommended cut-points.
Research limitations/implications
In conclusion, those who performed better on the 1.5 mile run were more likely to have lower fasting glucose levels, experience less stress and have a smaller waist circumference.
Practical implications
Therefore, according to these findings, it is imperative for those in law enforcement to improve their cardiorespiratory endurance to minimize stress and reduce their risk of metabolic syndrome.
This research is novel according to a recent PubMed search using the keywords “law enforcement,” “Metabolic Syndrome” and “fitness testing.”
This paper explores the relationship between social movement protest, economic sabotage, state capitalism, the “Green Scare,” and public forms of political repression. Through a…
This paper explores the relationship between social movement protest, economic sabotage, state capitalism, the “Green Scare,” and public forms of political repression. Through a quantitative analysis of direct action activism highlighting the Earth Liberation Front and Animal Liberation Front, the discourse surrounding mechanisms of social change and their impact on state power and capitalist accumulation will be examined. The analyses examines the earth and animal liberation movements, utilizing a Marxist-anarchist lens to illustrate how these non-state actors provide powerful critiques of capital and the state. Specifically, the discussion examines how state-sanctioned violence against these movements represents a return to Foucauldian Monarchical power. A quantitative-qualitative history will be used to argue that the movements’ actions fail to qualify as “terrorism,” and to examine the performance of power between the radical left and the state. State repression demonstrates not only the capitalist allegiances between government and industry, but also a sense of capital’s desperation hoping to counter a movement that has produced demonstrable victories by the means of bankrupting and isolating corporations. The government is taking such unconstitutional measures as a “talk back” between the revolutionary potential of these movements’ ideology as well as the challenge they present to state capitalism.
We are growing accustomed to shock tactics of the US Administration in dealing with toxic residues in food or additives which are a hazard to man, as well as the daily press…
We are growing accustomed to shock tactics of the US Administration in dealing with toxic residues in food or additives which are a hazard to man, as well as the daily press infusing sensation, even melodrama, into them, but the recent action of the FDA in calling in from the food market several million cans of tuna and other deep sea fish because of the presence of mercury has had the worthwhile effect of drawing world attention to the growing menace of environmental pollution. The level of mercury in the fish is immaterial; it should never have been there at all, but it stresses the importance of the food chain in the danger to man and animal life generally, including fish beneath the sea. Without underestimating risks of pollution in the atmosphere from nuclear fission products, from particulate matter carried in the air by inhalation or even skin absorption, food and drink, which includes aqua naturale would seem to be the greatest danger to life. What these recent events illustrate in a dramatic manner, however, is the extent of pollution.
Raphael Odoom, Priscilla Teika Odoom and Mavis Essandoh
The study aims to examine social-psychological beliefs and personality traits and their linkage with driver predispositions and road safety behaviour grounded on notions derived…
The study aims to examine social-psychological beliefs and personality traits and their linkage with driver predispositions and road safety behaviour grounded on notions derived from an integration of the health belief model (HBM) and the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) in social marketing.
The study used a cross-sectional survey to gather data from 587 licenced drivers in 3 major urban settlements in Ghana. The theoretical model was tested by using covariance-based structural equation modelling.
The study finds that the effects of perceived benefits, perceived behavioural control, social norms and cues to action on road safety behaviour are direct; the effects of perceived susceptibility, severity and barriers on road safety behaviour are fully mediated by driver attitude towards safe driving. Some of these effects were moderated by conscientiousness and neuroticism.
Practical implications
The findings offer empirical grounds for the development of evidence-based social marketing interventions that leverage efficacy-centred messages, social influence through community-based approaches, informational cues with consistent education and are tailored to the personality traits of drivers with the aim of inducing wilful on-road safety behaviour towards achieving sustainable road safety culture.
This study extends the integrative applicability of the HBM and TPB in understanding road safety behaviour and establishes attitude as a vital facilitator, and personality traits as moderators of the belief-preventive behaviour linkage within a developing country context. It contributes towards the use of theory-based outcomes to enhance the efficacy of social marketing road safety campaigns.