I. Sezai and A.A. Mohamad
Naturally buoyant flow and heat transfer in a cubic cavity with side opening is analyzed numerically. Vertical wall of the cavity is at a higher temperature than the ambient…
Naturally buoyant flow and heat transfer in a cubic cavity with side opening is analyzed numerically. Vertical wall of the cavity is at a higher temperature than the ambient, while other walls are assumed to be adiabatic. Numerically accurate results are presented for Rayleigh numbers of 103 to 106 for a fluid having a Prandtl number of 0.71. Unstable flow is predicted for Ra = 1 × 107. The aim of the work is twofold; studying three‐ dimensional flow and heat transfer in a cavity and comparing three‐dimensional results with two‐dimensional approximation to verify the validity of the two‐dimensional model. Convection fluxes are calculated using QUICK scheme with ULTRA‐SHARP flux limiter for two and three‐dimensional simulation. The results indicate that as Rayleigh number increases the difference between two and three dimensional predictions increases. Also, it is found that this difference is greater for the flow field than for the rate of heat transfer.
Marcela Cruchaga and Diego Celentano
The modelling of steady‐state natural and mixed convection in obstructed channels is presented. The two‐dimensional numerical analysis is carried out with a finite element…
The modelling of steady‐state natural and mixed convection in obstructed channels is presented. The two‐dimensional numerical analysis is carried out with a finite element thermally coupled incompressible flow formulation written in terms of the primitive variables of the problem and solved via a generalized streamline operator technique. Natural convection is studied in several vertical channel configurations for a wide range of Rayleigh numbers while mixed convection is analysed in a horizontal channel with a built‐in rectangular cylinder for different Reynolds and Grashof numbers. The results obtained in this work are validated with available experiments and other existing numerical solutions.
A laminar swirling jet impinging on to an adiabatic solid wall is investigated. The flow field is computed and entropy analysis is carried out for different flow configurations…
A laminar swirling jet impinging on to an adiabatic solid wall is investigated. The flow field is computed and entropy analysis is carried out for different flow configurations. The numerical scheme employing a control volume approach is introduced when solving the governing equations of flow and energy. In order to examine the effect of the nozzle exit velocity profile and the swirling velocity on the flow field and entropy generation rate, six nozzle exit velocity profiles and four swirl velocities are considered. It is found that the influence of swirl velocity on the flow field is more pronounced as the velocity profile number reduces. In this case, two circulation cells are generated in the flow field. The total entropy generation increases with increasing swirl velocity for low velocity profile numbers. The Merit number improves for low swirling velocity and high velocity profile numbers.
Weilong Wang, Jilian Wu and Xinlong Feng
The purpose of this paper is to propose a new method to solve the incompressible natural convection problem with variable density. The main novel ideas of this work are to…
The purpose of this paper is to propose a new method to solve the incompressible natural convection problem with variable density. The main novel ideas of this work are to overcome the stability issue due to the nonlinear inertial term and the hyperbolic term for conventional finite element methods and to deal with high Rayleigh number for the natural convection problem.
The paper introduces a novel characteristic variational multiscale (C-VMS) finite element method which combines advantages of both the characteristic and variational multiscale methods within a variational framework for solving the incompressible natural convection problem with variable density. The authors chose the conforming finite element pair (P2, P2, P1, P2) to approximate the density, velocity, pressure and temperature field.
The paper gives the stability analysis of the C-VMS method. Extensive two-dimensional/three-dimensional numerical tests demonstrated that the C-VMS method not only can deal with the incompressible natural convection problem with variable density but also with high Rayleigh number very well.
Extensive 2D/3D numerical tests demonstrated that the C-VMS method not only can deal with the incompressible natural convection problem with variable density but also with high Rayleigh number very well.
This paper aims to investigate the introduction of rationalist concepts through Taylorization to Turkey during the early republican era, using Wallace Clark’s case of the Turkish…
This paper aims to investigate the introduction of rationalist concepts through Taylorization to Turkey during the early republican era, using Wallace Clark’s case of the Turkish State Monopolies.
The study uses a historical narrative approach to explore the roles of foreign experts in the transfer of rationalist and Taylorist ideas to Turkish State Monopolies (Inhisarlar Idaresi).
This study illuminates the introduction and adoption of Taylorist principles in early republican Turkey through multiple lenses. First, it underscores the era’s fervent drive for rapid modernization, rooted in emulation of Western models perceived as progressive. Second, using a historical narrative approach, this research highlights the pivotal role of foreign expertise in catalyzing and formalizing rationalization efforts.
This study makes a unique and meaningful contribution to the history of management in terms of demonstrating the international influence of the Scientific Management Movement through the neglected case of Turkey.
Igor Miroshnichenko, Mikhail Sheremet and Ali J. Chamkha
The purpose of this paper is to conduct a numerical analysis of transient turbulent natural convection combined with surface thermal radiation in a square cavity with a local…
The purpose of this paper is to conduct a numerical analysis of transient turbulent natural convection combined with surface thermal radiation in a square cavity with a local heater.
The domain of interest includes the air-filled cavity with cold vertical walls, adiabatic horizontal walls and isothermal heater located on the bottom cavity wall. It is assumed in the analysis that the thermophysical properties of the fluid are independent of temperature and the flow is turbulent. Surface thermal radiation is considered for more accurate analysis of the complex heat transfer inside the cavity. The governing equations have been discretized using the finite difference method with the non-uniform grid on the basis of the special algebraic transformation. Turbulence was modeled using the k–ε model. Simulations have been carried out for different values of the Rayleigh number, surface emissivity and location of the heater.
It has been found that the presence of surface radiation leads to both an increase in the average total Nusselt number and intensive cooling of such type of system. A significant intensification of convective flow was also observed owing to an increase in the Rayleigh number. It should be noted that a displacement of the heater from central part of the bottom wall leads to significant modification of the thermal plume and flow pattern inside the cavity.
An efficient numerical technique has been developed to solve this problem. The originality of this work is to analyze unsteady turbulent natural convection combined with surface thermal radiation in a square air-filled cavity in the presence of a local isothermal heater. The results would benefit scientists and engineers to become familiar with the analysis of turbulent convective–radiative heat transfer in enclosures with local heaters, and the way to predict the heat transfer rate in advanced technical systems, in industrial sectors including transportation, power generation, chemical sectors and electronics.
Fausto Arpino, Nicola Massarotti, Alessandro Mauro and Perumal Nithiarasu
The purpose of the paper is to numerically simulate steady‐state thermo‐solutal convection in rectangular cavities with different aspect ratios, subject to horizontal temperature…
The purpose of the paper is to numerically simulate steady‐state thermo‐solutal convection in rectangular cavities with different aspect ratios, subject to horizontal temperature and concentration gradients, and validate the results against numerical and experimental data available from literature.
The fully explicit Artificial Compressibility (AC) version of the Characteristic Based Split (CBS) scheme is adopted to solve double diffusion (DD) problems. A stabilization analysis is carried out to efficiently solve the problems considered in the present work. The thermal and solutal buoyancy forces acting on the fluid have been taken into account in case of aiding and opposing flow conditions.
The stability limits derived by the authors for the thermo‐solutal convection assume a fundamental role to efficiently solve the DD problems considered. In the cases characterized by higher Rayleigh number the convergent solution is obtained only by employing the new stability conditions. The efficient matrix free procedure employed is a powerful tool to study complex DD problems.
In this paper, the authors extend the stabilization analysis for the AC‐CBS scheme to the solution of DD, fundamental to efficiently solve the present problems, and apply the present fully explicit matrix free scheme, based on finite elements, to the solution of DD natural convection in cavities.
J.W. Peterson, B.T. Murray and G.F. Carey
The purpose of this paper is to consider double‐diffusive convection in a heated porous medium saturated with a fluid. Of particular interest is the case where the fluid has a…
The purpose of this paper is to consider double‐diffusive convection in a heated porous medium saturated with a fluid. Of particular interest is the case where the fluid has a stabilizing concentration gradient and small diffusivity.
A fully‐coupled stabilized finite element scheme and adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) methodology are introduced to solve the resulting coupled multiphysics application and resolve fine scale solution features. The code is written on top of the open source finite element library LibMesh, and is suitable for parallel, high‐performance simulations of large‐scale problems.
The stabilized adaptive finite element scheme is used to compute steady and unsteady onset of convection in a generalized Horton‐Rogers‐Lapwood problem in both two and three‐dimensional domains. A detailed study confirming the applicability of AMR in obtaining the predicted dependence of solutal Nusselt number on Lewis number is given. A semi‐permeable barrier version of the generalized HRL problem is also studied and is believed to present an interesting benchmark for AMR codes owing to the different boundary and internal layers present in the problem. Finally, some representative adaptive results in a complex 3D heated‐pipe geometry are presented.
This work demonstrates the feasibility of stabilized, adaptive finite element schemes for computing simple double‐diffusive flow models, and it represents an easily‐generalizable starting point for more complex calculations since it is based on a highly‐general finite element library. The complementary nature of h‐adaptivity and stabilized finite element techniques for this class of problem is demonstrated using particularly simple error indicators and stabilization parameters. Finally, an interesting double‐diffusive convection benchmark problem having a semi‐permeable barrier is suggested.
Hani Sadrhosseini and Saed Bazkhane
The purpose of the study is to present a simplified model to replace the complicated foaming simulations for investigating the liquid polyurethane behavior just before…
The purpose of the study is to present a simplified model to replace the complicated foaming simulations for investigating the liquid polyurethane behavior just before solidification.
This model is inspired from the traveling heater method of crystallization because of the low injection velocity. Besides, the heat generated during the reaction is considered as a heat source function in the energy equation.
Various distributions of the heat generation function inside the geometry have been studied to choose the most realistic one. Effect of parameters such as the soil material and porosity on the temperature distribution and flow field are examined for different values of heat flux on the boundaries. Results show an almost linear dependency of pressure drop to the velocity, a uniform velocity profile and an expected temperature distribution compared to literature, which approves the suggested model.
A new model is presented in this study for foaming which replaces a heat generation function (exponential) in the source term of the energy equation instead of the heat produced at the exit boundary (the solid–liquid interface), and the traveling method is used instead of moving the geometry; besides, the growth ratio has been neglected; therefore, this model has been validated by a foaming simulation to confirm the suggested simplified idea.
M.Y. Abdollahzadeh Jamalabadi, M. Ghassemi and M.H. Hamedi
Natural convection heat transfer combined with radiation heat transfer is used in electronic cooling. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the thermal loading…
Natural convection heat transfer combined with radiation heat transfer is used in electronic cooling. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the thermal loading characteristics of an enclosure.
The goal is to investigate the effect of thermal radiation on thermal and flow characteristics of the cavity. The enclosure lower wall is at constant temperature and the upper wall is adiabatic while there are several discrete heat sources inside the cavity. In addition the effect of parameters such as heating number (Nr), aspect ratio (A), the number of heaters (N), and thermal radiation on the maximum and mean temperature of system, thermal loading characteristics of the system, Nusselt number, and the maximum stream function rate is performed. To solve the governing nonlinear differential equations (mass, momentum, and energy), a finite‐volume code based on Patankar's SIMPLE method is utilized.
Heat transfer by natural convection solely and it's conjugation with thermal radiation on the thermal and flow characteristics of the system is studied. Also a parametric study illustrating the influence of the heating number, aspect ratio, the number of heaters, and thermal radiation on the maximum and mean temperature of system, thermal loading characteristics of the system, Nusselt number, and the maximum stream function rate is investigated. The results have revealed that the thermal radiation have an important effect on the thermal characteristics of system at low heating numbers.
Research limitations/implications
The relevant governing parameters were: the heating number, Nr from 0.05 to 500, the cavity aspect ratio, A=H/L from 0.1 to 1 and the number of heaters, N, is an odd number ranging from 1 to 19
Practical implications
This work is numerical investigation only but can have engineering application such as electronic cooling, transformers, fusion reactors technology, hot structures, fuel cells, fibrous insulations and solar‐energy drying systems.
The effect of radiation in enclosure with discrete heaters within fluid has not been addressed in the literature.