I.L.G. Baillie and T.W. Coombe
THIS paper is restricted to airframe design problems; its purpose being to compare the suitability of titanium alloys with other alloys used in the past—e.g. aluminium alloys and…
THIS paper is restricted to airframe design problems; its purpose being to compare the suitability of titanium alloys with other alloys used in the past—e.g. aluminium alloys and stainless steels, with limited use of magnesium and nickel alloys and non‐stainless steels.
The Council of the Air Registration Board announces the issue of Notice to Licensed Aircraft Engineers and to Owners to Civil Aircraft, No. 10, Issue 4, dated January 1, 1950…
The Council of the Air Registration Board announces the issue of Notice to Licensed Aircraft Engineers and to Owners to Civil Aircraft, No. 10, Issue 4, dated January 1, 1950, which reads as follows:
The conference was opened by Professor A. G. Pugsley, who welcomed the members to Wills Hall and commented on the importance and appropriateness, at the present time, of the…
The conference was opened by Professor A. G. Pugsley, who welcomed the members to Wills Hall and commented on the importance and appropriateness, at the present time, of the subject of the meeting. In doing so, he drew attention to some general considerations relevant to the detailed subjects they were to discuss.
It is a great privilege and honour to be asked to deliver the annual Chester Beatty Lecture, particularly in the presence of Mr Chester Beatty himself. The theme of these Lectures…
It is a great privilege and honour to be asked to deliver the annual Chester Beatty Lecture, particularly in the presence of Mr Chester Beatty himself. The theme of these Lectures is “metals in the service of mankind” and, in this respect, the material which I will be covering in this lecture has been serving mankind for a relatively short time compared with other metals such as copper, zinc, iron, etc. Titanium is a metal which has only achieved direct engineering usage, as distinct from some minor applications as a strengthening alloy in other metals, since the Second World War. Its rise in importance for structural purposes has been very rapid and the purpose of this paper is to outline its history, to indicate the reasons why designers are so impressed by its potential, and to give some examples of present and future applications.
This essay is an exercise in imaginative historiography. Its purpose is to modify the boundaries between sociology, social work, and literature that have become impediments to the…
This essay is an exercise in imaginative historiography. Its purpose is to modify the boundaries between sociology, social work, and literature that have become impediments to the pursuit of socially responsible scholarship; its goal is to create an analogue in the past for a field that many revisionists wish to create in the present – a field of cultural inquiry in which knowledge is considered both cognitive and emotional, methods are imaginative, and results are meant to improve human relations. In the past I posit as a “working hypothesis” (in Mead’s sense of the term) for this field, I bring together figures, specifically Jane Addams and the nineteenth-century playwright Joanna Baillie, whose contributions to sociology and literature are being separately but not jointly recovered. I examine three key similarities that make Addams and Baillie kindred spirits: they cultivated sympathy as a way of knowing and acting, and made it the basis for social change; they preferred situational problem-solving to theory-building; they used drama for value inquiry and morality construction. Throughout, I also allude to affinities with the thought of Mead, affinities that are important for avoiding gender essentialism in this argument. I illustrate the combined use of problem-solving, sympathy and drama by linking Baillie’s plays on criminality with Addams’s and Mead’s efforts at criminal justice reform and with present-day efforts to move from an ethics of justice to an ethics of care. By bringing Baillie to Hull-House and considering how she might have contributed to the work of Addams, Mead, and their associates, I construct a precedent for transdisciplinary cultural inquiry.
Emel Kahya, Gregory Koutmos and Diep Nuven
This paper investigates the behavior of exchange rate volatility during appreciations and depreciations. Six US dollar exchange rates are investigated. In all instances the…
This paper investigates the behavior of exchange rate volatility during appreciations and depreciations. Six US dollar exchange rates are investigated. In all instances the response of volatility to exchange rate changes is asymmetric. For dollar exchange rates with respect to EMS currencies, volatility is higher during dollar depreciations, whereas, for non‐EMS dollar exchange rates, volatility is higher during dollar appreciations. In addition, there is evidence that exchange rate changes are related to volatility.
In the 1950s, Einstein predicted that if humankind is to survive, we will need a substantially new manner of thinking. He believed that our task in life must be to widen our…
In the 1950s, Einstein predicted that if humankind is to survive, we will need a substantially new manner of thinking. He believed that our task in life must be to widen our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its infinite beauty. The combined disciplines of mindfulness, ecopsychology, and sustainability education offer humanity a chance to develop this new way of thinking and being in the world. In this chapter, I describe my experience of teaching and designing curriculum that integrates contemplative practices with sustainability education in the space of higher education. The course I will be discussing, where nature-based mindfulness activities are offered, is called “MindBody Wellness.” As a part of the course, it is hoped that students will cultivate an expanded vision of the self—one known as the “ecological self”—a term coined in the 1980s. The ecological self is perceived to be a wide, expansive, or field-like sense of self, which ultimately includes all life forms, ecosystems, and the Earth. Preliminary research in the field indicates that cultivating loving-kindness and practicing mindfulness leads to a greater level of nature connectedness and need to care for and protect the natural world. However, my colleagues and I did not find this to be the case and needed to explicitly give students instructions to care for the environment.
Susan M. Brigham and Mohamed Kharbach
Photography is used in research because of its appeal for communicating, expressing feelings, sharing experiences, raising new awareness of participants and potential audiences…
Photography is used in research because of its appeal for communicating, expressing feelings, sharing experiences, raising new awareness of participants and potential audiences, clarifying social issues, and framing plans for action. Taking and sharing photos has become easier particularly because of ready access to devices with cameras. Yet, using photographs in research can undermine anonymity and confidentiality (Noland, 2006), and unanticipated unauthorised dissemination of digital images raises ethical concerns for researchers using photography in their research methods (Brigham, Baillie Abidi, & Calatayud, 2018). In this chapter, the authors discuss the participatory photography method and provide practical suggestions for carrying out ethical research using participatory photography. The authors highlight the cultural, social, and contextual situatedness of ethics by drawing on our own research project with youth with refugee experience.
Yi Luo and Yirong Huang
The purpose of this paper is to explore whether stock index volatility series exhibit real long memory.
The purpose of this paper is to explore whether stock index volatility series exhibit real long memory.
The authors employ sequential procedure to test structural break in volatility series, and use DFA and 2ELW to estimate long memory parameter for the whole samples and subsamples, and further apply adaptive FIGARCH (AFIGARCH) to describe long memory and structural break.
The empirical results show that stock index volatility series are characterized by long memory and structural break, and therefore it is appropriate to use AFIGARCH to model stock index volatility process.
This study empirically investigates the properties of long memory and structural break in stock index volatility series. The conclusion has a certain reference value for understanding the properties of long memory and structural break in volatility series for academic researchers, market participants and policy makers, and for modeling and forecasting future volatility, testing market efficiency, pricing financial assets, constructing quantitative investment strategy and measuring market risk.
Whereas the last decade has seen remarkable growth in United States (US) futures business, in the United Kingdom (UK) the volume in some sectors has been disappointing. Although…
Whereas the last decade has seen remarkable growth in United States (US) futures business, in the United Kingdom (UK) the volume in some sectors has been disappointing. Although new markets are continuing to appear (such as the Baltic International Freight Futures Exchange, BIFFEX, which opened for business in May 1985), on 31 January 1985 the London Gold Futures Market (LGFM) announced its intention to close and from time to time there has been speculation that LIFFE, the London International Financial Futures Exchange, may not be able to continue in its present form because of lack of business (although the range of traded instruments continues to expand). Some factors that would tend to discourage business are: