The methods of bird impact testing or aircraft transparencies are discussed and a review is made of tests on aircraft transparencies and transparency materials. The review…
The methods of bird impact testing or aircraft transparencies are discussed and a review is made of tests on aircraft transparencies and transparency materials. The review includes the effects of temperature, of mounting and of the use of compound material screens. The validity of present design parameters are examined and proposals on both design parameters and test methods are presented.
Investigates the dimensions of accounting information prepared foruse in managing non‐corporate pastoral entities in pre‐FederationWestern Victoria and the local, time‐specific…
Investigates the dimensions of accounting information prepared for use in managing non‐corporate pastoral entities in pre‐Federation Western Victoria and the local, time‐specific environmental factors which shaped these dimensions. Based on examinations of 23 sets of surviving business records prepared during 1836‐1900, provides evidence of the structure and usage of pastoral accounting information in an unregulated financial reporting environment. Draws conclusions about the likely impact of cultural, legal and political, professional, educational, economic and other factors as key explanatory variables. Also argues a case for lost relevance based on the evidence of accounting change in the closing decades of the nineteenth century.
Petros V. Perdikoulis, Ioannis K. Giannopoulos and Efstathios E. Theotokoglou
The purpose of this paper is to use numerical methods early in the airframe design process and access the structural performance of wing leading edge devices made of different…
The purpose of this paper is to use numerical methods early in the airframe design process and access the structural performance of wing leading edge devices made of different materials and design details, under bird strike events.
Explicit finite element analysis was used to numerically model bird strike events.
Structural performance charts related to materials and general design details were drawn to explore the design space dictated by the current applicable airworthiness requirements.
Practical implications
This paper makes use of the current capability in the numerical tools available for structural simulations and exposes the existing limitations in the terms of material modelling, material properties and fracture simulation using continuum damage mechanics. Such results will always be in the need of fine-tuning with experimental testing, yet the tools can shed some light very early in the design process in a relative inexpensive manner, especially for design details down selection like materials to use, structural thicknesses and even design arrangements.
Bird strike simulations have been successfully used on aircraft design, mainly at the manufactured articles design validation, testing and certification. This paper presents a hypothetical early design case study of leading edge devices for appropriate material and skin thickness down selection.
Jon L. McNaughtan, Brooke Wilson DePue and Elisabeth D. McNaughtan
Turnover of presidents in colleges and universities occurs frequently and new presidents are rarely trained to handle communication with the range of stakeholders involved in a…
Turnover of presidents in colleges and universities occurs frequently and new presidents are rarely trained to handle communication with the range of stakeholders involved in a campus community, which is one of the most complex tasks their job requires. New presidents need guidance and insight to prepare them for this vital aspect of campus leadership. The paper aims to discuss this issue.
This paper analyzes interviews with sitting presidents and vice presidents of communication at flagship universities in the USA to identify themes and best practices for presidential communication.
Analysis of interviews resulted in five consistent recommended practices: be informed about your issue and audience; utilize multiple communication channels; know when to speak; identify and use a communication team; and when you speak, use your own authentic voice.
Limited research exists on the communication process and skills needed to effectively lead colleges and universities. While incoming presidents often lack backgrounds and training in communication strategies, such strategies are required to effectively engage both internal and external audiences. The study provides new leaders with tips from seasoned leaders to enhance their communication strategies.
Jon McNaughtan, Sarah Maria Schiffecker, Santiago Castiello-Gutierrez, Hugo A. García and Xinyang Li
While there is research that has explored how institutions have responded to various crises, these are usually locally or regionally situated. However, no event has impacted…
While there is research that has explored how institutions have responded to various crises, these are usually locally or regionally situated. However, no event has impacted higher education globally like COVID-19 and it will certainly alter the way top administrators lead and how institutions move forward. Thus, this chapter will explore how to better understand how presidents and top administrators navigate the (inter)national geopolitics as they move the institution forward. In addition, clear and up-to-date communication has proven to be important in battling this crisis. Thus, how presidents at national universities have communicated with students, faculty, staff, and various off-campus communities members regarding COVID-19 and how they have achieved is important to explore. Our findings suggest that presidents and top administrators need to build support to help them navigate the political roadblocks they may encounter. Findings also suggest that communication is the main role they play as leaders on their campus. On/off-campus community members see the presidents as the face of the university and key communicator as relates to communicating what the institutions is doing and how they are addressing the crisis. This chapter helps in better understanding the roles presidents and top administrators play during a global crisis.
Khaled Alawadhi, Mylène Martinez, Abdulkareem Aloraier and Jalal Alsarraf
The aim of this investigation was to compare the performance of three typical oil field carbon dioxide corrosion inhibitors in controlling preferential weld corrosion (PWC) of X65…
The aim of this investigation was to compare the performance of three typical oil field carbon dioxide corrosion inhibitors in controlling preferential weld corrosion (PWC) of X65 pipeline steel in artificial seawater (3.5 weight per cent) saturated with carbon dioxide at one bar pressure.
A novel rotating cylinder electrode (RCE) apparatus was used to evaluate the effect of flow on the inhibition for the weld metal (WM), heat-affected zone (HAZ) and parent material. To fulfill this objective, the galvanic currents flowing between the weld regions were recorded using parallel zero-resistance ammeters, and the self-corrosion rates of the couples were obtained by linear polarization resistance measurements.
The results showed that when 30 ppm of green oil field inhibitors were present in the service environment, a current reversal took place, resulting in accelerated weld corrosion. At high shear stress, the currents increased and further reversals occurred. The inhibitors were more effective in controlling the self-corrosion rates of the parent material than of the WM and HAZ material. It was concluded that PWC was caused by unstable conditions in which the inhibitor film was selectively disrupted from the WM and HAZ, but remained effective on the parent material.
Electrochemical corrosion rate measurements were carried out using an RCE produced from the different regions of the weld. An advantage of using the RCE is that the hydrodynamic conditions are very well defined, and it is feasible to translate the conditions that are known to exist in a production pipeline to those used in laboratory tests.
The underrepresentation of African-American faculty in the US professoriate has persisted for some time. Relatedly, adjunct faculty remain a fast-growing sector of the…
The underrepresentation of African-American faculty in the US professoriate has persisted for some time. Relatedly, adjunct faculty remain a fast-growing sector of the professoriate. Adjunct faculty include “experts” and “specialists” who teach postsecondary courses with a narrow focus and with content tailored to their full-time employment. Using a qualitative narrative approach, I delineate ways I construct meaning for myself as a part-timer. I develop a cultural interpretation of adjunct teaching that provides alternative view of professional socialization to counter the ongoing challenge of increasing the number of Black faculty in higher education. In doing so, three themes from the data (ideal worker as adjunct, historical role models, and clinical value of course content) suggest the identity of part-time faculty is situated in personal, professional, and cultural experiences.
In Poetic Justice, Martha Nussbaum (1996) offers one version of an argument frequently repeated in the history of law-and-literature scholarship; to wit, that the literary…
In Poetic Justice, Martha Nussbaum (1996) offers one version of an argument frequently repeated in the history of law-and-literature scholarship; to wit, that the literary imagination performs a salutary function with regard to many domains of modern public life. While law and economics are governed by logics of bureaucratic rationality and utilitarian calculus, literature, in particular the novel, presents a counterdiscourse, inviting us to empathize with others, expanding our moral sense, emphasizing the importance of affect and imagination in the making of a just, humane, and democratic society. Nussbaum's broad goal is a commendable one; concerned that “cruder forms of economic utilitarianism and cost-benefit analysis that are…used in many areas of public policy-making and are frequently recommended as normative for others” are, in effect, dehumanizing, she argues for the importance to public life of “the sort of feeling and imagining called into being” by the experience of reading literary texts (1996, p. 3). This sort of feeling and imagining, Nussbaum explains, fosters sympathetic understanding of others who may be quite different from us and a deepened awareness of human suffering.
Angela S. Kelling, Robert A. Bartsch, Christine A.P. Walther, Amy Lucas and Lory. Z. Santiago-Vázquez
This study was conducted to fill gaps in the literature based on institution type, career level, and gender identity.
This study was conducted to fill gaps in the literature based on institution type, career level, and gender identity.
Faculty often struggle with achieving work-life balance. This struggle is exacerbated for faculty parents. Most academic parent research has been conducted on early-career women and at research-intensive universities. Although these groups are important, it is also important to understand experiences of academic parents at different career levels and types of institutions. The authors conducted a qualitative thematic analysis from focus groups with faculty from a mid-sized master's level university about work-life balance expectations and experiences in their roles as academics and parents. These four groups included early-career mothers (n = 5), early-career fathers (n = 4), mid-career mothers (n = 4), and mid-career fathers (n = 7).
Faculty expressed having a high workload based on an intersection of high work expectations, unclear work expectations, and lack of equity. Consequences of the high workload included lower work-life balance, dissatisfaction at not doing more, the loss of flexibility as an advantage, and lower organizational commitment.
Although results are limited in generalizability, it is useful to examine one institution, with all participants sharing the same culture and policies, in-depth. The authors discuss recommendations for educational administrators for assisting academic parents and suggest institutions work to examine informal expectations and formal policies at their institutions. Working together, faculty and staff can help enhance alignment of expectations and perceptions of work-life balance, hopefully leading to happier, more satisfied employees.
Jon McNaughtan, Ryan Litsey and Nichole Morelock
Many scholars and practitioners have attempted innovative teaching practices in an effort to make complex ideas easier to comprehend and retain. The purpose of this study was to…
Many scholars and practitioners have attempted innovative teaching practices in an effort to make complex ideas easier to comprehend and retain. The purpose of this study was to test the relationship between learning and the use of 3D models created to provide physical representations of abstract concepts students could hold and manipulate.
Using a quasi-experimental design, we test both the students' initial comprehension of the concept and their retention of the information four weeks later when the course concluded.
Findings included an initial boost in information retention and a likely increased retention of the information, showing promising trajectories for incorporating 3D objects to enhance teaching in the classroom.
This study provides a unique analysis of the use of 3D printing technology to illustrate abstract concepts. This teaching innovation provides another example of how technology can enhance and engage students through active learning. We find that this approach can increase student retention of material.