Chuan-Chung Hsieh, Yu-Ran Chen and Hui-Chieh Li
This study examined the impact of school leadership on teacher professional collaboration, with collective teacher innovativeness and teacher self-efficacy (TSE) playing the…
This study examined the impact of school leadership on teacher professional collaboration, with collective teacher innovativeness and teacher self-efficacy (TSE) playing the mediating role. Two most commonly used leadership styles, instructional leadership (IL) and distributed leadership (DL), were analyzed using a multilevel design, i.e. teachers are nested within schools.
The proposed model was validated using data of Taiwan TALIS 2018 collected from both teachers and principals and analyzed using hierarchical linear modeling.
Results showed that IL and DL influence teacher professional collaboration through different paths. IL had a significant direct impact on teacher professional collaboration alone, while DL had a significant direct impact on both teachers' collective innovativeness and their professional collaboration. While TSE had a direct effect on collective teacher innovativeness, TSE and collective teacher innovativeness had a direct effect on teacher professional collaboration.
This study highlights the significant impact of principal leadership as both principals and teachers work in the same environment and culture co-shaped through the interaction and collaboration. Research evidence regarding the effects of IL and DL on teacher professional collaboration is limited; this is even less evidential when the indirect effects of variables mediating between school leadership and teacher outcomes, including teacher collective innovativeness and TSE, are added to the total effects. The present findings provide useful references for principals and teachers when promoting professional collaboration to achieve desired outcomes in school and student improvement.
Chuan-Chung Hsieh, Jyun-Kai Liang and Hui-Chieh Li
Drawing from the conservation of resource theory and the job demands-resources model, this study examines the bi-directional conflicts of work and family during COVID-19, and…
Drawing from the conservation of resource theory and the job demands-resources model, this study examines the bi-directional conflicts of work and family during COVID-19, and investigates the online teaching work-related antecedents and the mechanism shaping emotional exhaustion of teachers in Taiwan. Moreover, this study explores mindfulness in teaching as a possible moderator.
Data for analysis were collected from elementary school teachers via an online survey using a questionnaire comprising well-developed scales. The hypotheses were validated using structural equation modeling.
Results show that only family interfering with work conflict mediates the positive relationship of online teaching job demand with emotional exhaustion and negative relationship of online teaching job resource with emotional exhaustion. Results also evidence that mindfulness practiced by teachers can help them perceive their own feelings and thoughts non-judgmentally in face of job demands.
With the growing work-from-home trend, the current study revisits the impact of work demands and resources on work-family conflict, and examines whether Taiwanese teachers' perception towards online teaching would lead to different observations. The path that JD→WIF conflict→EE is well established in the literature, while COVID-19 brings to light another path JD→FIW conflict→EE, revealing insight into teachers' cognition and plight during the pandemic.