Kian Yeik Koay, Derek Lai Teik Ong, Kim Leng Khoo and Hui Jing Yeoh
The purpose of this research is to investigate the influence of perceived social media marketing activities on consumer-based brand equity, mainly predicated on the S-O-R model…
The purpose of this research is to investigate the influence of perceived social media marketing activities on consumer-based brand equity, mainly predicated on the S-O-R model. Furthermore, brand experience is tested as a mediator of the relationship between perceived social media marketing activities and consumer-based brand equity, whereas co-creation behaviour is also examined as a moderator on the relationship between perceived social media marketing activities and brand experience.
A structured survey questionnaire was developed and distributed to social media users from a large private university in Malaysia. A total of 253 valid responses were obtained. Hypotheses were tested employing partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM).
The results indicated that perceived social media marketing activities have a significant positive influence on consumer-based brand equity. In addition, brand experience mediates the relationship between perceived social media marketing activities and consumer-based brand equity. Surprisingly, co-creation behaviour was found to have no moderating effect on the relationship between perceived social media marketing activities and brand experience. Furthermore, using the PROCESS macro, we found that the indirect effect of perceived social media marketing activities on consumer-based brand equity through brand experience is not moderated by co-creation behaviour.
This research further extended the current knowledge by demonstrating that the influence of perceived social media marketing activities on consumer-based brand equity is mediated by brand experience. Also, this research utilised the strength of PLS–SEM in dealing with higher-order constructs, allowing us to develop and test a parsimonious model that is useful for practitioners.
Cong Li, YunFeng Xie, Gang Wang, XianFeng Zeng and Hui Jing
This paper studies the lateral stability regulation of intelligent electric vehicle (EV) based on model predictive control (MPC) algorithm.
This paper studies the lateral stability regulation of intelligent electric vehicle (EV) based on model predictive control (MPC) algorithm.
Firstly, the bicycle model is adopted in the system modelling process. To improve the accuracy, the lateral stiffness of front and rear tire is estimated using the real-time yaw rate acceleration and lateral acceleration of the vehicle based on the vehicle dynamics. Then the constraint of input and output in the model predictive controller is designed. Soft constraints on the lateral speed of the vehicle are designed to guarantee the solved persistent feasibility and enforce the vehicle’s sideslip angle within a safety range.
The simulation results show that the proposed lateral stability controller based on the MPC algorithm can improve the handling and stability performance of the vehicle under complex working conditions.
The MPC schema and the objective function are established. The integrated active front steering/direct yaw moments control strategy is simultaneously adopted in the model. The vehicle’s sideslip angle is chosen as the constraint and is controlled in stable range. The online estimation of tire stiffness is performed. The vehicle’s lateral acceleration and the yaw rate acceleration are modelled into the two-degree-of-freedom equation to solve the tire cornering stiffness in real time. This can ensure the accuracy of model.
AbdulLateef Olanrewaju and Hui Jing Alice Lee
Poor quality in building projects is high and increasing. Poor quality can increase the cost of a building by up to more than 50% and can delay a project by up to 50%. This…
Poor quality in building projects is high and increasing. Poor quality can increase the cost of a building by up to more than 50% and can delay a project by up to 50%. This research investigated the poor quality of building elements/components.
The site operatives were requested to rate the frequency of poor quality in 25 building elements/components. The frequencies of the poor quality were scored on a five-point Likert scale, ranging from least often to extremely often. The survey forms were administered to construction site operatives by hand delivery.
The data revealed that poor quality occurred in more than 80% of the building projects completed. Approximately 40% of the cost of a building project is attributed to poor quality. In total, 70% of the respondents measured the poor quality of building elements as being high and frequent. The size and frequency of poor quality are higher in concrete, plaster, brick, foundations and roof trusses.
Practical implications
The research findings would help to reduce claims, disputes, maintenance costs and waste on sites.
This research provides fresh information on poor quality in building projects and provides a systemic process for anticipating poor quality in building projects. The findings also provide an option to increase maintenance span and a means to reduce claims and disputes in the construction sector.
Ezlika M. Ghazali, Dilip S. Mutum, Michele Hui-Jing Pua and T. Ramayah
This study explains and predicts smartwatch adoption trends among non-users of smartwatches based on theories of the diffusion of innovation and inertia. It explores the impact of…
This study explains and predicts smartwatch adoption trends among non-users of smartwatches based on theories of the diffusion of innovation and inertia. It explores the impact of satisfaction with the status-quo with traditional wristwatches, on attitudes toward smartwatches and intentions to adopt the technology.
The study used PLS-SEM to conduct a multi-group analysis considering high (HSQS) and low (LSQS) status-quo satisfaction groups. The multi-group analysis followed the MICOM procedure, and the software SmartPLS three was used to analyse the data.
The results suggest that attitudes of the LSQS group were more strongly impacted by perceived ease of use and trialability. Their attitude toward innovation also had a stronger effect on their adoption intention. For the HSQS group, social influence more strongly impacted adoption intention; this group also perceived the disruption associated with an innovation as greater than the LSQS group. Analysis using PLS-Predict indicated that both models have considerable predictive power.
Most scholarship on this subject has taken a positive view of the diffusion and adoption of smartwatches. This study considers smartwatches from positive and inhibitory perspectives. In the context of smartwatches, this is the first scholarly attempt at comparing levels of resistance to innovation adoption to consumer satisfaction with the status quo.
The inclusion of esports as an official event in the Hangzhou Asian Games is an important step towards the institutionalisation of esports. The significance of this event marks…
The inclusion of esports as an official event in the Hangzhou Asian Games is an important step towards the institutionalisation of esports. The significance of this event marks that Asia once again takes a lead in the global esportisation. This chapter investigates a series of history events in the inclusion process of esports into the comprehensive Games in Asia using process sociology and actor network theory (ANT). This study will analyse the type characteristics of esports events in Hangzhou Asian Games, whilst examining how key stakeholders' interact and balance in the network composed of international sports organisations, host of the event, emerging esports organisations and esports game companies. The chapter also examines the functions of global game industrial economic geography, local cultural politics, esports geopolitics and Olympic values in esports sportization, aiming to reveal the implications of esports inclusion in the Asian Games on the debate of whether esports meets the criteria to be classified as a ‘sport’ and its enlightenment of digital strategy to the inclusion esports in the Olympics.
Chaoyong Li, Wuxing Jing, Hui Wang and Zhiguo Qi
To study the application of three‐dimensional differential geometric (DG) guidance commands to a realistic missile defense engagement, and the application of the Newton's…
To study the application of three‐dimensional differential geometric (DG) guidance commands to a realistic missile defense engagement, and the application of the Newton's iterative algorithm to DG guidance problems.
The classical differential geometry theory is introduced firstly to transform all the variables in DG guidance commands from an arc length system to the time domain. Then, an algorithm for the angle‐of‐attack and the sideslip angle is developed by assuming the guidance curvature command and guidance torsion command equal to its corresponding value of current trajectory. Furthermore, Newton's iteration is utilized to develop iterative solution of the stated algorithm and the two‐dimensional DG guidance system so as to facilitate easy computation of the angle‐of‐attack and the sideslip angle, which are formulated to satisfy the DG guidance law.
DG guidance law is viable and effective in the realistic missile defense engagement, and it is shown to be a generalization of gain‐varying proportional navigation (PN) guidance law and performs better than the classical PN guidance law in the case of intercepting a maneuvering target. Moreover, Newton's iterative algorithm has sufficient accuracy for DG guidance problem.
Provides further study on DG guidance problem associated with its iterative solution.
Chaoyong Li, Wuxing Jing, Hui Wang and Zhiguo Qi
The paper aims to provide further study on the development and analysis of flight control system for two‐dimensional (2D) differential geometric (DG) guidance and control system…
The paper aims to provide further study on the development and analysis of flight control system for two‐dimensional (2D) differential geometric (DG) guidance and control system based on the application of a set‐point weighting proportional‐integral‐derivative (PID) controller.
The commanded angle‐of‐attack is developed in the time domain using the classical differential geometry theory. Then, a set‐point weighting PID controller is introduced to develop a flight control system so as to form the 2D DG guidance and control system, and the gains of the PID controller are determined by the Ziegler‐Nichols method as well as the Routh‐Hurwitz stability criterion. Finally, the classical frequency method is utilized to study the relative stability and robustness of the designed flight control system.
The results demonstrate that the designed controller yields a fast responding and stable system which is robust to the high frequency parameters variation. Moreover, the DG guidance law is viable and effective in a realistic missile defense engagement.
This paper provides a novel approach on the development of DG guidance and control system associated with its stability analysis.
Syeda Mehak Fatima Gillani, Salman Iqbal, Shumaila Akram and Mamoona Rasheed
The purpose of this study is to examine the antecedents of specific human resource management (HRM) practices and trust on knowledge sharing (KS) behavior of employees.
The purpose of this study is to examine the antecedents of specific human resource management (HRM) practices and trust on knowledge sharing (KS) behavior of employees.
In the first phase, a questionnaire survey was used to collect the data from 350 randomly selected individuals working in banks. In the second phase, ten managerial-level employees were interviewed to triangulate the findings of the survey.
The results revealed that employees viewed trust, recruitment and selection and performance appraisals have a positive relationship with KS behavior. However, training and development and incentives have no impact on KS.
The value of this paper lies in the understanding gained about the interactive effects of KS and HR practices using the structural equation modeling technique. This paper will help in understanding the factors that can promote KS. This study will be helpful for employees, managers and policymakers. This study may help in highlighting the significant role of HR practices.
Jingyi Wang, Run Yuan and Hongwei Shi
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the service quality of university library more accurately and dynamically and improve the service efficiency of library. The paper…
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the service quality of university library more accurately and dynamically and improve the service efficiency of library. The paper realizes quantified representation of library service quality and overcomes the shortcoming of the traditional library evaluation system, which does not consider reader’s identity and cannot be evaluated separately. In addition, according to the function configuration of each department of library, a relation between library evaluation parameter and its organization structure is built. According to the evaluation results and the chain of relations, some suggestions for improving library service can be put forward; thus, it can improve the quality of library service and management efficiency.
In this paper, a four-dimensional (4-D) representation method is put forward to express four kinds of parameters, namely, the category of participants, the number of people evaluated, the rating level and the weight of parameters, which is expressed by chromaticity and a three-dimensional column coordinate space. Considering the existing evaluation methods such as LibQUAL+TM, the content of evaluation parameters, the grade of evaluation parameters and the weight of evaluation parameters are modified. Using the volume and the equivalent number of people under this evaluation system, the evaluation grade can be quantified and the total results can be evaluated quantitatively.
The evaluation model proposed in this paper is a 4-D system that is based on content parameters to evaluate the number of participants, score segments, evaluation content weights and reader information. It gives full consideration to the good advice of many scholars and combines the actual operation of domestic libraries. The situation effectively integrates successful experience abroad. Both the undergraduate and teacher sampling evaluation results and their analysis in this paper show the accuracy and credibility of the method.
Although the satisfaction index model has a good effect in foreign countries, taking into account that readers of university libraries in China are different from those in foreign countries in the evaluation methods of the tutorial, professional multi-level evaluation will produce greater errors in practical applications. The traditional four-level method based on Chinese education evaluation (excellent, good, pass and fail) has reached consensus among teachers and students in practical application, and it is easy to achieve consistency. Therefore, this paper also adopts four-level evaluation, that is, very satisfied, satisfied, generally satisfied and very dissatisfied. The embedded application will be able to perform dynamic evaluation and thus can be used in China. The evaluation of service quality in university libraries provides an effective new method.