This paper looks at young adults' relationship with digital media. From a commercial perspective the opportunity to deploy these channels to promote consumer recruitment and…
This paper looks at young adults' relationship with digital media. From a commercial perspective the opportunity to deploy these channels to promote consumer recruitment and loyalty is very significant indeed. However, consumer marketing companies will have to learn to meet the needs of this very discerning and highly cynical audience by combining the best creative ideas and strategies with a transformed approach to marketing sales and service, embodying the best of information and communications technology, reliably and securely implemented. Communication networks underpin this report. While teens complain that they have less public space to hang out in, they are making the online world their milieu, their domain where they develop personal relationships and where they play and learn new things. The conclusions cover not only the effect of current market drivers, but also emerging trends that will allow brands to better understand the behaviour of young adults, so as to establish more truthful binds with them.