This paper aims to understand the role that money plays in polygamous marriages among the Hui ethnic group in Northwest China.
This paper aims to understand the role that money plays in polygamous marriages among the Hui ethnic group in Northwest China.
This study conducted in-depth interviews, focus group discussions and observations based on snowball sampling of individuals who voluntarily agreed to participate from June to December 2010, and during the summer of 2011, in Qinghai in Northwest China. Follow-up interviews and observations were conducted in 2015.
This study examines how love and money intersect and work together to sustain the participants’ polygamous marriages. The study concludes that material desires unite love with money to make love consumable. With the help of money, love between the sexes is transformed into desirable consumption through economic activities associated with leisure, gift giving and religious beliefs to articulate individualism
This study is the first to explore money’s role in the experience of polygamy among the Hui ethnic group in China.
In Hawaiʻi, two public library systems exist – a traditional municipal branch system and a Native Hawaiian rural community-based library network. The Hawaii State Public Library…
In Hawaiʻi, two public library systems exist – a traditional municipal branch system and a Native Hawaiian rural community-based library network. The Hawaii State Public Library System (HSPLS) is the traditional municipal library system that services the state’s diverse communities with 51 branch locations, plus its federal repository, the Hawaii State Library for the Blind and Print Disabled. The HSPLS primarily serves the local urban communities of Hawaiʻi, diverse in its citizenry. The Native Hawaiian Library, a unit of ALU LIKE, Inc. (a Hawaiian non-profit social services organization), boasts multiple locations across six inhabited Hawaiian Islands, primarily serving rural Hawaiian communities. The HSPLS focuses on traditional public library services offered by MLS-degreed librarians. In contrast, the Native Hawaiian Library (ALU LIKE) focuses on culturally oriented literacy services offered by Hawaiian cultural practitioners. As the state’s only library and information sciences (LISs) educational venue, the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa’s LIS program (UHM LIS) is a nexus point between these two library systems where LIS students learn the value of community-based library services while gaining the traditional technical skills of librarianship concerning Hawaiʻi as a place of learning and praxis.
This book chapter focuses on outcomes from the IMLS-funded research project called “Hui ʻEkolu,” which means “three groups” in the Hawaiian language. From 2018 to 2021, the HSPLS, the Native Hawaiian Library (ALU LIKE), and the UHM LIS Program gathered as “Hui ʻEkolu” to create a community of praxis to share and exchange knowledge to learn from one another to improve professional practice and heighten cultural competency within a Hawaiian context. Native Hawaiian values were leveraged as a nexus point for the three groups to connect and build relationships for sustainable mentorship and culturally competent connections as a model for librarian professional development. The result is a model for collective praxis that leverages local and endemic cultural values for sustainable collaborative professional development for public librarianship.
This paper proposes that ethnic identity and identification in the modern nation-state is a process of dialogical interaction between self-perceived notions of identity and…
This paper proposes that ethnic identity and identification in the modern nation-state is a process of dialogical interaction between self-perceived notions of identity and sociopolitical contexts, often defined by the state. Each example of ethnic identification has at least two levels of discourse, articulated internally and externally. As suggested by Bakhtin, whose study of Dostoevsky posed fundamental questions of self and society, identity and ideology: The endlessness of the external dialogue emerges here with the same mathematical clarity as does the endlessness of internal dialogue. … In Dostoevsky’s dialogues, collision and quarrelling occurs not between two integral monologic voices, but between two divided voices quarreling (one of those voices, at least, is divided). The open rejoinders of the one answer the hidden rejoinders of the other (Bakhtin, 1981 [1963], pp. 253, 254).
Liz Gerber and Julie Hui
We are interested in how and why people use or take part to crowdfunding projects.
We are interested in how and why people use or take part to crowdfunding projects.
Over the past four years, we have interviewed over 120 crowdfunding requesters and supporters of over 15 project types from dance to technology to publishing.
The key contributions of this research are: An understanding of the work involved, an understanding of motivations for participation, and an understanding of how the design of platforms influences engagement.
We adopt a computer-supported cooperative work approach from sociology, computer science, and design to provide a new perspective to researchers who seek to understand user behavior, motivations, and the mechanisms in place to support engagement with crowdfunding technology.
Lara Penco, Enrico Ivaldi and Andrea Ciacci
This study investigates the relationship between the strength of innovative entrepreneurial ecosystems and subjective well-being in 43 European smart cities. Subjective well-being…
This study investigates the relationship between the strength of innovative entrepreneurial ecosystems and subjective well-being in 43 European smart cities. Subjective well-being is operationalized by a Quality of Life (QOL) survey that references the level of multidimensional satisfaction or happiness expressed by residents at the city level. The entrepreneurial ecosystem concept depicted here highlights actor interdependence that creates new value in a specific community by undertaking innovative entrepreneurial activities. The research uses objective and subjective variables to analyze the relationships between the entrepreneurial ecosystem and subjective well-being.
The authors conducted a cluster analysis with a nonaggregative quantitative approach based on the theory of the partially ordered set (poset); the objective was to find significant smart city level relationships between the entrepreneurial ecosystem and subjective well-being.
The strength of the entrepreneurial ecosystem is positively related to subjective well-being only in large cities. This result confirms a strong interdependency between the creation of innovative entrepreneurial activities and subjective well-being in large cities. The smart cities QOL dimensions showing higher correlations with the entrepreneurial ecosystem include urban welfare, economic well-being and environmental quality, such as information and communications technology (ICT) and mobility.
Practical implications
Despite the main implications being properly referred to large cities, the governments of smart cities should encourage and promote programs to improve citizens' subjective well-being and to create a conducive entrepreneurship environment.
This study is one of the few contributions focused on the relationship between the entrepreneurial smart city ecosystem and subjective well-being in the urban environment.
Jiannan Wu, Yuqian Yang and Liang Ma
This chapter looks into China's experiences with embracing new steering instruments to promote social stability, with particular reference to the protection of households involved…
This chapter looks into China's experiences with embracing new steering instruments to promote social stability, with particular reference to the protection of households involved in city regeneration projects. During the closing years of the twentieth century, China experienced a fundamental transition, from a planned mode of urban regeneration to a new pattern that emphasised the involvement of the market. Under the planned regime, households affected by regeneration projects were provided with new apartments and temporary housing, all financed by the local government. Economic incentives were rarely employed to encourage households to resettle, as resettlement was seen as a civil obligation. The new approach, featuring marketisation, however, requires the affected households to pay for their new houses using monetary compensation and subsidies from the local governments. The local governments are strongly motivated to save such costs and thus provide limited compensation, and consequently complaints from the affected households have continued to grow (Peerenboom & He, 2009).
The purpose of this paper is to explore the financial habits and experience of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) migrants via a case study of first and second wave…
The purpose of this paper is to explore the financial habits and experience of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) migrants via a case study of first and second wave migrants from the Vietnamese community in Australia.
This paper utilises a qualitative approach through semi-structured interviews. A thematic analysis was adopted when coding the interview data which led to the emergence of identified themes related to financial habits and experience.
The findings reveal that first and second wave migrants shared similar views on seeking professional financial advice, but not on the use of community-based financial schemes. When asked about the potential benefits of attending financial education workshops to inform themselves of financial services, most were unwilling to attend.
Research limitations/implications
Although the research targets first and second wave Vietnamese CALD migrants, no claims can be made regarding the representation of CALD migrants as a whole. The research has implications with respect to the perceived necessity of CALD migrants to utilise mainstream financial services. This paper provides recommendations for future research in this area.
The paper provides one of the few studies of an Australian CALD migrant cohort with respect to financial habits. The paper also provides an understanding of the cultural barriers and challenges facing this specific cohort of the Vietnamese community in Australia with respect to potentially accessing financial services.
Information practices become highly complex in biodiversity citizen science projects due to the projects’ large scale, distributed setting and vast inclusion of participants. This…
Information practices become highly complex in biodiversity citizen science projects due to the projects’ large scale, distributed setting and vast inclusion of participants. This study aims to contribute to knowledge concerning what variations of information practices can be found in biodiversity citizen science and what these practices may mean for the overall collaborative biodiversity data production in such projects.
Fifteen semi-structured interviews were carried out with participants engaged with the Swedish biodiversity citizen science information system Artportalen. The empirical data were analysed through a practice-theoretical lens investigating information practices in general and variations of practices in particular.
The analysis shows that the nexus of biodiversity citizen science information practices consists of observing, identifying, reporting, collecting, curating and validating species as well as decision-making. Information practices vary depending on participants’ technical know-how; knowledge production and learning; and preservation motivations. The study also found that reporting tools and field guides are significant for the formation of information practices. Competition was found to provide data quantity and knowledge growth but may inflict data bias. Finally, a discrepancy between practices of validating and decision-making have been noted, which could be mitigated by involving intermediary participants for mutual understandings of data.
The study places an empirically grounded information practice-theoretical perspective on citizen science participation, extending previous research seeking to model participant activities. Furthermore, the study nuances previous practice-oriented perspectives on citizen science by emphasising variations of practices.
Zhuo Wang, Peiyi Ding, Noel Scott and Yezheng Fan
China is primarily a nonreligious country with less than 10% of people following Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism, or other religions. Two major communication paths, the land…
China is primarily a nonreligious country with less than 10% of people following Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism, or other religions. Two major communication paths, the land and sea Silk Roads, directly affected the distribution and development of Muslim tourism and attractions. The combination of Islam with local custom and culture is a unique feature in China, and contributes to its development as a form of ethnic rather than religious tourism. As a result, research in China focuses on ethnic product development, minority sports and anthropological tourism, themed events, and intangible cultural heritage.
Hui Li and Hang-yue Ngo
The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationships among Chinese traditionality, job attitudes, and job performance. Chinese traditionality, an indigenous cultural…
The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationships among Chinese traditionality, job attitudes, and job performance. Chinese traditionality, an indigenous cultural variable, is expected to enhance employees’ organizational commitment and job satisfaction, which in turn affect their job performance.
Data were collected via employee survey from 399 workers in two large firms in China. The HR department helped the authors to distribute a self-administered questionnaire to the respondents. The authors assured them of confidentiality and protected their anonymity. Multiple regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses.
The results show that Chinese traditionality is positively related to organizational commitment and job satisfaction. The authors also find that the positive effect of Chinese traditionality on employees’ job performance is mediated by organizational commitment, but not by job satisfaction.
Practical implications
Based on the findings, Chinese firms should pay attention to cultural values, which play an important role in affecting employees’ job attitudes and performance.
This study contributes to the literature in two ways. First, it provides evidence about the significant positive effect of Chinese traditionality on organizational commitment and job attitudes. Second, it reveals a key mechanism through which Chinese traditionality enhances employees’ job performance.