Ian Popperwell asks why mental health services have been so slow to address social exclusion and whether, indeed, mental health practitioners should be involved in promoting…
Should mental health workers be subsidising service users' expenses on trips and outings? Ian Popperwell believes that the common practice of paying for meals, entry tickets and…
Should mental health workers be subsidising service users' expenses on trips and outings? Ian Popperwell believes that the common practice of paying for meals, entry tickets and travel is patronising and stigmatising, and negates efforts to achieve social inclusion and independent living.
This index covers all issues between February 2005 (Volume 9, Issue 1) and November 2008 (Volume 12, Issue 4). Numbers in bold refer to yolume, numbers in brackets refer to issue…
This index covers all issues between February 2005 (Volume 9, Issue 1) and November 2008 (Volume 12, Issue 4). Numbers in bold refer to yolume, numbers in brackets refer to issue, with subsequent numbers to pages.