Litigation is not a much sought after means used by participants in Australian education to advance political aims for reasons such as earlier discouraging decisions of the…
Litigation is not a much sought after means used by participants in Australian education to advance political aims for reasons such as earlier discouraging decisions of the courts, the limited access to them and the cost involved once in them. Such judgements on matters educational which have been delivered have not been innovative and, on the contrary, have tended to frustrate the political goals of those challenging existing provisions. These generalizations are supported by the decision in the recently decided University Staff case in which State judges chose to follow the High Court of Australia's decision in the Teachers' case of 1929 and its comparatively narrow view of “industry”, thus frustrating the political intentions sought by judicial intervention.
In this article, an analytical framework that can be used by educational administrators to evaluate and modify policy development in curriculum innovation is presented. The…
In this article, an analytical framework that can be used by educational administrators to evaluate and modify policy development in curriculum innovation is presented. The framework is applicable to curriculum innovation of varying types and magnitudes, being relevant both to small‐scale innovation at individual schools and tertiary institutions as well as to large‐scale innovation emanating from centralised educational bureaucracies. Three criteria guided the generation of the analytical framework. Firstly, the framework must be sufficiently comprehensive to permit analysis of all the major components in policy development. Secondly, it should be systematic and enable orderly examination of issues and behaviour. Thirdly, it should facilitate objectivity in analysis. In producing the framework, a considerable volume of literature in areas such as administration, politics, decision‐making and policy‐making, educational planning and educational change was scrutinised. On the basis of this literature review, broad and generalised questions were generated so that diverse manifestations of policy development in curriculum innovation can be analysed. The framework derived relates to the four major interacting variables found to be operative in policy development in curriculum innovation, namely, the participants, the decision‐making and policy‐making processes, the innovation and the environment. It is also designed to allow examination of the interaction of the variables.
The years 1964–1975 saw an unparalleled expansion of the Commonwealth Government's involvement in Australian education at all levels. At the beginning of that decade the Menzies…
The years 1964–1975 saw an unparalleled expansion of the Commonwealth Government's involvement in Australian education at all levels. At the beginning of that decade the Menzies Liberal‐Country Party Government, which had repeatedly asserted that education was a State not a Commonwealth responsibility, was directly involved only in the university sector. Yet by 1975 Federal involvement had been extended to include not only the creation of a Federal Department of Education and Science but also the assumption of broad responsibility for determining the national priorities and levels of funding in the college, school, technical and further education and pre‐school sectors.
The purpose of this paper is to examine how Harry Messel, Harold Wyndham, L.C. Robson and Robert Menzies were instrumental in bringing about substantial change in science…
The purpose of this paper is to examine how Harry Messel, Harold Wyndham, L.C. Robson and Robert Menzies were instrumental in bringing about substantial change in science curriculum and infrastructure reform in NSW schools.
The paper relies on substantial archival research including materials never before examined or used by historians of education history. The paper is divided into sections, the first uses teacher surveys and identifies problems with science teaching in 1958, a key year in education history and each section after that looks at the contribution of Wyndham, Messel, Robson and Menzies in driving a new direction for science education.
The research found that Wyndham, Messel, Robson and Menzies each contributed a new dimension to the reform of science education in Australia. Their individual contributions were substantial, inter-related and interlocking but quite different. The paper argues that it is not adequate to look at science education reform purely as a means to introduce State Aid, rather science education reform was advocated as a means to ensure students had a scientific literacy going forward into a technologically driven future.
Research limitations/implications
The research strikes a path through a vast primary source record to outline how individuals and science teachers more generally believed in science education reform as a mechanism to ensure students were better placed to enter a post-Sputnik world. As a result, known arguments around State Aid are only part of the story and not the main focus of the research. The aim is to supplement that knowledge by looking more at a broader picture for science reform for its own sake.
This paper takes an original approach to the history of curriculum change by providing a broader context for the State Aid debate, that is, by focussing on individual contributions to science education reform for its own sake and because science education was deemed necessary for student literacy in the future. At the same time it uses archival material never before accessed or used to tease out this history. The teachers’ surveys provide a unique insight into conditions for science teachers in the late 1950s. This material has not been accessed before and it provides a context upon which to superimpose the impact of the contributions of Wyndham, Messel, Robson and Menzies.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate optimal strategic decision alternatives for Finnish pulp production companies in response to rising export tariffs on Russian…
The purpose of this paper is to investigate optimal strategic decision alternatives for Finnish pulp production companies in response to rising export tariffs on Russian roundwood. Traditionally, increasing the domestic or Russian supply to pulp mills satisfied their wood requirements. However, once this conventional strategy could no longer be implemented (in 2008), the wood requirements were met by adjusting pulp production (reducing) and wood procurement (increasing domestic procurement).
As the primary research data for the study, the procurement situation in 2005 was used to describe the conventional business strategy for purchasers of Russian or domestic roundwood. Possible business strategies were then simulated for changing pulp production by Stora Enso, with the goal of adjusting roundwood requirements, to develop a globally‐optimal strategy to solve the procurement problem.
After removing production by the northernmost Finnish pulp mill, the authors could not find a globally optimal solution for the wood‐procurement problem. It was found that Russia's tax policy (high export tariffs on roundwood) will have large implications for Finnish wood procurement (i.e. the use of domestic wood vs imported Russian roundwood), and can dramatically change the basis, type, and location of pulp mills. The reduction or total elimination of imported Russian roundwood caused severe supply shortages and reduced pulp production.
Based on the results of analysis, the authors recommend adjustment methods to assist strategic wood‐procurement decisions, given the need to adapt wood‐procurement logistics to an unpredictable and complicated pulp production environment that requires continual optimization of the wood flow.
Reza Edris Abadi, Mohammad Javad Ershadi and Seyed Taghi Akhavan Niaki
The overall goal of the data mining process is to extract information from an extensive data set and make it understandable for further use. When working with large volumes of…
The overall goal of the data mining process is to extract information from an extensive data set and make it understandable for further use. When working with large volumes of unstructured data in research information systems, it is necessary to divide the information into logical groupings after examining their quality before attempting to analyze it. On the other hand, data quality results are valuable resources for defining quality excellence programs of any information system. Hence, the purpose of this study is to discover and extract knowledge to evaluate and improve data quality in research information systems.
Clustering in data analysis and exploiting the outputs allows practitioners to gain an in-depth and extensive look at their information to form some logical structures based on what they have found. In this study, data extracted from an information system are used in the first stage. Then, the data quality results are classified into an organized structure based on data quality dimension standards. Next, clustering algorithms (K-Means), density-based clustering (density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise [DBSCAN]) and hierarchical clustering (balanced iterative reducing and clustering using hierarchies [BIRCH]) are applied to compare and find the most appropriate clustering algorithms in the research information system.
This paper showed that quality control results of an information system could be categorized through well-known data quality dimensions, including precision, accuracy, completeness, consistency, reputation and timeliness. Furthermore, among different well-known clustering approaches, the BIRCH algorithm of hierarchical clustering methods performs better in data clustering and gives the highest silhouette coefficient value. Next in line is the DBSCAN method, which performs better than the K-Means method.
Research limitations/implications
In the data quality assessment process, the discrepancies identified and the lack of proper classification for inconsistent data have led to unstructured reports, making the statistical analysis of qualitative metadata problems difficult and thus impossible to root out the observed errors. Therefore, in this study, the evaluation results of data quality have been categorized into various data quality dimensions, based on which multiple analyses have been performed in the form of data mining methods.
Although several pieces of research have been conducted to assess data quality results of research information systems, knowledge extraction from obtained data quality scores is a crucial work that has rarely been studied in the literature. Besides, clustering in data quality analysis and exploiting the outputs allows practitioners to gain an in-depth and extensive look at their information to form some logical structures based on what they have found.
Charles Thorpe and Brynna Jacobson
Drawing upon Alfred Sohn-Rethel's work, we argue that, just as capitalism produces abstract labor, it coproduces both abstract mind and abstract life. Abstract mind is the split…
Drawing upon Alfred Sohn-Rethel's work, we argue that, just as capitalism produces abstract labor, it coproduces both abstract mind and abstract life. Abstract mind is the split between mind and nature and between subject/observer and observed object that characterizes scientific epistemology. Abstract mind reflects an abstracted objectified world of nature as a means to be exploited. Biological life is rendered as abstract life by capitalist exploitation and by the reification and technologization of organisms by contemporary technoscience. What Alberto Toscano has called “the culture of abstraction” imposes market rationality onto nature and the living world, disrupting biotic communities and transforming organisms into what Finn Bowring calls “functional bio-machines.”
At a recent meeting of the Council of the Royal Borough of Kensington, Councillor R. DUDLEY BAXTER, Chairman of the Public Health Committee, brought up a report setting forth…
The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of the issues related to cluster analysis, one of the most important and primitive activities of human beings, and of the advances…
The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of the issues related to cluster analysis, one of the most important and primitive activities of human beings, and of the advances made in recent years.
The paper investigates the clustering algorithms rooted in machine learning, computer science, statistics, and computational intelligence.
The paper reviews the basic issues of cluster analysis and discusses the recent advances of clustering algorithms in scalability, robustness, visualization, irregular cluster shape detection, and so on.
The paper presents a comprehensive and systematic survey of cluster analysis and emphasizes its recent efforts in order to meet the challenges caused by the glut of complicated data from a wide variety of communities.